Avatar of EasilyAmused


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current It's good to be back, can't wait to get back into role playing.
1 yr ago
You don't need to lurk, you can message me :)
1 yr ago
Wow it's been 4 years, far too long. If anyone's interested in RPing please let me know.
6 yrs ago
Been super sick and super busy 😥 getting better though!
6 yrs ago
Super super sick 😭


  • Getting towards the older end of the spectrum, over 18 so no worries.
  • Been writing since I was twelve years old.

  • One Main Character against One Main Character. NPCs shares or not shared are always welcome! But preferred is one Main.
  • [*]Fade to Black is preferred[/color]
  • Male and Female characters galore! I got over the ‘I only play the gender I am’ a LONG time ago and it has broaden my horizons so much; I cannot recommend doing this enough! If you’re stuck on ‘how’, PM me and I’ll gladly give you tips.
  • Real life is a busy life – possible delays, always available for OOC chats though!
  • [/list]

    • 3+ paragraphs regularly, 2 on a bad day.
    • Role Play in 3rd person.
    • Past tense is the style I prefer.
    • Threads please

    Lists of Role Play Requests and Ideas!
    Random Ideas!
    Character Sheets!
    Click here for Tips, Tricks and Personal Growth, please add your own!

    Male Example #1: Not Your Average Butler
    Female Example #1: Spider-Man: Childhood Friends
    Male Example #2: Harry Potter: The Foreign Exchange Student
    Female Example #2: Inside the Hidden Leaf Village.

    Most Recent Posts

    A small laugh left him at her statement, “Geez, talk about knocking down a man’s ego; and here I am dressed in my best clothes to see you.” The tone to his voice was completely playful and sarcastic as he gestured towards his clothes which were nothing fancy and it was nothing lazy either.

    Her mention of the nap made him run his large hand across the back of his neck. A nap sounded amazing but he had a job to do and she wasn’t going to bed any time soon. The idea to make a joke of them napping together crossed his mind and his gaze shifted quickly up to Lucia before he thought better of it. Nah, better not. Sadly, he was so tired he was processing any ideas of how he could take a nap, her laundry would take a while but since she couldn’t do laundry in her house, she had to leave and she couldn’t leave by herself.

    Then… he heard her question about Serge. A smile moved across his face, “That’s it!” He sprang to his feet and collected her bags of laundry. Despite his smaller frame he was able to pick up all the bags in his arms before turning to her. “Get your keys, we’re going to go do your laundry and get me a nap.” It wasn’t long before they were downstairs and in the parking garage. Elias had a different car compared to Serge’s SUV, he had a white 2018 BMW M2 which truck popped open as they got close. Dropping the bags inside he closed the lid and walked around the car pulling the passenger’s door open. “Hop on in.”

    With that he shut the door once she was in and buckled and went around to the driver’s side. Inside he explained about the heated seats if she wanted it before he started to drive. “Don’t worry, I know the best place for you to do your laundry.” A smirk moved across his face as he started to drive… right out of the main town.

    After around a 15 minute drive, they were in one of the suburbs of the city and pulling into a gated driveway. Rolling down the window, Elias stuck an arm out and typed in a seven digit code before the gate opened and allowed them inside. The house had a welcoming feel to it as they approached and it wasn’t long before Elias parked in the driveway and got out. “Come on.”

    He led the way to the door and didn’t even knock; he opened the door only to call out “Lucy I’m home!” His voice echoed through the house before a muffled deep voice of ‘What!?’ echoed followed by a pitter patter of little feet.

    Around the corner from what looked like an opening leading into a kitchen area flew a blonde haired girl in a pair of blue jeans and a soft fluffy red sweater. “Uncle Elias!” The blonde exclaimed as she jumped into the awaiting arms of the man who spun her around in a hug before she was placed on the ground. Her big blue eyes turned upwards, “Hi, I’m Eve.” She said politely, “Who are you?” The five year old could only be described as adorable as she stared up at Lucia smiling brightly.

    “Elias what the hell?” From the same direction that Eve had come from emerged Serge in an apron.

    “Hey boss, she needs to do laundry and I’m on 48 hours of no sleep so I need a nap. And she can’t be left unguarded so just let her do some laundry here, when she’s done I’ll take her back to her house. Okay?”

    “Okay!” Eve responded before reaching out and taking Lucia’s hand with her two small hands. “Can I help with your laundry? Daddy taught me how to organize and do mine, I’m really good at it! Aren’t I daddy?” She said as she turned her attention to Serge.

