Avatar of DocRock


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Its a fun feeling to just sit and think about what to do for responses. The flipside is feeling locked in place, waiting for another to go first on something.
5 yrs ago
You ever take a look at the forum board, not see anything of ready interest, and decide to just go about your day? Figured I'd see if a new game was interesting, nope, ah well.
5 yrs ago
Gonna be in New York this weekend, so if anyone needs me, please contact me via Discord.
5 yrs ago
Writer's block is a pain, but if I happen to owe anyone apost, I'll be working on them tonight, hopefully. Might go surfing, see if any games catch my attention.
1 like
5 yrs ago
The feeling of needing to write content but it being hot as heck despite it being two am is not conductive to writing anything, blargh


I already did an earlier introduction, but this is something one could always see, so let's roll.

Serene is the pen name that I use over on my old G+ account, which if you're able to find the account before the site shuts down, is Serene Selphia, but no fancy url, lol. But to those I'm close enough to, my nickname is Chris, and if I ask you to not use it, its nothing personal, I'm just not ready for that level of friendliness. That isn't to say I'm not a friendly person, just that I can be a bit professional when it comes to stuff. I've been rping since like...2011 I think? If I could find the Minecraft rp forums I started on(yes those were a thing, it was actually full of good rpers, but all good things come to an end of course), I'd have a precise date.

I roleplay a lot of things, well, that was the old system. About four years back, I settled down in a roleplay community on G+ called Temple of Glory, and began to stick to just one character who I kept working on, using other characters as I felt the need. That was my current primary character's father, a character I'll call the Professor for now, as I intend to post a version of his character sheet later. Probably when doing so wouldn't spoil what became of him in a storyline. Anyway, after a point I burned out as him, and switched focus to his daughter, who I use primarily in the old roleplay hub I come from. The Good Doctor, and here, no spoilers, mostly because ahaha, I'm shy about that.

I love a lot of series, but my heart goes out mainly to Rune Factory, Sonic, Mega Man, Metroid, Mario, Pokemon, and Duel Monsters. Especially Rune Factory and Sonic, though lately I've fostered a love for the Nasuverse, Fate Grand Order is a fun time. I love to read a variety of things, and I'm always online unless sleeping, so feel free to drop me a line if you need it. While I'm relatively new to the site here, I'm an rp veteran, and a skilled writer, as you'll see whenever I post the Doctor's current profile.

Ah right, more on me. I'm a college senior presently, I just had my capstone for my history degree wrapped up, and I'm proud of my progress. While I am a loner by nature(I mean my writing often keeps me trapped in my room to meet paper deadlines), I'm still a sociable person, and if you can't reach me here, my Discord is Serene Selphia#1064. So I suppose that's a bit of a spoiler, but to who, I won't say. Just be forewarned, if you ask me about a character of mine, there's a risk I'll write a lot, so make sure you're totally fine with that.

In terms of roleplay, while I do mainly fantasy/science-fiction, I can roll with just about anything(as far as I know), but if I tell you its not working for me, don't take it personally. I'm a fairly detailed writer, and in terms of style, I'm good with both combat and non-combat related narratives, I mean, my current main was built for combat initially, whereas her father is more the sociable type. The most detailed things tend to when I describe the world around, or when writing profiles for characters I adore. Basically, if I'm in tune or really love something, you could get a lot. I once wrote about twenty pages on a google doc in two hours because I loved it so much. Weird flex sure, but you can understand it. I don't look for much in rp partners, so long as you can write me enough that I understand either what you're doing, or what's going on, I'm usually good. I'll generally drop a line if I need more information.

I love learning, so if you ask me about something, and I don't have an answer, I'll gladly take the time to do at least a basic amount of research. And if you're ever stumped for ideas, drop me a line, I'm always glad to help fellow veterans or the newer folk. Heck, at one point for a friend's group I wrote an entire(albeit unused) document full of random plot ideas for the group drawn from throughout film and video games. Point is, if you need someone to talk to, unless I'm in a bad mood, or its a bad time(aka I'm about to go to bed, or in class), I'm always up for at least a quick chat. I do take commissions, so if you want a fanfiction written, give me a holler, or if you just want a custom story about a character of mine, or just ask for them to give their input on something in a non-serious setting. Still debating what to set prices for, or if I work totally free...I mean I should charge something, but anyways, wew, talk about a ramble, eh?

Anyways, that's about it. I'll probably rewrite this as needed.
Restating ways to reach me as needed!
Discord: Serene Selphia#1064
MeWe: Serene Selphia
G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/111951242394737706703/+SereneSelphia

Doc Rock, signing off, stay gold.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah, thanks for the feedback. Agreed on Armstrong, as he was alive when Extra came out.

If I do any of the OCs, no promises they'll be perfectly fine from the getgo, since I've gotta figure out skills for some.

