Avatar of goodmode
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 86 (0.06 / day)
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    1. goodmode 4 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current so the actually grim stuff like incest fishing can just stay huh
4 yrs ago
does incest/paedo rp result in a ban as well? gee i sure hope so


Hi, I'm Anders and I've been roleplaying for a solid few years. I've found myself with a lot more free time than usual due to the lockdown (and I already had a lot) so I'm here looking for some roleplay.

I don't bite, so feel free to slide into my DMs about anything and everything.

I'm 26 and would prefer to play with other players over 18. I will not play one-on-one with you if you are under 18. I don't generally find myself roleplaying NSFW content, but I prefer hanging out with other adults. It's nothing personal.

I have Discord. You can ask for it but if you are under 18 I will not add you.

Fantasy/High Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Superhero | Jamjar | Probably anything else if it's cool enough

Digimon | MLP (haha yeah) | Furry (haha YEAH) | Storm Hawks (kudos if you remember this and all the potential it had for a setting) | Many!

Characters forming deep bonds over time (friends and enemies!), comedy and drama, feel free to make friends with me OOC

Excessive gore, noncon, Trauma Conga Line with no happiness at the end of the tunnel

Small group or 1x1, paragraph style.

I don't worry about whether other people's characters are "Mary Sues" - I just care about whether the roleplay is enjoyable. You can have as many devil/angel wings as you want, man, just make it interesting for me as well as for you. Let my character share the spotlight too. It all boils down to remembering that if you wanted to write a novel, you'd be writing a novel. Remember you're creating this story with others, not alone - you came here to roleplay with me, and that means giving me reasonable space on the canvas to roleplay in a way that's fun for all of us.

I'm LGBTQ+ friendly.

Also, I realise my username looks kind of off in a roleplay forum. Too bad! I use it everywhere. It was originally based on the "godmode" cheat code you could enter into some video games to muck about unhindered, and being in a good mood/of good spirits.

Most Recent Posts

bad and naughty children get put in the WISEMON MACERATOR to atone for their crimes

Do we keep to a turn order?

Also, @PsyBlade - if you're looking for CR I had this mental image of Kuroko coming up with some airsoft-based training exercise for the Digimon (and Sunny would be all over that like ketchup) though that'd have to be, I guess, after they're not all in mortal danger haha. They also both share that grey zone of being friendly but not actually getting very close to folks, so maybe there's something in that... Just some food for thought!

(If anyone else wants to juggle CR ideas as well, lemme know!)
It begins!

The sky has begun to darken overhead, fringing a sickly purple like a bruise beginning to bloom. This is the hour children are called home and doors are locked tight. In the distance to the south a lone bell tolls, a common sound among the last scattering of hamlets and farmhouses along the outskirts.

To the north, the silent woods loom, making an imposing blemish on the road ahead. They stand silent - some say no wind dares to whisper through those still leaves, but folklore will make stories of anything.

Ardonne's careful retreat brings her closer to the Cullis Woods, her experience in hunting game guiding her footsteps a sight better than the average townsperson. Her footsteps on the even, grassy ground are quiet. One of Ardonne's heels finally edges into the long evening shadows cast by the skirting oaks.

Something distinctly animal echoes out from the deeper woods. It's a lot like a bear, but not quite.

No bear ever knew malice like that.
@ everyone, duly noted, and I hope we find a rhythm that works for everybody!

@Fetzen I did, replying now!
@Rina Daltis Exactly! As you all find out more about the beast, the post will be added to. It's mostly just for our reference so no one has to worry about forgetting some important detail or other, though if anyone wants to make a physical journal/notebook a thing ingame I won't stop them.

(I did indeed go to bed last night, I wanted to give everyone time to reply to my question and since it's GMT here as well I figured it was as good a time as any to get some sleep. I'm usually on all day until late, so it shouldn't be too obstructive to the RP.)

Okay reading back on everyone's replies I'm thinking: as long as everyone is cool with no turn order, then that's what we'll stick with.

But - and this is an obvious note, I know - please remember if you find you're posting very quickly at your timezone's peak hours, try to keep the actual story pacing slow enough for people in other timezones to keep up. For the most part bigger events will be up to me anyway.

Goodmode, are you planning to have someone drop by from the Pigeon Capital as some kind of coordinator or supervisor? If so, our characters could talk until such a person comes by to get the group into gear. If not, one of us can urge everyone to stop dilly-dallying and set off, starting us onward.

I was 50/50 on this - if you guys looked like you needed a boost, I could have had an NPC push things forward, but right now I like the organic way posts are heading, so instead I'll give you all an OOC pointer:

Heddwyn's instincts are right - it will be getting dark soon. You can make camp (by the cairn, on the outskirts of the woods ahead, etc) and/or try to prepare.

Also, here's a small thing: the 0th post will now function to hold some information about the Beast, to help everyone keep track of what your characters have found out. You guys don't know much that's certain yet, but the post will be added to as information is revealed or discovered. Right now, all of your characters will have heard through the grapevine that the beast is more active at night, so I'm beginning the post with that already written down. Later if your characters come up with theories you can ask me to write them down too.

@Wolfmother Thank you, that's a big compliment for everyone! I hope it'll be an adventure to read! :^)
@Inkarnate | @Lugubrious

I understand the concern but I'm a firm believer that RP will evolve as people get used to playing with each other. I plan on monitoring closely how we're all doing and if we all find a comfortable posting rhythm I am 100% open to dropping turn orders.

But since I'm new to RPGuild and I don't know any of you very well yet, I feel like setting a turn order (for a little while) will make sure we all have time to establish our characters, get used to each other's posting rhythms, and avoid anyone feeling like they're scrambling to catch up in the mornings right when we start.

TL;DR this RP is in its early days and the turn order is largely so that we can get established. Once we're used to what we're doing, we'll make changes from there. I hope that's okay with everyone. It may only last until the hunt begins.

How does everyone feel about that? If everyone's happier with no turn order I'll change now. :^)
@Rina Daltis Accepted! Post your sheet in Characters at will!

@Zoey Boey For right now I'll allow you guys to bounce off each other at will, but please be very mindful of the fact players who have not yet posted may make their first post unexpectedly. I hope that makes sense.

Basically: currently you may post at will, but everyone please be mindful of each other! And once every accepted character has posted at least once, I'll establish a turn order and we'll be sticking to that. Until then, have fun and feel free to have your characters set off. Consider this the intro!
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