    A small smile moved across his face, a gentle closed lipped smile towards the young girl, “Yes honey, you’re very good at measuring the amount, making sure not to get the washing machine too full and separating your colors.” As the blonde beamed back at him and Elias took his opportunity to dash off to one of the guest rooms, the blonde haired man run a large hand through his hair, “Um… welcome to my home Lu, his is my daughter Evelyn, Eve for short. We were just about to have lunch, do you want to join us before you start your laundry?”

    “Daddy makes the best food!” Eve proclaimed as she gave Lu a gentle pull. “Come eat with us.”

    Race: Human
    Alias: Cass
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Height: 170.68cm – 5’6”
    Weight: 61.24cm – 135 pounds
    Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
    Eye Color: Sea Foam Green/Blue

    Traditionally a loud mouth person, she’s not one to ever keep her opinions to herself and sometimes - a lot of the time - it gets her into trouble. She’s always someone to speak her mind and put people in her place. Standing up for the little guy comes naturally to her as she has always found pride in protecting the little guy and has never been afraid to get into a fight. After being clocked in the chin a few times, she learned out to fight back and developed her skills. Despite that she was raised to be a lady so her skills relate to both fighting and flaunting. Generally she’s a kind person willing to help with a smartass attitude and people are quick to learn she’s not just a pretty face.

    Cassandra spent her life growing up within the confines of the noble life. Parties with other rich people, dresses that were way too tight, discussion of marriage before she could even comprehend the idea of a relationship, proper manners, elegant handwriting, and painting/musical skills were things she was taught from a young age. That is until she built a friendship with one of the servant’s child and snuck out at the age of 11. That was her first introduction to the real world, dressed in rags and sneaking through alley ways the strawberry blonde girl was invited into a life of danger and adventure and she had craved it ever sense.

    As often as she could, Cass snuck out of her parents’ manor, dodging the guards and disappearing into the night in her rags to experience life outside of her draining walls. Her high ranking noble father would lose his mind that his only child and his own daughter who resembled her passed away mother so much snuck out as often as she did. But that never stopped her from drinking and partying with the locals. She doesn’t hold many real world skills except those she could convince the maids to teacher her and they’ve been enough to get by.

    However coming to her 21st birthday, the discussion of marriage has become a serious one and nothing seems to scare her more than that. Her father wants to marry her to a nobleman’s son whom she’s never met and is pretty sure doesn’t have the desire to travel and be free like she does; but the dowry was too good for her father to pass up.

    In order to find her own freedom she must buy it from her father, and to her complete surprise she found a detailed book and a map to some treasure but talking to most of the locals at the ship yard think it’s a fool’s errand and refused to take her knowing who her father was. So, sick of trying to find someone, she chose a ship; snuck on board and hide inside of a barrel in hopes to at least get somewhere else where no one knows her and she could inquire further. That and being further away from her controlling father just sounded like a relief.

    • Cleaning
    • Cooking
    • Hand to hand fighting – Basically she’s good at dodging and has a mean right hook
    • Education – Reading and speaking 5 different languages

    Just thought I'd take advantage of some free time to start a thread!
    The ashy-blue haired girl rolled her eyes rather dramatically when he invited her to stick around to learn more about who was behind the bad boy persona. “How about instead of being a ‘persona’ you just be yourself hotshot?” Was her response as she took a drink of the scotch. Sure, it was an eight thousand dollar bottle of alcohol but Crystal was worth more than money could buy. Then again this was damn good scotch.

    Don’t move, don’t move, don’t move, don’t move… was the mantra that went through her head as she held perfectly still. Deep down inside, she had hoped… prayed that Jack wouldn’t notice her. But alas, he approached her and praised how pretty she looked. Her face flushed a deep shade of red and her gaze turned downwards looking at her shoes. Her toe poked gently at the hard wood beneath her feet, “Probably an annoying blue haired girl and a loud mouth ‘bad boy’.” Even the tone in her voice said she used bad boy in quotes. Her hazel gaze moved upwards to look up at Jack and gave him a small smile. “I don’t know why I let Crystal talk me into going out but I’m glad I’m here. Congratulations on your album…”

    Her words were cut off by the sound of Robert’s words and her attention turned to him, along with the rest of the crowd. Out of the corner of her eye, Crystal cheered the drink in her hand towards Robert, obviously she knew what he was doing and Addie… well not so much.

