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8 yrs ago
Current @Lady Amalthea, does that mean every post is a Horocrux?


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Alright Nal, since it's just you and me now I'm going to briefly put things on hold (maybe a couple days at most). From this point forward we can basically throw out all the rules since it's just us.

If you have any suggestions/comments/whatever go ahead and fire away.

Location: Zoie's House

"So yeah, entirely your idea."

"Dress actually, assuming that you can procure something for me by tonight. It'd be nice to get all prettied up for once."
The suit or dress question took Mali by surprise for a second. But it did make sense, she was fairly masculine in mannerism and dress, so it'd be easy to assume that she would simply prefer to wear a suit. That said, one doesn't get into bodybuilding and not care about their looks, and even though she'd be loathe to admit it, a big reason for choosing dress over suit is that she'd be able to show off her body. A suit would just cover all her hard work up.

"So is there anything you want me to do while at this party? Just schmooze everyone up? Sit there and act pretty? Create a wild cover story to cover your ass?" Mali wasn't exactly familiar with big fancy fundraising parties. She was pretty sure you either had to be rich or a politician for that to be the case. But it wasn't like she was some hoodrat or country bumpkin who'd never heard of a black tie event. As long as she wasn't asked to do anything too involved, she was pretty sure she'd be able to bullshit her way through any boring dinner. Hopefully.

Location: Crossed Swords Tavern
Interacting with:Thomas

"And we wouldn't want those poor wee bugs tae get all stressed when yer gonna kill em for their organs. Maybe ye should read em a bedtime story and tuck em in so they don't get scary dreams while you're at it." They were insects that were needed for parts, not a pet, beast of burden or wild animal that looked hungry. All those things are creatures you should be worried about being stressed to varying degrees. As long as the glands or whatever weren't disrupted the state of the rest of the bug wasn't all that important. Fucking mages.

"About bloody time. Let's get a move on." Nor pushed himself off from the wall to head outside. In his peripheral vision he noticed the half-breed follow along outside.

He decided against bringing his shield for this particular trip. It would be safe enough in the cart with Dorka, and since as far as he knew he wasn't bringing that along, it would be too much of a hassle for comparatively little gain. If there was any sneaking to be done, he was clinking and clanking enough as it was and a shield would only disadvantage him further. He'd just have to rely on his not quite bare hands and big-ass knife to get by in any combat scenarios that were liable to occur.
@ApollosarcherUse the recoil of your big-ass weapons to rocket yourself backwards through space. I may not have done any math to see if this would work, but I'm sure it would only end well.

Location: Zoie's House

"You say 'we,' but I'm pretty sure me acting as a cover story was entirely your idea. Unless you (Marc) had a hand in this." Which was doubtful, considering that Zoie implied she didn't really tell Marc all that much about what her plans were, at least as far as the short term went. Mali crossed her arms (which was kind of awkward given the bulk of her cast and her arms) and leaned back in the chair.

"And if this is the case, I don't really see what your hold up is. If she's not suspicious, then now's the best time to try something like this. Is there something else here I don't know about? Or did you just join up with Juno and then decided not take advantage of being on the 'inside?' What, were you just hoping that you'd just find somebody else to do all the legwork for you? Yeah it's a risk, but from what I can tell, this entire harebrained scheme is just a series of gambles stacked on top of each other." Mali still wasn't convinced that Zatara would have anything on this case, even with Relic's insistence, but she wouldn't push it anymore than she already had. She could spot a brick wall in a conversation.

Idly, Mali wondered why Valentine would go to the lengths of going to court for putting a kid up for adoption. If you're supposed to be some unperson, surely there would be quieter ways of doing this than simply relying on your friends to erase your existence in the system. Maybe she was just making unrealistic assumptions. When it came down to it, she didn't know how powerful Juno truly was. This might just be the most cost effective manner of doing things.
Smart ass, doesn't like partners,

The only partner he has eyes for is Cecily.

Harry Kingsfield

Red Lake Police Department

Seemed that the sheriff didn't quite care for Harry. It didn't really matter so long as they were able to work together without issue. The sheriff could think of him as scum of the Earth for all he cared. As he passed by Je(a)nna, he took note of the younger woman. She looked too young to be an officer, but her body language indicated that she belonged here. Perhaps a younger sibling of another officer? Maybe she's older than she looks. Whatever, a minor distraction from business.

"Kingsfield, Harry." Harry remained standing. If all went well, he wouldn't be spending much time here, and if he sat down, it would be a real bother to have to stand up.

"I've been hired by the Walker couple to investigate the disappearance of their daughter. I was hoping that you would be willing to share any evidence or leads you had. If I find anything that would benefit The Force during my own investigation I'd inform you, naturally." All information that Bradley already knew, or could figure out with even a second of thought, but it was worth stating anyway. Hopefully with this he could get what he needed, get dealing with the FBI agent out of the way and go about his day.
July 29th, 2371
Royal Family ETA: 24 Hours

The longer one walked on the street, the more peculiarities seemed to spring up in the peripherals of their vision. But the moment the eyes fixated upon them, they would vanish. The long shadows of the evening carried phantom malevolence that seeped deep into the crevices of mind. In those dark pits of the subconscious, paranoia took root and bloomed. Regardless of danger real or imagined, the imperative to remove oneself from the open streets as quickly as possible was one not readily dismissed.

@Lady Amalthea Sunie was on her way for a bite to eat, but where was she actually going? There were plenty of restaurants in the area; none were particularly large and more than a couple were of ill repute, but there was definitely a spectrum of tastes and prices available in the immediate vicinity. The uncertainty that loomed over the streets didn't affect those protected by the glass walls. Peril existed on the outside, but in their fortresses of brick business reigned evermore.

@Nallore Armed with a new phone, Anthony sought to brave the elements. He still had another 5 hours left before the scheduled meeting was to occur, but it took no fortune teller to foretell that the date was likely to never come to pass. Perhaps it would be best to retreat to the apartment and wait out the coming storm. However, from direct observation, very few spared more than the briefest consideration for his existence. Maybe the ire of the masses would pass over him, as if he were marked with the blood of a lamb. Or perhaps there could be a place that would not get caught up in the impending disaster.
@Infamous AurorIf you're making a vampire, just be a guy who works overnights at a gas station. Or something. Given the way the modern world works, being active only at night is a lot easier to get away with.
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