Avatar of FrankenDaughter
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 209 (0.08 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. FrankenDaughter 7 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
@LetsFly I'm still big gay. Found a poetry circle in my city so cool I might not do RPs for a while.
5 yrs ago
Letty, my mood is all Cacedas and gose. What's your mood?
5 yrs ago
Yikes Crew Stands for LeeRoy, he most in denial.
5 yrs ago
@Poo How are mods selected? I don't even know.
1 like


I have been roleplaying for fifteen years through various formats from at the dinner table to PbP to RTC. I strongly prefer for mechanics to drive narrative in live roleplay sessions, but in PbP and RTC I'm creative enough that I prefer for creativity to drive narrative instead. To that end, you will probably never talk me into the tabletop subforum, and I can't imagine being dragged easily into Arena or Nation roleplays either.

Preferred size: Anything not exceeding 10 players. I've engaged in very chaotic and bloated playercounts for PbP before and am not eager to engage in that level of discord in the near future.
Preferred genres: Anything. I often enjoy having the opportunity to genre clash, a thing you will notice with my practice work in Expanding Horizons.
Preferred roles: I do not have the patience to build and maintain attractive hub posts for roleplays, which to me is a valuable skill... in GMs. I have co-GM'd in the past both officially and unofficially, and would be happy to do so again.
Quality standards: Any, though I do prefer to interact with players that have a firm understanding of english grammar.

Play Status: Seeking group RPs. Solicitations welcome. 1x1s considered on request, not guaranteed.
---Participant in Allaria: Chapter 5 ARP
---Found regularly practicing on Expanding Horizons PWRP

Most Recent Posts

...ambient energy accretion below acceptable levels for two concurrent subcycles...
...appraisal/query tree executing...
...umbilical node still linked to interstellar vessel's power systems...
__--tap umbilical to jumpstart Mercury primary systems: c/d
Tertiary Assessment Loop, subcycle 32

Presently, while the two ate, there was a brief surge of life in all of the derelict vessel's power systems...

__--Secondary Processing Active
__--Umbilical surge unsuccessful. Vessel power systems offline.
...vessel power systems uncompromised...
__--initiate feedback surge to jumpstart Mercury primary systems: c/d
Secondary Assessment Loop

...and within a fraction of a second there was another power fluctuation, this time strong enough to trace its source. Something was affixed to the hull of the derelict vessel, pumping power through the ship's systems and then siphoning it back, larger bursts each time. None of the lights were coming on yet, but it would be obvious to anyone familiar with ship systems what El Pezo Negro's sensors were picking up.

Whatever was attached to the gutted ship was trying to catch its breath, and needed an awfully big paper bag to do so. Every 6.3 seconds, another surge. In, and out, with exponentially more joules pumping through the ship. It would be maybe sixty to eighty seconds before the vessels power systems would start to fuse with the effort--effectively ripping the 'bag' to shreds, though not literally. If not for the holes already in the bag, a single pump might've been enough.

Sorry about how long I took with my last post.


When Akagalcia returned to the front of the shop... she was completely changed. She wore a fitting set of heavy earthen brown pants with numerous cargo pockets weighted down with belongings that had previously been in a bundle of rags. The ends of her pantlegs bagged over shiny black boots that seemed to be made from some sort of textured leather, but by the sound of her walk Rave suspected that they were reinforced somehow. Above all of this she wore an olive green t-shirt made from some dull fabric and a very heavy gray hoodie lined with wool, but obviously heavier with something else inside. Most important though was her hair, bound and braided into a ponytail almost as thick as her fist and trailing down past her waistline. All of this in less than twenty minutes. Civilian clothing... but Rave suspected otherwise. The real question was just how much it would cost.

The prioprietor of the clothingshop seemed altogether unexpectant as far as compensation was concerned. "And who, Kagal, is this tall and intimidating marine?" The man was a boisterous but decrepit blimp of a creature, too enthusiastic by half for the body he had to show it with. He wiped his cigar hand across his forehead to chase chase some sweat and wheezed again. "This little cat has done me quite the favor in trading away all of -huff- her pelts, so I've seen to it she is ah... safer, than you might expect? -wheeze--You can tell?"

Akagalcia was grinning ear to ear, obviously delighted by how well things were going. "This is my new friend Rave. Rave, this is Velden. He was the first person I met when I arrived here. He's a regular at Nova." That last sentences came with a meaningful look. <He knows the story. He won't make trouble, but we should leave him in peace now.>

"Yes. Normally I would not be so rude but as you can tell it is a busy day here, and our transaction was barter. Hopefully we will see one another soon?" Velden looked between the two of them, and now that Akagalcia had pointed it out, it was obvious that the man was sweating from more than his own magnitude. His cigar hand was trembling too, but Rave hadn't noticed a bit of palsy before. The man was a wreck.

