Avatar of EchoicChamber
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2 yrs ago
Current Much to the surprise of everyone, I am not dead.


I'm EchoicChamber, though I mostly go by Echo.
I'm twenty two years old, have a tendency to scream into the void, and mostly just hang around and do my own thing. That isn't to say that I don't enjoy roleplaying, though; I'm a big fan of the supernatural/fantasy genre, horror, and superheroes. I tend to avoid RPs where there's no fantastical elements, though there are times where I step outside of my comfort zone.
I reuse characters habitually across canons, and while I try to devote time to roleplay, work and real life cuts back on how much I can write in the best of times.

Most Recent Posts

Alright, I think I'll go with the demon. Thanks, all!
@EurmalEye Alright, so basically I have three characters in mind.

The first is Dawn's estranged older brother. He basically has the same powerset, but is her complete opposite in personality- flirtatious, apathetic, and sort of a huge bastard. He and Dawn would be on somewhat tense terms, as a result.

The second is a casual ex-sergeant from Hell's armies, who abruptly decided to ditch her job and roam the human world instead due to finding it more interesting. She's very laidback and easygoing, and tends to focus more on physical combat than anything.

The third is a crossdressing researcher who is also a vampire. He's a real sweetheart, and very cheerful and optimistic. He uses fire and healing, but also prefers to abstain from combat.

I'm sort of leaning towards the second, as I feel like she'd make for interesting dynamics due to how laidback she is, but I haven't set
@EurmalEye Oh, I already have some preset characters in mind, haha. (Mostly cause I like to reuse them across canons out of force of habit.) I was just wondering if folk would be willing to give their thoughts on the ones I'm considering.
@EurmalEye Aight cool, cool, glad to hear. :D

Also, would y'all mind giving your opinions on some potential characters to bring in? I'm probably just gonna bring in only one other characters, cause I don't want to spread myself too thin and not explore them in depth cause of it.
@EurmalEye Dawn's actually a character that uses a lot of illusions, as well. Would you like for me to change that? I don't want to step on your toes or anything.
@The One Dope, dope. I think I'll go with Shadows, then. Thanks a bunch!

@EurmalEye Oh, that's true, haha. I think I'll still add on the power just so I have the bases covered though.
@The One Mmmm. What would general spellcasting geared towards stealth/illusion be called? Cause I feel like Dawn primarily dabbles in magics to further reinforce the skills that she already has (although that also probably makes her seem even more suspicious on top of the whole Memoli reputation, haha).
@DragonKingUk@The One Oh, her psychic powers were supposed to be her magic, haha, but I can give her a second power that's more explicitly magic if y'all would like. What would be more along the lines of proper Witchy magic in this canon, One?
@Prosaic@Sedjwick Dawn's probably gonna be an amiable enough roomie.
If her roommate doesn't get creeped out by her constantly reading their mind, that is.

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