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I am open to moving forward again soon. Not much to post but them walking over to library and studying for here I think
Erik Fieldson

Interacting with:@akirashadow@snickerdoodly@anyalex

Erik nodded at Quinn's suggested and airdropped his contact information to everyone in the group. He made a quick mental note to Angie and Alex's information as well the next time he saw him. "The library sounds a great place to go, excellent point Quinn. They probably have some study rooms that we can sign out to work in which would be a great place for it. If you guys are alright with it, I would like to invite two other students to join us next time." Erik was very pleased to set up a solid group to form his base friendships here at Pine Hill, a solid mix of big names and unknown to show he had status and could relate to the common people. Most importantly, the big names in their group would lend him enough social importance to talk to some of the more important students at the school, furthering his connections.

"Shall we head on over there? I think it is by the Newton dorm and cafeteria."
I do not actually see the library on the map, is it one of the hidden locations? Wanna make sure I am actually able to find it before I make my post
Erik Fieldson

Interacting with:@akirashadow@snickerdoodly@anyalex

"Maybe the conspiracy theories are true and they are planning which students they can make disappear!" Erik said playfully with a small chuckle. "You are probably right though, I suppose the show is over." Erik gave Barley a couple more scratches behind the ear and then pulled his hand gently, and somewhat reluctantly, back.

"I have yet to get started on the other assignments and I have a feeling this place is not gonna hold back when it comes to grading. Quinn, Tyler, quand vous avez fini de pratiquer le français, voulez-vous étudier ensemble? Alana, shall we work together and finish this homework together? At least our shared classes anyway." Erik kept a casual smile on, trying to keep his body language relaxed and casual. During their shared work assignments he would shine and absolutely be the focus. Inside, he could already feel their sense of admiration towards him growing. He wished he had the numbers for Angie and Alex to have them join, but he would have to mention it to them the next time he saw them.
Erik Fieldson

Interacting with:@akirashadow@snickerdoodly@anyalex

Erik looked up at Alana and returned the laugh. As he did, he crunched the data in his head. Given that he had already interacted with Tyler, though it did not seem particularly successful given his own curiosity and Tyler's odd reticence to engage someone like himself in more active discussion. Erik guessed it was simply the lack of time spent together. He did not want to say anything that could offend the serious teen. At the same time, here was another opportunity to bond with another potential friend and contact down the line. He needed to walk the tight rope of social grace and friendliness carefully. "It is the same for me as well. Without getting one of the scholarships, I definitely would not have been able to come here. A little beyond my school of residence after all/" Erik gave a playful wink as he cracked the joke. "I do think it will be worth it. With this school on our applications, I think that we can get into any university we choose. And with that, have a real chance at accomplishing our dreams." Erik finished his response with a wide grin. He figured that he would make a suitable impression with that response and continued to give the Barley scratches.

"The first day definitely did not hit my standards! I was certain that there would be a red carpet rolled out for our first period class! Erik took the opportunity to flash a grin which emphasized his incredibly handsome face. "Honestly, I was a bit taken off guard at how normal things are. Just standard new school stuff, classes, homework and making new friends out on the grass. Meeting Barley was a great bonus too! The only odd thing was that last announcement. What do you suppose they are doing in there?" If that is where the meetings where the leaders of the school met, it was definitely where someone like himself belonged.
Erik Fieldson

Interacting with:@akirashadow@snickerdoodly@anyalex

As he began enthusiastically petting Barley, he looked up at Quinn and gave her a smile and a nod of acknowledgement. Erik was quite fond of dogs, they were always extremely appreciative for his attention. "It's nice to meet you all. Barley, you are such a good boy!" Tyler was seated in a particularly odd way to avoid getting his clothes dirty. Erik frowned in concern, but didn't have anything with him to help him out. Returning his attention to Alana and Barley, he transitioned to scratching behind his ear.

"How have you been enjoying your first day here, Alana?" Here was yet another student, Erik did not have any information on and at Pine Hills Academy, not being in the know could be a critical failure. She also did not seem to have the same air of wealth as many of other students or the one he attempted to forge for himself.
@akirashadow Tyler would have access to the notes!
Erik Fieldson

Interacting with:@akirashadow@snickerdoodly@anyalex

The groups of students entering the lecture hall and gym began to slow and Erik let his attention drop. Glancing around him, he noted Quinn Nakamura seated nearby working and the girl he had noticed earlier smiling up at him and giving him a wave. Interestingly, they both seemed to working on their English assignments. Erik gave a large smile and wave back and then reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He pulled up the resources he had been using for his comprehensive timeline and the notes he had taken off those sources to simplify the information and used an app that would airdrop to both Android and Apple to all the other students in the area. As the scholarship student, it was his job to help the other students who did not share his keen mind after all.

"Professor Hanley definitely does not give out the most entertaining assignments it seems. These notes should help you finish the assignment much faster though. I'm Erik and it is nice to meet you both." Erik spoke up so he could speak to both Quinn and the unknown girl as well. He looked over at the girl and her dog and then squatted down to be at both of their eyelevels."May I pet your dog?" He raised a hand ready to pet the dog if given permission to do so.
Erik Fieldson

Interacting with:@akirashadow@snickerdoodly@anyalex

"Thank you! I must confess, I am fairly surprised that you know who I am." Erik pulled out his notes from English class fron his bag, then stored it below his feet. Tyler seemed to be working diligently on his homework and did not give the impression he was particularly interested in talking. Erik thought it best to match hos energy. He pulled out his phone and began his english assignment, writing a biography on Bram Stoker. It was simple to find information on the major beats of his life, find biographies on life via Google books and use passages on those events to make sure he had plenty of citations and factual information to make the biography perfect. Erik even planned to write about the authors legacy and ongoing analysis of his work.

