Avatar of EchoicChamber
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2 yrs ago
Current Much to the surprise of everyone, I am not dead.


I'm EchoicChamber, though I mostly go by Echo.
I'm twenty two years old, have a tendency to scream into the void, and mostly just hang around and do my own thing. That isn't to say that I don't enjoy roleplaying, though; I'm a big fan of the supernatural/fantasy genre, horror, and superheroes. I tend to avoid RPs where there's no fantastical elements, though there are times where I step outside of my comfort zone.
I reuse characters habitually across canons, and while I try to devote time to roleplay, work and real life cuts back on how much I can write in the best of times.

Most Recent Posts

@Dodi do 900 How about Espie? She's dorky and enthusiastic and also sacrifices small animals in the name of her death god.
It hurt.

Dawn’s brain was screaming, a jumbled mess of static and sound and blinding, unbearable pain. She couldn’t move, or even think. It hurt too bad. She didn’t know how long it had gone for, her curled up in the dust like that, but it eventually just...stopped. Like if someone had snapped off a light switch. She gave a shuddering, choking gasp, back spasming for a moment as she regained some measure of control of herself. Her thoughts were still frazzled, and her blood was pounding heavy in her ears, but she had a dim realization of just how dangerous the situation had become.

They were facing three people, one of them with the power to put her out of commission even with miles between them. Dawn was in no shape to fight, and from what she could sense, Vivian was quickly getting worn down. Something needed to be done, or else they would both die.

Animal instinct had her digging into Toby’s mind, rooting into his thoughts. With a clumsiness brought on by the attack, Dawn yanked control of his arms, and pressed him to throw the knife as far as he could into the ash. The other hand she bent down, trying to make Toby squeeze out all the ammo into the ground. If she was lucky, that would keep him busy enough for a few minutes. Dawn moved on, attempting to do the same to Montana- although by now, her control was shaky enough that the most she could do was push for him to release his grip on the knife.

Taking in deep lungfuls of ash, Dawn pushed herself up, trembling like a leaf. “We…” She coughed, wiping her face and smearing it with blood.. “We have...we have to go. Now.”

At most, she would have given them some time, but angered their attackers in the process. And the one who had taken her down was still on his way over.
The room, while still sizable, had quickly begun to fill up with a crowd of faces. Some Dawn could recognize- Larke Sterling among them, given the connections between his family and hers- although, for the most part, many were complete strangers. She took another bite of her pancakes, considering leaving the table for a moment to greet those familiar few, although the sound of someone clearing their throat from close by put that plan on hold. Surprised, Dawn looked up from her plate to find another, particularly brawny student standing before her, waiting for a response.

“Oh, uh. No, no, it’s- you can sit there if you want. Just me here.” She reached over, clearing some of her papers from the table into a neat stack and smiling up at him. “I’m Dawn. It’s nice to meet you, Duma. You were, um, on the bus, weren’t you? I think I remember seeing you there.”

Behind him, waves of newcomers continued to file in, grouping into tight clusters or hovering around the buffet. Most looked to be roughly around her age, although two of the people who strode in seemed a bit too old to be students. Professors, most likely. Dawn glanced absently down at her schedule, but there were no photos to confirm her theory- only names and classes.

She supposed that she would find out who they were soon, either way.

That in mind, Dawn slipped some of the papers back into her sleeve, and turned her attention back to her new companion.


Making a soft, pained sound in the back of her throat, Esperanza carefully gripped the seat in front of her with one hand, the other gingerly reaching to rub at the spot where her head had collided with the window. There had been quite a few bumps and whatnot throughout the ride, but that had been the roughest yet. The other students didn’t seem too pleased by it, either- annoyed cries, and some rather creative swears Esperanza mentally saved for later, roared around her. Frowning slightly, Esp gave her temple one last tender pat, then turned her eyes back to the window.

Esp had been awake for about thirty two hours flat, according to the phone Mama had given her before she left home. She had been so strung up with nervous energy and excitement, she hardly felt the urge to sleep anyway. Her hands were constantly occupied with the new gadget under her possession (she had changed the background at least five times before settling on a funny picture of a dog she found online), or with the sheets of paper cheerfully stating her admission to Marchand, or even with little things like a piece of string she found hanging off the sleeve of her blouse. When not keeping herself busy, her eyes had been glued to the windows of whatever transportation she had been on- the truck being no exception.

After travelling for so many hours at this point, one would think she would have grown bored of the journey, but Esperanza relished it. She devoured the scenery with her eyes.

The truck eventually jolted to a stop, flinging students around left and right- luckily for Esperanza, however, her grip was enough to keep her from getting a broken nose to go along with her bruising. Jumping to her feet (and stumbling for a moment or two from the lack of blood in her legs), Esp slipped out of the vehicle and went to gather her things.

Marchand was far more grand than anything that she had seen- with the exception of the family church, of course- but Esp found herself vaguely disappointed that there was none of the peppy music playing within the school, like the movies always had. Rolling her shoulders under the weight of her backpack, Esperanza followed the line of other students to the office, and checked herself in. She hardly noticed the secretary’s idle look, more preoccupied with the sheets pushed into her hands that anything.

The school was very large.

After being ushered out by the secretary (she hadn’t realized she had been standing there for long until she felt the hands on her shoulders), Esp found herself heading to the common room, unsure of where else to go. She saw no point in wandering- especially when none of the other students were- and, besides, now that some of the nervousness had worn off, she had realized just how hungry she was.

The first thing she noticed upon entering was just how many people were there. Gathered around tables, picking at their food, chatting. Esp stood in the doorway for a moment, hesitating, then braced herself and went to get breakfast- pancakes, since a lot of the other kids seemed to be getting them as well.

Despite how early they had arrived, the tables were rapidly filling up- some students sitting by themselves, others already bounding together in groups of twos and threes. Fours, in several cases. It meant that Esperanza would most likely have to sit with someone. Her eyes roved along the tables, eventually settling on a red-headed girl hastily trying to clean up a mess on her table. Intrigued, Esp walked over, carefully balancing her tray on one hand as she grabbed a bundle of napkins.

“Here. Let me help you. There is a lot of…” She hesitated, looking at the sludge. “Things on the table.” Carefully, she mopped some of the sodden cereal up, repeatedly glancing up at the girl to see her reaction.

“My name is Esperanza. Ciervo. Esperanza Ciervo. By the way, it is good to meet you.” Her voice was heavily accented, somewhat awkward in intonation, but the eagerness in it was clear.

@Gelatinous Cube Cool, thank you! :)
@Gelatinous Cube Hey, Cube! The post looks great! I did notice a bit of a problem, though, and was wondering if you could fix it? IC, this is the first day of school for both students and Marchand itself. The teachers probably all already know each other, though, due to the fact that they were probably made to stick around and get to know each other if they didn't already before the semester started.
Sorry for the bother!

@Dodi do 900 Approved!
@Shirochankun Sounds good!

I'll probably post and intro some of my other characters tomorrow. I was out for most of today, so I was unable to do much in the ways of posting, unfortunately.
@ScoundrelQueen Larke's approved!

@LokiLeo789 I have to agree with Allen, your characters have shown a lot of personality so far. I'm enjoying all of the characters so far, actually, and I'm really looking forward to everyone coming together and colliding. :) And yep, single sex dorms, with professors prowling the halls to make sure nobody sneaks their significant others into their dorms for the night.
@ScoundrelQueen @LokiLeo789 Both of your characters are approved!
@LokiLeo789 Yeah, I'm not overly sure why they're not working, unfortunately. I'll try to find another image hosting site once I get home, then PM the pics to you if I can.
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