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I will hop on board.
Sam walked alongside Wilbur on the trail. He knew he could ride on Wilbur and keep the same pace. Wilbur was a Mudbray and could easily bear the load, but there was something else on the line. Sam didn’t want to look lazy next to the rest of the group, so he stayed on his feet just like everyone else. His Natu, Smith, was quiet now, nodding off a little on his shoulder. That bird pokemon loved sleeping almost as much as it loved getting upset over nothing.

At that moment Sam was near the back of the group, but then he took a look at the map on his Pokegear and saw that they were making good time. It wasn’t a sure thing, but based on a little mental calculation Sam figured out that if they went a little faster they could be there in time for him to make a few sales pitches that same day. Time was money, and even a few hours could be valuable if he used them right. With ideas of how to figure out how to find good prospects in his head, Sam picked up his pace by jogging a little and headed towards the front of the group, closer to Cho and Ezekiel.

Along the way he waved at Judas and Naoko, but kept a wide berth from Squegg. He had heard about how a Trapinch could chew through anything, even had an idea for an excavation company using some of them at one point. He kicked himself for not patenting it, just the other day he saw a news story about a billionaire trying a similar idea for building a tunnel network. Evidently that man thought that the commute between his rocket factory, his mansion, and his car factory was too onerous when he had to wait in traffic; that sounded like the kind of problem Sam dreamed of having.

When he got close to the front of the group, Sam decided to try and liven things up by starting a little conversation. He said “So, we got a ways before we hit Violet City, but I was wondering. When we get there, are you guys going to go straight to it and challenge it, or are you going to try to prepare a bit?” after a little hesitation, he added “Who do you think will be the first of us to get the badge?” He didn’t say it out loud, but he had the feeling it wouldn’t be him. Sam could talk a big game, but when he was honest with himself he wasn’t too confident in his skill as a trainer.
Why not throw my hat in here.
Sam had gotten up early that day, stopping by both his mother and his father’s place on the way out. His dad packed a nice lunch for him and his mom gave him an old but reliable wilderness survival guide. Sam doubted that he’d read it. Both of his parents had given him gentle warnings about how difficult the journey might be, but Sam was good at ignoring them, and both of them knew that all too well. Sam lived on his own, and he’d deal with the consequences on his own.

He was off for the town gate as soon as he had Wilbur’s saddlebags loaded up. His actual supplies were in his backpack, but he needed Wilbur’s carrying capacity for his cargo. One of the local tea plantations had been discarding the excess from a disappointing batch, not wanting it to hurt their reputation for quality. It was supposed to be composted, but after slipping a few pokedollars to one of the field hands he was able to run off with a few satchels of them. Soon enough he’d be looking for a buyer for this load of “exclusive, genuine top-quality New Bark Town tea”. Plus, there’d be plenty to share with the rest of the group. He wouldn’t even charge them for it, as long as they’d back him up when he went into his sales pitch.

Wilbur took his time through the streets even though his load wasn’t heavy, but Sam was fine with that because he knew there would be a lot more distance to cover today, and he didn’t want Wilbur to waste his energy. Smith was perched on Sam’s shoulder, enjoying some fresh air. As he got closer he could see that the group was already half-assembeled. He waved hello and shouted “Wassup! You guys ready to go out and make some history?” As soon as he waved, Smith began shaking and shrieking all over his shoulder, shifting its head and flapping it’s wings. Sam had no idea what was with his Natu, it just had a way of freaking out over nothing. He tried to calm it down by snapping his fingers and waving his other hand in front of the Natu’s face. Their relationship was a little rocky at the moment, Sam had won him in a poker game at college only a few months ago. Supposedly it could see the future, but all it ever seemed to do was get spooked and cause Sam anxiety. Still, he kept it around because he had a feeling it’d be useful to him someday.
This is something I'm interested in.
In Sentaku 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The day started at dawn for Kotetsu. He was a farmer first and foremost, and that meant working the farm as soon as he woke up. The only difference for today was that his mother had packed an extra special lunch for him, which he’d look forward to eating when the time was right. At this moment he was standing in the auditorium, reflecting after the Hokage finished her speech. He didn’t know enough about her to have a solid opinion, the Kaneharas stayed away from ninja business for the most part, and ninja business was the lion’s share of the Hokage’s duties. If Kotetsu passed the test this day he’d be spending more time with ninja business, but ultimately it was just a job for him. The Kaneharas were farmers, and Kotetsu always saw himself going back to that some distant day, perhaps buying some more land with the money from being a ninja.

It frustrated him that the written test was first. He did best with things that could be solved with force, being only average at best at intellectual tasks. The only asset he had to help him was his persistence. He had a few minutes before the test started, so he used that time to read over the notes he had taken during class. They were a mess, but there was a lot material on those sheets of paper, plenty for him to study beforehand. He had enough that someone else could join if they wanted, and as far as he knew there was no rule against studying before the test actually began.

Annoyingly, there were some large empty spots in the notes, places where he simply wrote SEE TETSU’S NOTES or TALK TO SATORU ABOUT THIS; his team was great, but there are some times when he thought relying on them too much might actually hurt him. He wasn’t sure if they were there yet, Kotetsu thought he saw Satoru in the crowd but wasn’t sure, and just went back to standing there and flipping through his notes. He tried to actually think about the written test, not daydream about how much better he’d be at the physical portion, because if he didn’t pass this, there would be no second stage for him.
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