Avatar of GoodLuckTuck
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 248 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. GoodLuckTuck 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Replies will be no more for the rest of 2017! My life has just gotten too busy to manage. Sorry.
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7 yrs ago
Received the role of Orcus in "She Kills Monsters"! Replies will continue to come slowly because of rehearsal schedule!
7 yrs ago
Replies are going to be slow - school started!
7 yrs ago
I'm so proud of Kesha after listening to her new album.
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7 yrs ago
Wtf even IS time?


I should mention that I have been on this site longer that it actually says. My original account has a name I'd rather not say, and so it changed. And then, I forgot my password and the email that went along with the last one @Teddiplier. So in total, I have actually been on this site for about two years.

Most Recent Posts

@LorelleQuips Did you mean to put that picture?

Lol, stupid internet.

Currently, Mikill was looking at some jewelry. He could never have enough. He was simply browsing when he heard a mention of the child of Thor.
Now being the child of Thor, Mikill had gotten used to being recognized quite easily and quite often. It was no surprise to him. So when he heard "That's Thor's kid.", he turned with a smile that greatly resembled his father's. What was a surprise to him was the fact that his father's brother was here. In person. His smile wavered, but he kept it up nonetheless. Instead of speaking, he first decided to examine the girl that stood next to him.

He could assume that the two were related, with her probably being his daughter, due to her facial structure. In fact, she resembled him in every way it seemed. Like he himself didn't resemble his own father. Yet he found her...intruiging.

"Hey, there," he started out, speaking to her. "Seems like you're new here." His voice not wavering at all. "I'm Micheal, but call me Mikill. You must be Loki, and you must be his daughter..." he trailed off, waiting for a name. Once he had received one, he said, "Do you need help with anything? I know New Celestia, and New Celestia knows me." He gave another one of those smiles.

At first, as Cienna had begun to tell Julie was Erin had told her, Julie let her. As they arrived at the part that they were Soulmates, Julie began shaking her head lightly. When she finally reached the end, asking her to believe it, Julie spoke. "No. No no, no. Whatever she told you is wrong. She's purely evil, given to me by the Gods themselves. And now she's trying to make you make me believe something else."
The reason that Julie denied this, is because she knew that it was true. Her memories were beginning to come back, and she didn't want to believe that Erin had actually done what she did. A single tear slipped out of her right eye, and she continued to shake her head.
"Why would you believe her? You see how she's taunted you before."
Zephyr and Stride.....


The rune had probably appeared on his chest way before he had noticed it. Being a dazed child, he only noticed it after finally taking a shower one night. He examined it for a long, long time in the mirror. It was the one thing on him that he actually liked, even though he wondered how it got there. It was two nights before his nineteenth birthday that the Blessed took him away from his mother. They showed up at their apartment after he had finished giving his mother dinner. As he opened the door, there were three standing there. It seemed to him like they were from the government or something. Terrified that they were there to take his mother away, he attacked before they even explained themselves. He didn't win.

He woke up in a bed that wasn't is and in a room he didn't recognize. They had dragged him off somewhere, and he didn't know where. A card with the explanation of what was happening had been left for him. He refused to believe it and refused to leave his room, even though he knew he wasn't a prisoner. Not wanting him to die, meals were given to him. He didn't eat most of them. He was curious about the whole "powers" thing though. Wanting to try it out, he gave himself a cut and then tried to heal it. It worked, to his surprised. He decided from then on that he would use it to heal others, and not himself. Other things he did in his free time included exploring the lavish room they had given him and looking through the things they had left.
It took him a while, but he eventually found that they had left him "male" and "female" clothes. He had fun (for once) trying them on. He did this on his nineteenth birthday, celebrating it by himself.

Morgan stayed there for five weeks before told that he had to go to some meeting the night before it was actually supposed to happen. On that day, he decided to wear whatever. Had to make a good first impression, right? He put together an outfit; a black crop-top with daisies all over it, some ombre bleached shorts, and some black converse.
He knew that he was late, but he didn't care. He was the last one to enter the room, by the looks of it. But there were nine people in the room and only nine runes. What was happening?
Morgan didn't bother to make an introduction, or to even say hello as he entered. He simply walked over to the other empty couch in the room, sitting down. He looked around at the others.
Because he hadn't left his room for a month, he hadn't even seen any of these people. And none of these people had ever seen him. Upon first glance though, it seemed that everyone in the room was older than him. No more than ten years, but not less than two or three.
@ihinka Yup. We'll take all we can get!
If we restart, would Adam and Sparrow's story restart though? ;-;

It's fine if we do.
@Majoras End Are they contained to that room to talk to each other, or...?
So what should be happening (in posts) right now?
Stefany and Maddie.....

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