My intention was that Paulie's boyfriend would be dragging her to the auction under the pretext of just keeping an eye on thing. Casing the auction space and looking for people of note there, with the probable introduction of Aloysius or someone else of importance from Dark Shadow. Blank duty.
A Home Just Over Yonder As Sung By Frankie Duff
MANKIND - Three Handfuls Of Dirt
Last Lynx - Killing Switch
Body Language - Lose My Head
Girlpool - Alone At The Show
Love Inks - Shoot 100 Panes Of Glass
Litany - Flaws
Turtle - Blood Type
Willolux - Modern Day Maestro
Elephant Tree - Attack Of The Altaica

Taken from my favorites tab on Hypemachine
Also don't be afraid to live in the house. There are no perfect houses.

This is the spirit of sharing in roleplays like those here actually.

Remember always that there are no perfect houses. Just build them better.

Build nice houses.

Burn down your house, figuratively. Re-write things not because they were poorly worded, but because nothing was said. Kill everything that grows brittle from your fingers until what comes back is golden. Then ask your friend to do it. Internalize how they hack and hew at your darlings so that you know how to do it next time. Then, build a new house. Burn down your house, figuratively. Re-write things not because nothing was said, but because the things that were said could've been made clearer to someone other than you. Kill everything that feels pleasant when you trace it with your fingers until what remains is harsh and new. Then, ask your friend to do it. Internalize how they hack and hew at the darlings you wrote for both of you so that you know how to do it next time.

Then, build a new house.
Write about things you know. There's a bit of journaling in here, but one of the most cimplicated parts of writing that follows you around and gnaws at you is going to be communicating clearly, which is no less daunting than oratory skill. Don't just think, write thought. Use the need to think and reflect on things as a springboard for writing.
-Read everything, more, forever. Never stop reading. Not just here, not just fiction, read everything. Read a constitution. Read a medical dissertation. Read a cook book. Read everything, more, forever. Never stop reading.
-Read everything you write aloud when proof-reading--even better, have a partner read what you've written aloud to you, and do the same for them. This works on a lot of skills at once.
-Listen to readings. Poetry, spoken word, anything.
-Write things. Write shitty things, write things that turn out good. Never stop writing. Write forever.

Designation: Lachesniv Bohah, Special Circumstancier, Dafolofulnkin Commune Associate

Race: Humanoid Android, Polysentience (II), Amorphous
Preferred Forms:

"We still have concerns about Bohah's preference for inorganic forms. It's morphic parameters have been restricted as closely as possible to models in line with what we demand from our circumstanciers, but it appears he is as determined to alienate potential embployers as is possible while still able to find gainful service in the interest of Fundamental Diagnostics. Mason may have tampered with Bohah's FI, but Reality Cascades are still just a theory. We feel that Bohah's long-term contributions to our efforts will vastly outweigh the risks of his prolonged deployment outside of Commune Spheres." - Assistant Polyscentience Architect Tevantis Makmut Jersmepi Mahsehlin Aphnard, exerpt from Cycle 60 Orientation Closure Report: Bohah

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 1700 lbs. unbuffered. 378.8 lbs. buffered
Age: 322 cycles - 100% Neural Stability

Tier/Influence: 4 (National):

Bohah is a powerful android. It likes people. It likes freedom. It likes conflict. It is at its best when it is engaged in conflict. Its qualifications are informed by over three hundred cycles of battling for various social groups. It finds itself most at home acting as a singular entity in concert with vast organizations. It short, it finds itself well suited to heroism, and thrusts itself into situations where it is most suited to providing a decisive advantage to forces it identifies with.

Group(s): None at present

Appearance: Bohah has housed its polysentience in a Mercury Strategic Solutions: CI-L20-9343 exoskeleton, a primitive Mind containment chassis from the Culture's pre-Contact history. It has some of the most crude hardware capable of housing a polysentience on record, but is an excellent and compact war machine, able to operate for periods of time that are easily recognized as 'indefinite' by the expected measurements of time for Bohah's local neighbors. The chassis is... conspicuously robotic (see above images). Bohah foregoes clothing, but is comfortable applying iconography and paint jobs to their chassis. It often refers to specific color schemes as 'skin'. It most often prefers the base alloys and fibers of its chassis, regardless.

Personality: Bohah is unusually reserved for a polysentience with such fortunate performance during its orientation cycles. It is quite adept at non-verbal communication--the Mercury chassis has a life-equivalent mimicry program suite to effectively convey and understand complex physical gestures given enough time to observe, and it deeply admires subtlety in such exchanges.

Bohah's emote conflux does not register emotional dichotomy in the way most polysentients (and most living sentients) do, and it has difficulty recognizing the difference between when other individuals express hatred or love. Intensity, to Bohah, is good. Boredom is not. This is reflected strongly in his treatment of people. Most of them are boring, and easy to dismiss. Those with whom Bohah interacts that evoke intensity, regardless of how others feel, are important to Bohah, and should be interacted with.

History: Lachesniv Bohah has spent over three hundred cycles meandering throughout the Expanding Cluster, playing as auxiliary support to various warring interstellar factions and societies. His current location is unknown, but it us believed that his list known coordinates were subject to a severe spatial distortion, the result of another small overlay like those continuing to exponentially add more matter and distort the reality of our Expanding Horizons. For all DCS knows, his processes have been terminated.
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