Avatar of fer1323
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: fer1323
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1924 (0.54 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. fer1323 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I am Comptia A+ and N+ certified. Need to get a Job.
4 yrs ago
Well, many words, acronyms ,idioms and names were created to describe things as concisely, effectively and efficiently as possible.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Well, I want alchoholic ginger beer! i want to burn my throat with ultimate fire water!
4 yrs ago
Like this if you desire to hug a fluffy warm Arcanine.
4 yrs ago
Sweet child of mine, You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L Nobody's on your level This freedom trail you're walking is A long road to your apocalypse


Hi all, I am Fer1323.
Info about me:
Sex: male
Country: South Africa
Rp likes: any
Fav singer/band: Tryhardninja
Fav Video game/s:
1: White knight chronicles 2
2: Dragon's dogma
3: Timsplitters Future perfect
4: Phantasy star portable 2
5: Lightning returns

Come and join me bitcoin mining at https://www.startminer.com/1760866

Most Recent Posts

Jean Ambiphian

"Alyssa is correct. My servants and I are giving you two forms of respect. The benefit of the doubt kind and the hosting guest kind. The only kind that you are not getting is the one that everyone has to earn. All you have done is demand and complain. Jean says this with a straight stern face. His tone has an edge of posion like the typing he is.

Jean finishes his breakfast and cleans his face with a purple napkin."I can show you around as well unless you want my butler instead. You also have an option of female servants to help you clean you up but I will give them the ability to leave to fend for yourself. So behave yourself and give it time."
-incoming transmission-

Welcome fellow roleplayer.

May I say it is a blessing that you are contining your rp journey with us.

I would love to do some sci-fi and cyberpunk 1x1s with you if you so desire.

Private channels are open.

-end of transmission-
Oscar Berg


Oscar woken up and gets out of bed before going to the bathroom without disturbing any of his pokemon that are still happily sleeping. He took a fresh clean shirt and underwear and showers quickly. Once he come out, his pokemon are showing sign of waking up but Kushala, the little dragon seems to be having another nightmare about the previous traumic day. Oscar was woken up by Diasho twice in the night who alerted him about the nightmare. Oscar picks up Kushala and holds kushala to his chest. Kushala digs into the warm wall of flesh and calms down as Oscar supperesses a yelp of pain

After getting the other pokemon woken up and lightly groom with a brush and damp face cloth, Oscar goes to the pokemart to pick up some trail mix for him and his pokemon. He also gets a cheese, toemato and lettuce sandwich with a berry smoothie for breakfast. All his pokemon besides Roadrunner are in their pokeballs. Oscar got something for Roadrunner to munch on before leaving town. Oscar was planning on giving his farewells but he is sure that he will meet everyone in the next town soon enough.

Dusksong's and Zanavy's character have things to say and do unless those are bundled in the respective timeskip. Otomos might or might not come back so we have to see on that. As long there is an agreement from everyone to time skip then lets go ahead.
Hi all. Thanks for coming. I have a range of rps that I want to do. Take a look and see what tickles your fancy. All further details will be under each seperate hider and section.


Well, As soon as the timeskip happens, it is going to be a whirlwind of activity for my character who can't do much until the time skip. We are waiting on dusksong and zanavy at the moment. I will leave the solution up to lucky if they are inactive for too long.
Jean Ambiphian

"I have no problem speaking your mind but you have no right to complain about the reaction or consequences that that you may receive afterwards. Being the top of the social ladder gives you no right to treat those who work hard to make your life a dream. I would agree that I was also born into a life of luxury but I had to prove to my father that I could maintain his legacy and land properly. I had to learn the basics of fiance and business with much trial and error. I may be rich and live luxuriously now but I earned it. By the sounds of your tone and actions, you are born into young money compared to my old money. So I implore you to speak your mind but as you know from my head maid, this place gives no compassion for those who think that the world owes them everything without giving back."
that is understandable and i will keep that in mind. Just making sure.
Well, could there be an apoacorthy or a person that is a contact for some lethal substances? There is also the concept of spealizing in a stylenof killing like accidents or natural deaths or robberies gone wrong.
Interested. I have a interesting idea or few already
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