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<Snipped quote by Extra>

You'll see. Probably.

Hopefully, Rhoan can be a nice change of pace with his personality.
*looks at you*
I would like to know your take in this plan, if you want.
<Snipped quote by Extra>

If you’re looking for a recruit, the worst she can say is no… Or maybe not, actually.

<Snipped quote by Artifact>

You can call it inconsiderate but if anything it’d be characteristically calculated. Assuming it’s true.

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Aye aye, captain.

Sounds like she has some bite to her.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

But isn't that just a slower version of swarming?

<Snipped quote by Extra>

Right, exactly.

<Snipped quote by Extra>
I'm telling you, the cloud thing isnt efficient enough. Truth be told, Its already bent tried. Techi did sort of the same thing when she figured out my sword was make in a similar fashion to the weapons we'lll be using.

*pulls out a bag with sowrd shards and blade dust in it*

It was only enough to hold them back temporarily.

I’m not saying exactly the cloud idea, I am saying that a crowd control system should be implemented if the situation get dicey. I don’t know how powerful some of the people here are or who may be coming, but if we don’t have any countermeasures for anyone to get a breather within the fight they will die.
*looks at you* and temporarily is not a bad thing especially if it can be used by multiple people multiple times. It seems this Techi figure had a great start to an idea that you should consider. Relying on a single plan to defeat something a large of a threat as this is highly dangerous to the others of your team especially when you yourself at a weakness to the threat.
<Snipped quote by Extra>

That makes sense. Just as you would expect, I guess.

*nods in agreement*

<Snipped quote by Extra>

Well there is one thing I havent explained yet about these knives.

*pulls up a holo screen with data from my eye implant that was replicated fro mwhat I witnessed in data's lab*

These knives work liek wasp knives. However, isteado f it beign loaded with a Co2 cartridge, its powered by my soul. When you stab the knife into their skin, it injects them with my soul, which teras them apart from the inside continously. One knife lunge coudl potentially kill a target over time.

Could potentially? And that still seems inefficient as we would have to stab multiple single targets that is near endless. A crowd control and clear method should be implemented as a safe measure as there are too many variables that appears to be either ignored or missing.
<Snipped quote by Extra>

So they have to be strong enough to defend themselves.

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Honestly, I'd sort of put my money on the death tsunami. If these guys are as strong as you say they are, you're going to get stuck in fights with one or two and they'll overwhelm you.

And be able to protect others as well.
<Snipped quote by Artifact>

Death sunami with limited range and speed? Or us with the blades and proper training and arguably faster speed? Able to take down multiple targets at once?

If I may, I would have to agree with Abby. It would exhaust every member here if we were to engage with these beings single-handedly and be feeding their hive, especially if they are to the degree of danger and ferocity that you express. Maybe some sort of repeating pulse wave that either suppresses their abilities with your soul? or one that could even damage them as we engage?
<Snipped quote by Extra>

Would that be a requirement?

I mentioned we don't have a lot of enemies, but the ones we do or create are not fond of diplomatic approaches.
<Snipped quote by Extra>

Do they all participate in combat?

Not all, but that's not saying they cannot participate in combat.
<Snipped quote by Extra>

It must take several at this point.

It does, and they are my most trusted subordinates. They may have some…differences in how they approach their, but overall they do the job they way I want them to and how the Fire Force is supposed to handle threats and disasters.
<Snipped quote by Extra>

Well that makes it a little bit easier!

I don’t think I would ever be able to handle it now at it’s scale.
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