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Ira's sheet updated and posted in the character section.
Appearance (civilian):

Image source: pixeldazed.deviantart.com/art/Homeles…
Used as emotional concept, more than physical appearance.

Duncan looks like one of the many homeless that live upon the streets of Maximum City; wearing a tattered, dirty, wool, dark navy coat over a torn and faded, red and black plaid hooded jacket, with light grey hood and sleeves. He always has the deep hood raised over his head, and his head drooping forward to the ground. Further concealing him newer, cleaner scarf of black and gray stripes. Over his legs he wears oversized, patched military surplus camo pants. Protecting his hands are a pair of dark forest green, woven wool gloves, while his feet are stuffed into a pair of filthy old steel toe work boots, that have been re-soled with what looks like some rubber from a car tire, and patched over in places where the leather has worn through.

Physically, when he isn't slouched over, he stands at 5'7", but looks almost as broad in the shoulders, with a deep barrel chest. Heavy set, squat, almost cubic of build. Yet his attire muffles it, conceals it, make him seem less than he is, more obese, than powerful. What would shock most to learn however, is that he weighs over 360 pounds.

Appearance (costume):
Technically, Duncan doesn't have a different appearance for fighting crime, but it is more likely that he, himself will be seen.

To describe his appearance, is it best to visualize Grig from the Last Starfighter, with a bit of Killer Croc skin texture, and a hint of Aliens (Geiger). Now, for more indepth explaination. Duncan started out with normal, human skin, a long time ago, 50 years. However, due to his mutation, his skin, when injured, started to thicken, and become more resilient to being damaged. As this process went, his skin became more, and more keratinized (the thick, tough, fibrous material fingernails, hair, and other such materials are made of). Eventually, flecks of bone began to form in places where he was frequently injured, these grew into nodules, and in less mobile parts of his anatomy, started to turn into plates. In some areas, thick plates of chitin (Insectile and arthropod exoskeletons) began to take over from the bone. One the backs of his forearms and front of his shins, the plates have further begun to grow layers of enamel, further being mineralized with iron sulphates, of gregite and pyrite, further hardening and strengthening the enamel to the point where it is harder than most steels. This also manages to give the enameled plates a luster with a hint of brassy-gold in good lighting conditions.

IE: He is ugly as fuck.

Real Name: Ira Per Hawkins
Current Identity: Duncan Harrow
Past Identities: Mason Ferrel (1969-1978), Jack Briggs (1978-1982), Liam Zurba (1982-1989), Wade Macneil (1989-1990), Cieran Liles (1990), Joe Thoms (1990-1995), Arne Tomassi (1995-2003), Alan Dussault (2003-2010), Kyle Nells (2010-2012), Wade Cormier (2012-2016), Duncan Harrow (2016- )

Quote: "Please, punch me. I will laugh in your face when your bones snap like twigs."

Previous: Leatherneck, Toughman, Hyde, Scale, Scab(Parsha), Brute
Current: Ogre

Age: 67
Gender: Male
Occupation: Beggar

Peak Human Strength [World's Strongest Man competitor equivalent)
Lesser Regenerative Healing Factor
Reactive Adaptation (Tied to Regeneration, slow enough to be effectively ignored)

Density: He is small and compact, but heavy as hell. He cannot swim, or float.
Heat: While his skin makes for fantastic armour, it is also a good insulator. In addition, he lost his sweat glands. While he can survive brief, intense heat for moments, that would scar, or potentially kill a normal human, his stamina and endurance are greatly lessened in hot environments. In the summer? He is not good in a foot chase, or a prolonged fight.
Slow: Short legs, and a lot of body weight, make him quite slow. Add into this the cumbersome nature and reduced flexibility.

Equipment: Not much. Some blankets, a ripped rain jacket, a shopping cart and some grocery bags. One thing he does keep in his possession is a small tin cookie can from the 70's with faded, worn paint, and rust at its seams. Inside the tin, is a collection of artifacts of his life; mementos of his triumphs and failures that trace him through history. He keeps a copy of all of his false identities, along with his original drivers license and birth certificate. He has three photographs of him and Joseph; the first is a polaroid faded from the years of two young men laughing at the edge of a lake, on the bottom is written in faded black marker; 72, the second as their alter egos, a professional print that has lasted fairly well, written on the back; 74, and the final one just them hanging out on a sunny afternoon in front of the Celica, the back scrawled in a different writing, "Nice car Ira! Proud to be your friend and comrade, Joseph Carter" Under that in the same printing as the others: 76. A yellowed, folded, and mildly stained scrap of news paper from the Redding Record Searchlight that detailed the day of the conflict between Magnetron and Hyde. Several other newspaper clippings in various states of yellowing and decay. A small folding knife with a blade half rusted and pitted, a blank black button, a highway patrol officer's badge, and a blood stained half of an apron folded neatly

May want to grab a drink, and a snack, be warned.