    The chants of Dance with her… which she’s pretty sure began from Crystal (damn her) echoed around them. Her gaze shifted up to Jack who seemed to be as red as she was. How can he be so embarrassed when he’s almost always the center of attention of things? A small laugh left her as she gently took his hand, “If it will get them to shut up let’s just get this over with.” Her voice was kind and gentle despite her word choice but the sooner they danced the sooner people would go on with their night.

    Taking him to the dance floor she placed a hand within his and one on his shoulder.

    Crystal went to Robert’s side as he came down from the DJ booth as he received his drink. Clinking the glass she had in her hand against his, she smirked. “Good call hotshot. But don’t push them too hard, their faces might explode.”
    There was a look of pure shock across Dexter’s face when his name was called. Really? Him? Why?! His gaze turned to the countertop below him as he stared it down, his face crunched together in thought, attempting to process what was happening in this moment. Him? The dangerous fist fighter getting a chance to become an S-Class wizard while someone as skilled as Dawn doesn’t get the chance?

    Dexter muttered something that sounded like a thank you before he got to his feet and went upstairs without giving her much of a word before he disappeared.

    There was a lot of shouting and a few sounds of thumping before Dexter came back down and sat down in the seat, he had a nice shiner on his right away and he waved down Mira, “Steak please, raw.” He said before gesturing to his eye and picking up the beer. Downing it roughly, he slammed it back down on the counter top and muttered under his breathe, “I’m sorry Dawn…” His voice seemed gentle and sincere as he tossed a fry into his mouth.

    “I… I tried to convince the Master to give my spot to you but he said the choice is absolute; he even said he wouldn’t let me drop out and that he’d drag me to the island himself…” Yes, Dexter had went to the Guild Master and requested – demanded with attempted force- to have his spot given to Dawn. She was much more talented than he was and he felt almost undeserving of the situation he was now it. His head fell forward, smacking against the counter top, the only space between his face as the wood as the steak he received which was slid under his face to help the swelling in his eye, “Master hits hard…” He muttered under his breath in an attempt to make a joke.
    @shylarahI did, thanks for the free bump.
    Rei’s face dropped into a frown at the thought of the little thing being ditched by someone that was supposed to love it. “Well it must be destiny that he ended up on with you.” She said with a nod and a smile towards the creature, finding that she was almost ignoring Jacob. Not so much out of spite but more because the fox was adorable. Could you honestly blame her?

    Her gaze followed him as he rushed off before turning back to the fox. However he was not gone very long before returned and offered her something in his hand. Reaching out, she gently took her the treat from his hand and listened to his instructions with a nod before squatting down and laying her palm flat on the ground. The countdown didn’t break her gaze from the little fox who sat patiently waiting. Her eyebrow cocked upward as the numbers when down… that was until the word ‘go’ was said and the fox took off towards her hand. The small cold wet nose brushed against her hand as it nibbled on the treat from her palm. A small giggle left her as the thing happily ate the treat.

    “That’s a good trick.” She said as she stood up when the treat had disappeared from her hand. Brushing her hands against her pants she cross her arms under her chest.

    Taking in a deep breathe she began, “Lord Bartos lives on the island. His house is more or less a fortress and can be hard to get into but I’ve been timing the guard changes for a while. With a long story short, Lord Bartos has an item my client wants and they’re paying a lot of money for me to get it back for them. And anything else can be sold on the market for a pretty penny because he’s got some good shit. But my main job is to make sure I can get the item back for my client.” Her gaze moved up to him, looking for a response. Seeing as he showed a bit of faith to allow her to interact with his pet, she might as well give him some information too. Besides, he knew something illegal was happening anyway so it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.
    Hello I will PM you!

    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Tattoo Location: Back of her Right Hand
    Age: 21
    Weight: 47kg
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Eye Color: Brown
    Measurements: Bust: 91cm, Waist: 59cm, Hip: 88cm

    Lucy takes exceptional pride in her appearance and is very confident in her sex appeal, often exuding a certain amount of vanity. Despite this superficial attitude, she is a clever, kind, and genuinely caring person. Lucy is passionate for literature and is in the process of writing her own novel about her adventures with Fairy Tail although she does not like telling anyone about it. Aside from her interest in writing and reading prose, she also likes shopping, cooking, and assertive men. Her favorite colors are blue and pink. She is a member of the Heartfilia family, once one of the wealthiest and most influential conglomerate families in the country of Fiore. However, due to her estranged relationship with her father and the death of her mother, Layla Heartfilia, she left home to follow her own path, which displays an ambition for independence.

