Avatar of DrTwit
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    1. DrTwit 6 yrs ago


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@Agent 47 I doubt you could find a ship for Daedalus

Brooding Steel!
on the subject of working together I think it's time to start intensely shipping characters together

I would say that it would be too soon to start shipping, but then I remember that this is RWBY; a wave would set off the shipping community

Interacting:@Shadow Daedalus

Aeschel did not smash into a tree. Nobody heard him smash into a tree. No one saw him smash into a tree. So, he did not smash into a tree. As far as everyone else knew, he landed like a smooth badass, quipped a dumb pun and slid on out of there. Well, that's what he told himself as he got to his feet, grunting out fake chuckles as he praised his aura's defenses. "No time for slacking" He told him, pushing on past the tree and into the sea of rough wood ahead. "Ozpin didn't mention a time limit, but I can't keep my future partner and team wait for their last member, can I?"

The trees were tall and thick, leaving little room to navigate through with flushing bushes that obstructed most of the view; the road ahead was not a suitable one. He needed to get to higher ground. "Squirrel powers activate, or something..." His foot nestled between the base of the nearest tree, that initial force of pushing himself upwards gave him an easy headstart on climbing the tall tree, the act of scaling up the rough surface coming as second nature for him. Soon, he reached the branch layer of the tree, his climbing now feeling more like walking up steps or a ladder, though looking down he found himself thankful that he didn't fear heights.

His mind played out trains of logic in front of him. From the high ground, he'd be able to more easily spot any notable landmarks and head in that direction, putting him on the right path. This elevated trail also forged a new path he could take through the trees, an approach that made him much less noticeable, his bushy tail mostly blending in as a color of the natural surroundings. Thus he could easily get the drop on most Grimm, and his would-be partner. As he moved between trees, hopping from branch to branch, his sword at the ready in case any tree-based creepy crawlers came out of the woodwork, he mused to himself about partners.

"I think I could fight well with Cinna. Unless she's gone down a drastically different path when it comes to how she uses her lance, my bow and dust effects could work in tandem with her lance fighting style" He recalled that he did think he had heard someone landing nearby before his unfortunate meeting with the tree. "Personality-wise, I think I could get along with Aqua and Kolbat" As he moved on, his ears began to perk up, he could definitely hear someone close by; didn't sound like Grimm. "Only one of them that I'm unsure about is Xinyue, I feel like with her personality so far, I'd make for a poor counterbalance and slow her down..." He kept to his sheltered path, rationalizing in his mind that if someone really was nearby, he needed to make a good first impression, plan out a cool look entrance that would knock their socks off. It would be a big hinderance to his team mates if he and his partner started off disliking one another.

A flip? Fire and arrow and slide in? Cool guys don't look at explosions? He needed to work on this...

@DrTwit pretty much, yeah

How are these two ever gonna work together? :D
@DrTwit I'm so adding that in

Daedalus: I sense failure in the distance... Better get the fuck out of her before I'm stuck with it
@DrTwit I feel like I need to add a cold shiver to Daedalus's reaction as a bad omen

I wonder if he was close enough to hear Aeschel slamming into that tree
How'd you all like Aeschel's landing strategy? :D

"The floor may look uncomfortable, but it's actually quite well maintained..." Aeschel mused, though perhaps he was biased for sleeping on a mat. "Either way, leaning on a wall will just create a creak in your neck; much worse than sleeping on a rough floor" He closed his notebook and slipped it back into his bag, noting that everyone else in the hall seemed to be getting ready to sleep, might as well join them. "There's nothing abnormal about my height" He crossed his arms as he replied to Aqua, before moving on with setting up for bed. Biggest obstacle, his tail, he had to roughly yank it out from under himself so that it curled up at his side with a grunt of effort. On some nights, his tail could be a magnificently soft pillow, but on most nights, it was a pain taking up space.

"You guys wanna be hunters, right?"