Relationships: (Open)
Fun time! Looking to outsource an alias for my character, as he isn't the type to just name himself, he leaves it to the media.
Appearance (civilian):

Image source: pixeldazed.deviantart.com/art/Homeles…
Used as emotional concept, more than physical appearance.

Duncan looks like one of the many homeless that live upon the streets of Maximum City; wearing a tattered, dirty, wool, dark navy coat over a torn and faded, red and black plaid hooded jacket, with light grey hood and sleeves. He always has the deep hood raised over his head, and his head drooping forward to the ground. Further concealing him newer, cleaner scarf of black and gray stripes. Over his legs he wears oversized, patched military surplus camo pants. Protecting his hands are a pair of dark forest green, woven wool gloves, while his feet are stuffed into a pair of filthy old steel toe work boots, that have been re-soled with what looks like some rubber from a car tire, and patched over in places where the leather has worn through.

Physically, when he isn't slouched over, he stands at 5'7", but looks almost as broad in the shoulders, with a deep barrel chest. Heavy set, squat, almost cubic of build. Yet his attire muffles it, conceals it, make him seem less than he is, more obese, than powerful. What would shock most to learn however, is that he weighs over 360 pounds.

Appearance (costume):
Technically, Duncan doesn't have a different appearance for fighting crime, but it is more likely that he, himself will be seen.

To describe his appearance, is it best to visualize Grig from the Last Starfighter, with a bit of Killer Croc skin texture, and a hint of Aliens (Geiger). Now, for more indepth explaination. Duncan started out with normal, human skin, a long time ago, 50 years. However, due to his mutation, his skin, when injured, started to thicken, and become more resilient to being damaged. As this process went, his skin became more, and more keratinized (the thick, tough, fibrous material fingernails, hair, and other such materials are made of). Eventually, flecks of bone began to form in places where he was frequently injured, these grew into nodules, and in less mobile parts of his anatomy, started to turn into plates. In some areas, thick plates of chitin (Insectile and arthropod exoskeletons) began to take over from the bone. One the backs of his forearms and front of his shins, the plates have further begun to grow layers of enamel, further being mineralized with iron sulphates, of gregite and pyrite, further hardening and strengthening the enamel to the point where it is harder than most steels. This also manages to give the enameled plates a luster with a hint of brassy-gold in good lighting conditions.

IE: He is ugly as fuck.

Real Name: Ira Per Hawkins
Current Identity: Duncan Harrow
Past Identities: Mason Ferrel (1969-1978), Jack Briggs (1978-1982), Liam Zurba (1982-1989), Wade Macneil (1989-1990), Cieran Liles (1990), Joe Thoms (1990-1995), Arne Tomassi (1995-2003), Alan Dussault (2003-2010), Kyle Nells (2010-2012), Wade Cormier (2012-2016), Duncan Harrow (2016- )

Quote: "

Aliases: Leatherneck, Toughman and Hyde. All aliases date back to the 1970's. He is unaware of any current Alias the media has dubbed him, if they have yet noticed him.

Age: 67
Gender: Male
Occupation: Beggar

Peak Human Strength [World's Strongest Man competitor equivalent)
Lesser Regenerative Healing Factor
Reactive Adaptation (Tied to Regeneration, slow enough to be effectively ignored)

Density: He is small and compact, but heavy as hell. He cannot swim, or float.
Heat: While his skin makes for fantastic armour, it is also a good insulator. In addition, he lost his sweat glands. While he can survive brief, intense heat for moments, that would scar, or potentially kill a normal human, his stamina and endurance are greatly lessened in hot environments. In the summer? He is not good in a foot chase, or a prolonged fight.
Slow: Short legs, and a lot of body weight, make him quite slow. Add into this the cumbersome nature and reduced flexibility.