    Lucy is very kind to her Celestial Spirits and refuses to utilize them as shields or think of them as such. She fights alongside her Spirits and treats them as friends, unlike several other Celestial Spirit Mages, who view them as mere tools and objects. Lucy cares greatly for her Spirits and will also go to great lengths to give them happiness, even at the cost of her life. Despite technically being an owner of the Spirits, she refuses to be addressed as such and instead prefers to be called their friend. Although, Lucy is, in most cases, cowardly and easily frightened, she has no problems with fighting and would happily stand up to danger, even if she ends up getting hurt, for her friends and guild. While her powers are normally not as overwhelming as her teammates, Lucy has proven to be a capable combatant herself, often using her cleverness to her advantage, and thinking outside the box during battle. She has eventually inherited Natsu's stubbornness and refusal to give up, even when the odds are against her.

    Lucy usually freaks out at her guild mate's antics. Unlike most of her friends, she does not get very excited about fighting and is not quick to resort to violence as the solution. However, she does admit that being around her guild mates is really fun. Being a Celestial Mage, Lucy always keeps her promises. She gives her all for the sake of her guild and friends.

    Enhanced Durability: Despite her fragile appearance and her tendency to avoid combat, Lucy has proven herself to be quite resilient: she was able to survive the assault of a sadistic Zero, while she was still unconscious and somehow get back up; withstand a barrage of kicks from Kain Hikaru, an individual capable of breaking down trees and rocks through sheer physical power, without incapacitating damage, and also endure Kain trying to crush her head with his massive arms. Later on, during Team Natsu's fight with Hades, she survived being blasted, together with Erza, by one of his explosions

    Enhanced Endurance: Lucy has been shown to have great physical stamina. When having Taurus and Aries gates opened for a long while, she hasn't shown to have any fatigue at all when they were absorbed by Franmalth. After being heavily injured by Franmalth using Hades Formula 28, she was able to hold herself against Tartarus. And even after being hurt by Jackal's explosions and while exhausted having two gates opened at once, she was able to open a third gate which is known to be a forbidden technique.

    Keen Intellect: Lucy has proven herself to be a very intelligent, logical and intuitive Mage. She was able to figure out that Bora had slipped a sleeping drug in her wine without tasting it. Being an avid reader, she has also shown to be adept at solving words-related puzzles and riddles: she was able to see through the spell which Zekua Melon cast onto his Daybreak book and work out the book's true content. In addition, during the S-Class Trial, she figured out the location of Mavis Vermilion's grave with relative ease through the use of the "clues" hidden in the Trial's setup, being apparently the only member of Fairy Tail to achieve this. Lucy also uses her intellect as an advantage to help herself and friends in winning battles by tricking her opponents. By the year X792, through notes and observation, Lucy can tell that Scarmiglione hid their true strength, and she predicted the outcome of their battle with ease.

    Magic Sensor: Lucy has shown to be able to sense Magic to a certain extent. This was first seen when she was battling against the Nine Demon Gates in Alegria, being able to sense all her comrades Magic despite being ensnared by the monster. After the one year time skip, during the Grand Magic Games, she was able to sense that the members of Scarmiglione were easily more powerful than their opponents, despite their efforts in hiding their strength, and could quickly tell that the intruder was much more stronger and dangerous before he even displayed his power.

    Expert Whip Specialist: Despite not being often shown due to her tendency to avoid battle or have her Spirits fight for her, she is efficient in using a whip, being skilled enough to grab opponents through its use, and to employ it as an effective weapon at short-to-mid range.

    Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: While not as proficient as the other members of Team Natsu, Lucy possesses some skill in melee combat. In addition, while never relying on punches, likely due to her limited physical strength, Lucy possesses some kicking prowess, as seen during the Phantom Lord arc, she was able to send Reedus flying with a simple kick despite him being much larger than she is. After one year time skip, Lucy employs some armed and unarmed combat in conjunction with some of her Star Dress forms to have more advantage in battle.

    Lucy Kick: A so-called "final attack" which is more of a simple, non-magical melee move: Lucy lashes out in her target's direction, then jumps and uses the gained momentum to strike the opponent with a simple kick. While not particularly powerful or exclusive in its performance, this attack was effective enough to defeat the leader of the Dark Guild Naked Mummy raid squadron sent to rob the Love & Lucky Guild as well as Bickslow during the S-Class Promotion Trial.

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