Aeschel scoffed indignantly. "No, I came to Beacon to be a janitor..." It took a few seconds of awkward silence for Aeschel to realize that he had muttered that thought out loud. "...Did I say that out loud? Sorry!" He immediately turned to his side, trying to hide his face in the mat, hoping for sleep to take him before he let anything else slip out of his mouth.

Once more the proceedings in the morning past by rather quickly, almost a blur of motion and activity and panic. After he was ripped from the world of dreams, jumping to his feet before his brain could even register that he was awake. He stole glances at the people around him, not exactly sure if any of these people were a morning person or would get the wrong idea. He blinked. Before he could even yawn, he found himself in a shower, banging his tail against the wall to beat out any grime he might have caught in the night. Another blink and he was rushing out of the changing rooms, still halfway through pulling his shirt on as he got in line for breakfast, hoping to get this done with as quickly as possible so he could check over his weapon and ammo for the fifty-second time. Though for a moment in between shoving eggs and bacon down his gullet, he did get a flash of embarrassment at essentially flashing passers-by for a minute; oh god, were those people he heard giggling laughing at him?

He didn't have time to look out for any familiar faces in the room, he probably wouldn't have even noticed if anyone sat next to him, for after another blink he was at his locket. In one hand he cradled his Twin Babylon, the other pulled specially crafted arrows, noticeably missing arrowheads, and slotting them in the quiver that hung on his shoulder while clipping a strap carrying arrowheads to his undershirt, protected by his outer jacket. "Time to show them what you're made of... That you deserve to be here" He muttered to himself, turning to march out the door.

On the way to the initiation grounds, he saw plenty of familiar faces, maybe even traded a few words with them, a few awkward misunderstandings and some laughs. But his mind remained focused on what was ahead, his body preparing itself for what came next.Would it be a test of strength and skill against one another? Would he be forced to fight with or against the pleasant people he just met? Bring it on, Beacon. You better look out, because here comes Aeschel

"Oh, and when I said a few minutes, I meant ten seconds ago."

You did that on purpose, you PRIIIII- Aeschel was not prepared to be launched through the air, over a dense forest of thick trees and deadly creatures, but he had to adapt quickly. A Huntsman adapts, that's how they survive. And he was gonna be a Huntsman, damn it! "First person, I make eye contact with? Well, that won't matter if I'm putty by the time I reach the ground" He had ten seconds, enough time to formulate and execute a plan of action.

He needed to land. Safely.

The area had some workable surface materials that could soften the landing, but they weren't where his body was headed.

He had to make his own.


He had dust, he could use that.

Take out his bow, notch an ice dust-tipped arrow.

Where would he land?

It wasn't the easiest shot, the wind resistance would be a problem.

The arrow would land beneath him.

Teleporting was an option, but an inch too far...

He had to do it.

At the ninth second, Aeschel unveiled his bow, the small container extending as the blades of each end shot out, curving to form the bow as a metal string shot out of the tip to act as the bowstring. Quickly, he attached a blue arrowhead to his arrow, notched the arrow under the bowstring and fired. He saw flickers of blue as the arrow feel and exploded under him, coating a rocky landing patch in an icy make-shift ramp. Amber eyes clamped themselves shut, every molecule of his body began to vibrate, to twist, to flicker, all adding up to a tickling sensation that left him nauseous. When his eyes finally opened, the surrounding trees and mountains had only grown larger, his body now flying through a thicket of wood and green, a patch of blue directly in front of him.

His feet hit to ice patch at just the right angle, allowing him to smoothly skate his way down the ramp with relative ease. "Ha! It's working!" He switched his bow back to sword mode, the blades straightening to a more traditional sword look, allowing him to stab them into the ground, causing friction and slowing down his momentum. Smooth sailing from here.

Aha! Yes! I did it! Oh, Aeschel, you're such a smooth criminal for that magnificent landing. It was cool, cool as ic-

And then there was a tree.


@Agent 47 I love how the best thing Aqua can say about Aeschel is that he's not the worst option :D
Aeschel's landing strategy will be extra... Cool ;]
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