Equipment: Not much. Some blankets, a ripped rain jacket, a shopping cart and some grocery bags. One thing he does keep in his possession is a small tin cookie can from the 70's with faded, worn paint, and rust at its seams. Inside the tin, is a collection of artifacts of his life; mementos of his triumphs and failures that trace him through history. He keeps a copy of all of his false identities, along with his original drivers license and birth certificate. He has three photographs of him and Joseph; the first is a polaroid faded from the years of two young men laughing at the edge of a lake, on the bottom is written in faded black marker; 72, the second as their alter egos, a professional print that has lasted fairly well, written on the back; 74, and the final one just them hanging out on a sunny afternoon in front of the Celica, the back scrawled in a different writing, "Nice car Ira! Proud to be your friend and comrade, Joseph Carter" Under that in the same printing as the others: 76. A yellowed, folded, and mildly stained scrap of news paper from the Redding Record Searchlight that detailed the day of the conflict between Magnetron and Hyde. Several other newspaper clippings in various states of yellowing and decay. A small folding knife with a blade half rusted and pitted, a blank black button, a highway patrol officer's badge, and a blood stained half of an apron folded neatly

May want to grab a drink, and a snack, be warned.

Relationships: (Open)
@Goldmarble He could be a homeless guy wrapped in a very large trenchcoat. Maybe he's covered in bandages. He's known to the public as a hobo with a physical deformity but his super hero identity would still be somewhat a mystery.

His bone plate body thing is fine (I imagine him to be like mutant marrow or spike) but regeneration would have to be quite limited as a secondary power.

Hmm, if that's allowable, then....yeeesss.
Always have had him being covered up; deep hooded coats, baggy pants, gloves, heavy work boots, etc. Tries to avoid being seen, because people tend to react badly, and he's had...history. Physical appearance has always been hard to describe, until I watched something again. Something old; Grig from The Last Starfighter movie. A bit rougher, and less uniform, heavier set, shorter, broader, squater, etc.

The idea for his powerset, was actually a very slow acting reactive adaptation mechanism; essentially, it has taken years of getting the shit kicked out of him, to grow the dermal armour he has. And by slow acting, I mean slowly, like needing to be electrocuted six or seven times in a week, just to kick in for the body to start trying to generate methods to resist it, stop it, or do something to prevent the harm from occuring. Even then, it would take months of being electrocuted, daily, before it came up with some means of truly protecting him from it. But it isn't just his skin, it is everything: his bones are stronger and denser, his muscles have greater resistance to damage (cutting, crushing, etc). The regeneration has always been a slow-acting thing, definitively not "Wolverine" class in healing a bullet wound in a couple minutes to a couple seconds, depending on who wrote it. More like, taking over an hour.

Essentially, his entire powerset is devoted to being resiliant, tough, and extremely survivable. He is strong, but only to peak human capability (Dead lift ~1000 lbs, etc). He isn't fast, but he can run for a long time, so long as it isn't hot out...as his protection, has eliminated his ability to sweat. He can sustain a higher core temp than a normal human, but that doesn't mean much, as his overall endurance in any sort of moderate climate is still at, or less than average, due to his inability to simply get rid of the heat. Inversely, he can tolerate extremely hot environments for very short durations; his skin that insulates him from getting rid of heat, also insulates him from heat for a couple minutes at best. So he can run into a burning building, stay there for maybe three minutes and get out, but that heat will still transfer through and he will burn...just after the fact.

Other weakness? He cannot damn well float. Due to the increased density of...well, everything about him? He simply sinks in water, no matter how hard he tries to swim against it. He avoids any sort of location with deep water, because he can tank being punted through some walls, being shot, impaled, whatever. But drowning? He is not so sure he can survive that.

Personality wise? Cynical, with reason. Finds it hard to trust people, but he wants to. Is kind, gentle, supportive and caring of those who he does trust. Fatherly (He is over 60 years old!)
And civilian identity is required for this RP

Dang, usual go-to doesn't work.

Will try to think of something else.

You alive bro?
@rush99999Yes, people expressed interest. I'd love for this to continue.
But if no one else makes a sheet, to meet his minimum requirement of three?

@Wadesauce@Cu Chulainn

Tagging you guys to see if you are still interested.
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