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3 yrs ago
[at my second rodeo] This ain't my first rodeo.
3 yrs ago
once you learn you can call your dad by his first name he loses all power and you can freely kill him
4 yrs ago
they should change the name of the 'most recent visitors' thing on ur profile to 'perverts'
7 yrs ago
If your grave doesn't say "Rest in peace" on it you are automatically drafted into the skeleton wars


BORN TO DIE / WORLD IS A FUCK / 鬼神 Kill Em All 1989 / I am dragMan / 410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS


what is yourre favorite tea? i like all kinds

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@Lexicon Yeah
@Lexicon It's around 5 I'd say? Kinda hard to tell honestly but I guessed on account of Red's store being open and Chupa's van maybe one works late and the other opens early or both or not etc. So I'd imagine it'd be a bit lighter out now but beyond that I can't imagine the sun would be breaking through
@Lexicon You weren't kidding about the length lol. I'll try get a response up either tomorrow or the day after that.

I'm hoping to write up who is actually on the council so that people don't need to be so vague talking about them. My intent is to make a CS for one of them as my secondary character though I may or may not have other stuff that might make that a bit of a pain, I'll kinda look at how things are so that I don't risk holding anything up
*Crashes through wall*


Interest expressed
So, I rather enjoy music! I also like looking at this rp as though it's akin to a television show, to that end I decided to kind of put into a playlist what I figure the "soundtrack" would be. I considered, since this is set in the eighties, there'd be some synth elements to it and other genres (That said, this playlist is hardly authentic, which I'm kind of annoyed by, but the songs I picked I felt set the tone and aesthetic) I also kind of approached this from the angle of someone just listening to the radio as everything in Taletown unfolds behind him so maybe things may be a bit lopsided idk. So if you wanna listen while writing, driving, making a sandwich then please do and I hope you enjoy.

If you think something sounds out of place or have a request then by all means tell me


@Lexicon hmmm, you make a good point. I'll leave it a day or two and if I don't see 'em check the thread I'll do a quick mention just to be safe
@Drag Great to see you again, Drag. I'll start hacking away at a post and should have it up in a few days. Rebecca definitely isn't going to like being strong-armed, but she likes Crier. Hmmm...I shall ponder this.

EDIT: Also, how much would Rebecca reasonably know about the Hundred Acre apartments? Do I have free rein to create some of the complex's inhabitants?

I'd say that's fine, though preferably the more obscure the better, that way there's less of a risk of someone taking that Tale later on in the off chance.

And Crier doesn't like Rebecca yet isn't exactly well liked by any other information broker, oh what a wonderful pair eh?~
@DragYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! *Tackle hugs* glad to have you here Drag. This is gonna be wonderful :)

I have CLAWED my way out of college and into the shiny skies of summer, whilst I'm looking for a job currently there should hopefully be no more long delays on my end from here on in, sorry about that folks

'Someone knows...'

James looked around the coffee shop and while he didn't care for its owner he allowed himself to silently admit it was fairly tasteful, though somehow that made it even more sinister. His complementary (as far as Crier would go anyhow) thoughts were interrupted by 'Rebecca' saying something and gesturing towards a nearby table.

"You look like shit, by the way. Can I get you something? Coffee? Food, perhaps?"

James didn't respond, he wasn't much for small talk as is but whilst he was certain Terror already knew how the Boy Who Cried Wolf felt about her he preferred to make that abundantly clear regardless. Still, he ran a hand through his hair, he hadn't slept for a while but surely he wasn't that bad. Crier made a mental note to check if his eyes were bloodshot as he and Rebecca walked over to a small coffee table with two adjacent chairs, rather than take a seat though James simply rested his hands atop one of the chairs and leaned on it, cigarette resting between his fingers.

"As I'm sure you don't need me to inform you, somebody's dead. Luckily for you I'm not one to point the finger at whoever I think is the most dangerous and say they did it, I doubt you had anything to do with it, as of right now. But I want you to tell me everything you know about the Hundred Acre Complex, if you know of specific occupants then that's preferable, the Innkeeper didn't seem to know who he was..."

James trailed off, why would the owner of a small complex not know a thing about the residents? It was a shithole yes but he'd see the majority of them in his daily life, even with the ledger destroyed there must have been something he could have given to go off of. James suddenly shook his head, now wasn't the time to start considering everything about the case, he looked back at Rebecca, his colourless gray eyes meeting her vibrant green ones.

"After this, you and I are done. No more deals, no more exchanges. For this case however I will get whoever did this. So, against my better judgement. You help me, I'll help you. If you think the council aren't already pointing fingers, you're wrong, they want to wrap this thing up in a neat little bow nice and quick, so they're pressuring me to take in either you or a member of Gingie's gang of merry men, like I said, the profile here doesn't fit you. So long as you funnel me information pertaining to this case, no matter how seemingly mundane, I'll keep from listing you as a suspect. But after this is over, nothing more."

James reached into his pocket and placed a small slip of paper on the table, tapping it for emphasis.

"Call me on that number, if I don't answer then leave a tip to The Homeland's desk. Now, The Hundered Acre Apartments..."

James waited to hear Rebecca's information, he was already prepped to deal with a sarcastic quip but so long as she told him what he needed to know he'd be satisfied. He didn't doubt that Rebecca knew more than he did but on a rundown apartment building? He wasn't holding his breath but he may learn something useful with any luck. Hopefully his new "partner" would come up with something more helpful later.
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