Avatar of drewccapp
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    1. drewccapp 10 yrs ago


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Current Rocking out to Within Temptation Pandora Station and writing my novel.
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Experiencing that feeling when absolutely no game is satisfying to play and all you do is watch videos on youtube and streams on twitch -.- I feel so unproductive.
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Revising the wonders of a horribly inefficient murderer with a horribly inefficient weapon.
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That feeling when Fallout 4 pre-load :3 3 days!


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"She most probably doesn't care a lick about helping at the moment," said the fox. She grinned a little, though, and tilted her furry head at Arthur. "Because she don't know you just yet. How's she goin' ta know she wants ta help you if she don't know you? A stranger don't have any responsibility to see you home -- but a friend! Ah, a friend will go to the ends of the world to get you back to your own soft bed. How're you intendin' to go home without makin' a few friends on the way? It's a long way to go just by your lonesome." She poked her nose a little closer to the boy. "The gold lady is lonesome too, I've heard."

Arthur fidgeted as he listened to the fox speak. What she said made sense, but how could he make friends with the gold lady? His only friend was Tyrone. However, if he was to get out of here, he would have to find out how.

He shuffled his feet and stared at the ground. "How can I be friends with the gold lady? How do I even meet her?"

Arthur paced around a bit and then stopped in front of the house. He looked at it truly for the first time. He stared at the turnkey on the robot's back curious about what might happen if he turned that key. He then noticed some movement at the window. A set of eyes peeked out cautiously through the blinds. They looked just as scared as Arthur felt. He was not sure what to do, and as a result he just stared at them with a slightly dumbfounded expression.
In Lantern 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm in!
The fox's ear twitched, and she turned her head with round brown eyes searching him, confused. "Well, right, we'd all like to go home little friend."

If that was meant to comfort Arthur in some way it failed. He hugged himself wishing he had Tyrone. Tyrone always made him comfortable. The fact that he was not the only one lost made him even sadder. He wondered just how many others were lost.

"Where's home fer you? What's home like? We can't really help you get someplace we don't know what or where it is."

Arthur sniffed and wiped his face. He glanced back and forth between the fox and the ground at his feet. "Home is in New Hampshire at Mommy's place. We have a nice house on a hill at the end of my street. Mommy must miss me really bad. I'm always with her. The other Mommies don't like my Mommy. I don't know why. She loves me and takes care of me and keeps me safe. She gave me Tyrone for my birthday! He's a dinosaur. I like dinosaurs. They're cool. I want to be a dinosaur when I grow up, so I'm not scared of anything anymore."

He shut his mouth and blushed embarrassed at his excitement.

Her ears twitched again thoughtfully -- and finally with a small hop she skittered to the edge of the tower and peeked over it toward the water. "You arrived down there, right? In the lab. Did you see a cat?" She grinned a little and turned again to face him.

Arthur winced and nodded. He murmured. "I don't like cats."

"Sshh, sshh. I can help you go home -- but there's only one way that I know. Will you listen? Will ya take what I say seriously now?" Her voice fell to a hush, secretive and trusting. "There's a lady in a gold dress, inside the tower. She can send you home."

Hope erupted in Arthur's heart. There was a way out? Then worry instantly washed it away. "What if she doesn't want to help?"
"Visitors don't usually come up this way, y'know," the fox called over the wind. Far below, the cruise ship was letting off its final passengers. "Too fat to try the climb, I'd wager. Ha! You'll be the first in a long while."

Arthur's heart sank as soon as he heard those words. That meant those scary monsters were going to be here, right? This dream was already bad enough. All he wanted to do was avoid making it into a nightmare. He did not want to upset the fox, so he kept his lips sealed, but his expression became worried.

As they reached the top and pulled away from the edge of the cliff a safe distance Arthur stiffly got off the fox and wobbled wearily. After everything he had gone through it was not that surprising he was tired. Climbing the cliff seriously took more effort than he could have imagined. Wait... why did he feel tired in a dream?

He flopped onto his back and stared up towards the sky. He did not want to accept that this was not a dream. He wanted to deny it above everything. He just wanted to be home. He sniffed unhappily.

"I want to go home."

He sat up after a short while wincing in pain and looked at the fox. "How do I get back home?" He did not care about this Dooa unless they could help him go home.
@Spanner@BurningDaisies@GrafRoy Zeppeli

As they struck the deal and made their way back outside and to the outskirts of the village, Vander had some time to cool down. He felt glad that things never escalated to a point where a violent outburst happened. It was clear that Vrymain's temper could result in a breakdown in the group's efficiency and teamwork, and Cain's high-and-mighty attitude left him uneasy. He felt the need to figure a way to resolve any issues between the members of the group, himself included, so they could survive together in this new world.

He found the interaction between Tania and Lena more than amusing. He was fairly surprised when Lena produced a jar and then swiftly put Tania in a time out. He imagined their antics might be enough to break some of the tension within the team.

"Perhaps we can handle both?" Vander suggested. "I prefer starting by dealing with the Fae before managing the Wendigo situation. Although, I could just as easily scout out each situation before we come to a decision." He looked at Cain and Vyrmain with an inquisitive expression. "What do you two prefer?"

I am cool with a bit of railroading. I get the sense that if we stay in the lodge for much longer it may end up being kindling for a large fire :|
@GrafRoy Zeppeli @BurningDaisies @Rune_Alchemist @Spanner

Vander frowned at the sketchy deal that had just been struck. How in the hell were they going to pay if the currency they held was the incorrect kind? As far as covering for the butler that did not settle well with him. The lizard ought to be able to pay for himself. Especially with an attitude like that. He certainly wished this NPC remained silent, at least Lena was pleasant to be around.

He faced Cain with a slight glower. [b]"What in the hell does it matter? It's not like they actually care where we're from and it's certainly going to be made obvious anyways with how we act as we adjust to our new surroundings. We're going to have to earn our way up regardless I imagine despite anything I have to say for the matter, and if we don't have a way to prove our worth here then the only other way will be through missions. I said nothing that causes us any harm or disadvantage."

He had no interest in any intrigue and none of what he said put them at any real disadvantage. As far as the spirit of cooperation was concerned giving them that much information could only help them in the long run. He certainly felt Cain's haughtiness was more of a disadvantage to them than anything. Superior or not, those that assume they are better than others always get eaten by a bigger fish in the end.

At least the mission restriction had been waived. This would be a fair opportunity to prove themselves in spite of how leery he was of the sketchiness of the deal.
@Rune_Alchemist@Spanner@GrafRoy Zeppeli@BurningDaisies

Vander frowned. Of course they would have some system to keep track of rankings of adventurers. Of course there would be some sort of obstacle to overcome in regards to quest acquisition. Lena made a good point overall though. Dangerous beasts and foes would still have to be overcome regardless. He saw no point in lying though as they were not members of the guild.

"You have your rules," he stated neutrally. "I understand. We... are not from this part of the world. Where we're from has different rules as far as adventurers go and a different system to keep track." He glanced around the building. "You don't seem to be with much for options at the moment, and I'm certain you'll find us at a much higher level than simply silver." He grinned finding the thought more than amusing. "Have you any system to test our talents here? I don't expect you to take us on faith, and I'm more than happy to put my money where my mouth is."

He found himself more than eager to get into a combat scenario. Anything to compare his skills to anything of this world. He instinctively felt himself fall into a semi-combative posture. An excited gleam in his eyes.
In Lantern 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Are things shiny? We miss you! I miss my PC nemesis! :P
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