Tyler spoke up however, and Erik responded to him, pleased to have the chance to potentially gain a new ally. "Overall, I found it quite pleasant actually. The material is quite interesting to say the least Yes, I was in the politics class. While review is always pleasant, I am quite interested about more... modern political landscapes. How about yourself?" As he talked, he glanced briefly at the concealer around Tyler's eye, then dismissed it. Even Erik, as naturally handsome as he was, sometimes need to apply some concealer to hide some temporary blemish, so he did not perceive this as odd. Besides the concealer seemed well applied.

Before Tyler could respond the speakers went off with their announcement. Erik noticed one female student nearly fall as she was startled briefly off her seat. She seemed to have a dog with her as well. He noted putting on a pair of glasses and looked away quickly. However, he had not heard many details about student council and the prefect committee and found himself quite curious.

"I am sorry to leave so suddenly, but I am quite curious what might be going on and would like to check. Talk to you again soon I am sure." Erik stowed his notebook back in his bag and left the cafeteria, heading to a patch of grass on the main courtyard the oversaw the gym and lecture halls. He noted he was not far from where the girl with the dog had ended up. His attention was focused on the building however, taking careful note of who was entering them.
Erik Fieldson

Interacting with: @Squirrel98@Raptra@akirashadow

Erik spent the remainder to the night reviewing his notes for the following school day. Given that he had already gone through the textbooks and annotated them as needed with post it notes, Erik did not feel like this was truly necessary, but was a big believer in being ready for any issues. He added a few quick notes underneath one particular complex piece of chemistry they would study sometime next semester and then it was time for bed. As he landed on the bed, he found himself asleep almost immediately as he was enveloped in the most comfortable mattress he had ever felt.

The next day, Erik's alarm went off around 5 in the morning. Quickly tossing on a long sleeved sweatsuit, he went out for his morning jog, enjoying the sight of his new campus. After receiving an appropriate amount of exercise, he began his morning maintenance routine. He took a long time moving from the shower, applying his face scrub, using a moistener for his face skin, putting on eye cream, and many more small details that ensured that each and everyday, Erik looked his best. The final step of his routine was the spot check. Erik leaned forward, staring deeply into the contents of his mirror making sure his hair, face, body, and clothes were all perfect. He grinned at his reflection in satisfaction and gave himself a lavish wink.

The classes began that Monday, some trying to gauge his knowledge, others just setting up the minor details they would need to have memorized to continue. None of it was particularly challenging given his prep work, he was certain he had scored perfectly on the math pre-text for instance. The most exciting development though was Alex Pearson accepting his invitation to sit with him during their shared classes. Although he did not show it on his face, he was thrilled. One of his concerns is that the high class students at the academy would see him as a toy they could play with given their difference in socio-economic levels. However, by quickly establishing friendship with such a high profile celebrity, Erik believed that he would quickly find acceptance into their circles. No one was likely to embarrass themselves in front of a celebrity with such a large following he could use to attack them after all.

To his minor surprise, Angie also accepted his invitation to sit with him and he made sure to quickly introduce the pair, keeping things light. Angie was one of the more complicated individuals he had seen at the academy, and he was not certain how well his introduction yesterday had worked out. The girl seemed to keep things close to the chest, giving only very small facial cues and using an advanced vocabulary in her speech. Erik was not uncertain of her background or how she could prove to be useful to him quite yet, but at the moment was simply content to have a familiar person nearby. As it turned out, they shared the same class schedule on Monday.

When Alex returned his water bottle, Erik made a small show of thoroughly, but jokingly inspecting it for dirt. "I suppose this meets my standards." He grinned at Alex and followed up with "Seriously thanks for returning it so quickly. Let me know if you ever want to meet up and go over some of these classes!"

When Angie moved to sit beside them, Erik glanced at her attire before leaning over and whispering, "Nice to see you again Angie. Cool hair." Then class began and Erik shifted into work mood. Erik's hand flew across his exam as he solved problem after problem with no hesitation. In other classes, Erik used shorthand to quickly make note of exactly what the teacher said. To anyone else, his paper probably looked by gibberish given he had made it personally for himself, but it gave him plenty of time to reflect on what he had learned. When he was done for the day, he waved goodbye to his new friends and headed out.

Stretching his arms above his head, he glanced around wondering where to go from here. His homework, while important, was a not pressing priority given its simplicity. Instead, he decided to have a bite to eat. He entered the cafeteria and loaded his tray with healthy food that was still miles better in taste compared to what he had had to eat in the past. He looked around the cafeteria, it was not particularly busy yet. As he looked around however, he noted that one of the students from his dorm was off eating by himself. Erik moved forward towards him.

Stopping in front of the boy, Erik gave him a friendly smile and said, "You are Tyler, right? I live in the same dorm building as you. I am Erik. Would it be alright if I sat down?"

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