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3 yrs ago
Current Does God Pog or does he not Pog?


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I made regalia, a clock, for the Lord of Gold.

Are we able to gain Regalia in the story?
Roheen is accepted!

She is indeed non-human. Origins are something that I have yet to figure out, but I'll handle that sooner or later down the line.

It'll be interesting how Roheen interacts with Suleiman as Roheen is a cold calculating person of little humanity while Suleiman is flamboyant pirate turned adventurer turned king that you can find in a Sunday-night cartoon rerun.

I might also revamp my miracles a bit as I am unsatisfied with its descriptors.

I should be able to get my app out today.
How large are a Godbeast and the city on top?
As for concept -

I’m thinking of someone extremely pragmatic and ruthless in their pursuit of economic exploitation of both labor and resources. No man-hours nor resources shall be wasted on anything that is not related to strategic goals and objectives for the state. It’ll be a top-down system of officials, functionaries, and pencil-pushers doing laborious bureaucratic functions and duties. A labyrinthine nightmare of a system of offices, quotas, administrators, paperwork, and more. Meticulous paperwork on the man-hours and resources used up in a single day of product-production of a certain industry - vital for the extrapolation of overall annual productivity and material balances in input and output.
Please pick a god for our kingdom :)

Smol Myris
Since people are reserving spots. I'll take the Lord of Coin.
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