Churchill is fun, he'll probably get a tank if I made him Rider(Due to his connections to the first usage of a tank in warfare). Alan Turing is fun because he's the "actual" father of computers, given Babbage died before he could complete the first modern computer, whereas Alan actually succeeded. Learning more about him in a spyfare class gave me more respect for the man than the recent film already did.

tl;dr: Thanks for feedback, I'll get back to you when I can with a profile. Might just do Armstrong since I can ask my dad for help, as he's ex-NASA(retired recently).
Also forgot someone OC wise

Henry Ford(Caster/Rider)

If adapting CCs from other series were to be permitted, I have other ideas as well, but I'll not say so just yet.
Ngl, being stuck in limbo kinda sucks.

If things on my end don't resolve, dunno what I'll do, tbh. Might make a post as James or Thomas later, so folks can interact with the two.
Considering joining this, but before I do that, would any of the following be deemed acceptable? Asking just so I don't take up anyone's time. I probably won't be submitting anything until Weds, due to a trio of papers slamming into my radar at the same time.

Charles Babbage
James Moriarty(Archer since I don't know what his Caster stats would be)
Thomas Edison(Caster)
Nicolas Tesla

John Watson(Caster)
Winston Churchill(Rider/Caster)
Theodore Roosevelt(Rider)
FDR(Caster/Rider/Archer, I can explain the other classes aside from Caster if needed)
Alan Turing(Caster)
Albert Einstein(Caster/Rider/Archer, same deal with FDR)

ACs(Altered Canon)
Neil Armstrong(Rider)

Well aware I'm listing mostly modern servants, but they're all people I know well enough that I could attempt something. Armstrong is AC since while I'm aware that an astronaut is present in Extra(And gets wrecked by Drake), I'm not sure if they named him or not. Neil Armstrong does however make the most sense as to that Astronaut's TN due to his historical legacy(fight me on it if you like, but as someone with connections to the first Moon Landing, I know a lot about that event). I would have listed other CCs, but I wasn't sure if there was anyone else I could try my hands at.
Oh yeah you're approved, forgot tell you that. Go forth and rp, comrade
I see. Well, I wish you the best on gathering enough players to actually start a game.

I'll be running mine, and really, I hope you can manage a game that works out.
First IC is up!

Simple, unless there's something else you need to add, you're also good to go.

Everyone, information on town/village layout will be included in the Zeroth when I can.
Frontier Village

Time: Morning, End of Winter

Winter is almost at an end, as the frigid season makes its last dying gasps, spring starts to shine through. And with spring around the corner, preparations are well underway across the small trade route stop known simply as Frontier Village. Snow is being cleared off rooftops, orders are being put in for items to be obtained from other towns and cities, work is being done to prepare for the spring influx of tourists and merchants making their way along the Golden Road. Each person has their daily routines, their routes they take. There’s always something to do, and even if someone were to claim they have nothing to do...why that would be a lie of course, there’s just finding that something to do!

Ah but as spring draws close to its first day, there’s more bustle than usual. A few of the locals were already planning to travel to the upcoming trade festival, where people of both the Kingdom of Norad and the Sechs Republic(Along with the other two nations of a more minor note) were to come together and celebrate the arts. However, tragedy has struck, in the form of a natural disaster befalling the site where the tents were to go up, as a sudden uptick in monster spawning has forced the site to be shut down. With the festival delayed an unknown amount of time until the monster infestation, rumored to be quite bad, is cleared out, many of those who intended to go are now stuck in town, and well, tensions are bound to flare. Hopefully no one will take advantage of the ruckus to cause some trouble?

So begins another day in Frontier Village…

James, the Innkeeper

”My, would you look at that, what a shame. I was looking forward to the stories from travelers. I suppose it can’t be helped though, ahaha.” Standing in the village square, James sighed softly, the elder Innkeeper rubbing his chin at the news given to him by the town news board, before turning, shrugging as he did, and walking back down the short distance to his inn. At least those stranded at the village until things at the fairground cleared up would be paying for their rooms, though he’d lowered the prices out of respect for those who were coming through. Innkeeper he may be, he was no highwayman, nay, he cared dearly for his patrons. At least this meant he could do some spring cleaning. Sure, he was getting up in years, but keeping the inn running, combined with a good diet, kept him in shape. Still, part of him was concerned about the infestation news. He hoped it wasn’t a sign of something worse. Hopefully an Earthmate would come through and fix the presumably imbalanced Runes, and go on their way.

Walking up the short steps onto his porch, James moved to the rocking chair he kept just outside, to the left of the two door entrance to his inn, and sat down, taking in his surroundings, the well dressed keeper crossing one leg over the other, starting to rock the oak wood chair back and forth with the other hand. Nothing to do for the moment but enjoy the quiet, before someone else in town lost their head over the news. He was silent now, the only sound that of his chair, rocking back and forth, creaking as it did so, the rustle of fabric as his clothing shifted. Just enjoying the time that an old man like him could get between customers, or shipments.

GM Notes

So begins the first “arc,” Festival Tension. This will be a backdrop tale, unless players decide to directly interact, as it will sort itself out on its own, but of course, you may use it to your advantage. That said, with this up, the rp has begun! Do enjoy yourselves, and feel free to begin your own character story arcs. Bon voyage!


Here's a temporary 24 hour link to the Discord. IC should be up after I get up, if all goes well. School event I'm going to be attending for a bit though, so that may be interesting.
I tried, hope its good
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