Avatar of ErsatzEmperor
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: ErsatzEmperor
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 754 (0.20 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. ErsatzEmperor 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
And an early Happy Christmas to you.
7 yrs ago
If you like all of the necessary ingredients, pastry and all, why not just make the pie? So many questions.
1 like
7 yrs ago
...How in the heavens do you make soup out of a pie?
7 yrs ago
Fireworks are fine and all, but why do they have to be so bright, colourful and loud?
7 yrs ago
See, I always pronounced Nutella based on how it was spelt. Noot-telly. Is that wrong?


Most Recent Posts

TL;DR: King's an idiot.
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>

Hey, at least Selina's still on the same goddamn planet as Bruce. Lois and Jon are off having space-adventures with not-dead-anymore Jor-El so Bendis doesn't have to write family scenes.

I haven't read any of his Superman run yet, but that doesn't sound like something Bendis would do. Guy was the king of getting any superhero business concluded in a couple of pages so he could focus on workplace/family drama.
Also, three movies? I'll have you all know that as far as I'm concerned, there are four movies.

Weirdly, the best looking Thing in any of them.
Been a bit held up this week but will be looking at finishing a post for Thursday. It may end up as a two parter.
Would you like to see an ongoing Batman Who Laughs series?

Who would?
<Snipped quote by Star Lord>

Anyone can feel free to call my writing shit. I do all the time.

Yeah, anyone else having a go at my posts is going to be like white noise after I'm done with me.
Dogwelder: Do I need to elaborate?

B'wana Beast is one bad day away from being Dogwelder. Also, not the most fleshed out character in the world, would be interesting to see where you take that beyond crazy guy who welds dogs to people.
How I know EE is catching up on the thread: I get a dozen notifications for "likes," especially on posts wherein I mocked Mike.

Eat a dick, baby.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

John Stewart should be everyone's guy. Hal Jordan is interesting as lightly toasted white bread with no butter.

The only interesting things Hal Jordan ever did was go crazy and die, and they still found a way to ruin that.
@Morden ManI'm feeling this as well to be fair, though I would like to be proven wrong. It's a change to the dynamic that isn't often explored.
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