Avatar of Dolerman


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Steampunk or Cyberpunk decisions, decisions.
4 yrs ago
I've written and published two books before my 30th birthday, I'm happy but I should have started sooner.
4 yrs ago
I stopped RPing for nearly a year because I've been self publishing novels, but maybe I should jump back in again.
6 yrs ago
Stan Lee was able to create superheroes on the pages for us as kids, so we could find the superheroes in ourselves as adults.
6 yrs ago
A local hairdresser was arrested for prostitution last night. I'm shocked. I was a customer of hers for years, and I didn't even know she was a hairdresser.

Most Recent Posts

@ProPro How many slots left? I'm a little late to the party but I have a solid concept.
Streets of Rage-type Character in-coming.
Hey there. Welcome to the thread as well!

I tend to vary with my Roleplaying interests and it also heavily depends on my mood. I'm currently in the mood for a Pokemon plot, but I also lean towards dystopian, apocalypse, survival, and historical plots as well. Romance and smut tends to be hit or miss for me, but I'm pretty open-minded about them. My fandoms are also all over the place though I'm not much for writing with pre-existing settings anyway.

What about yourself?

I'm actually writing a novel in this genre, it's based off of a 1x1 roleplay I'm doing because it had an interesting world. Let me know if I could send you a sample. If this is your kind of genre, you might appreciate it!

I do a lot of genres Sci Fi, Horror, Fantasy, Mecha, Cyberpunk, Sports & Hobbies and Slice of Life. My main passion is worldbuilding though, I love to create expanded universes with many stories, crossovers, locations and lore. Romance AND Smut are apart of any mature story I write mainly because they are normal aspects of life just like talking.
@Drekalba What kind of Roleplays do you tend to do? In terms of genre.

What are they about?

How long have you been working at it?

What do you think about your story stands out?

What are you finding most challenging?
I'm playing Final Fantasy 7 on the switch.

I would say this game hasn't aged well, but then it wasn't aged well in 1997 either.

I normally don't do fandoms but if anyone has played this lovely ninja gem series I'd love to give it a try!
It would be a violent ninja assassin adventure with some romance and politcs thrown in!

I'm open to doing a Rikimaru x Ayame pairing (I can play either)

Or a MxF MxM or FxF with original characters in the Tenchu world!

Looking forward to hearing from you!
@Nitch Oh I also have other ideas, but this was the first one that came to mind.
I have quite a mature idea. It's set in a post apocalyptic universe (original creation of mine with plenty lore) where wars are fought primarily with warplanes. It would be the story of a former ace pilot taking a younger prodigy under his wing and flying raids to save the local population from bandits and enemy factions.

PM if you want to know more about this world.
Sekiro was alright, but we really need a new tenchu game.
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