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So... I'm a writer... A gamer and an anime nerd... Uh... I love fantasy ans Sci-fi. And I have a weakness for romance. I'm also gay.... My best friend and I joke around and say that I caught the ghey. My best friend is also a trash talking dwarf. No lie. He's 4'9 has longer hair than most women and a beard. Anyways.... I ramble about stuff often... I'm pretty socially awkward but get me on a topic I like and I'll talk for days....


Grizz the Mauler

Most Recent Posts

I'll try to post today... just I got strep and an ear infection so I'm out of it.
Stjerne and Zencrux: Rising Tides

Stjerne was at a loss. For death to not know what happened to his creations was something to be feared. The Stars were living creatures, and some were the resting places of legendary warriors. At one time they used to fade, but he sacrificed a bit of his own divine spark to empower each of them for eternity. With their deaths, however, he could feel that power returning to him. After hearing his son was at rest, he seemed to relax a bit. On the note of the dark gods Stjerne pulls out Aetherius. It enlarges in his hands and he waves forward, where it casts it's screen for all to see. "There will no doubt be chaos, as human minds are fickle and flighty, but we must be prepared for the dark gods and even some of the border ones." He swipes the image in front of him and the image forms a large globe. He frowns when he sees that the image is distorted, dulled with the loss of so many of his stars, which the Aetherius used to find things. He points to spots on the map, and draws lines on the globe. To the gods who can see more of the world, Stjerne is actively returning to his old duties, guiding lost people to safety. A shining star here, a warm aurora to aid someone on Everest who's in distress, he tunes out the others, working diligently. Desious notes that at this time it's only in certain spots where his followers are and areas of major crisis. He was also actively searching out and marking points as possible spots where his stars detected oddities. "It's hard to get a good reading since I'm missing so many stars... I'm glad I at least got the power I spent on them back, so I'll have to make some more... At this time, I haven't gotten enough strength to fully utilize them yet. My sight is limited to just Earth, give me some time and I'll find the other gods. As he goes, he just ignores how he's using a bit too much of his power, and his nose begins to bleed.

Zencrux crosses his arms. "Stjerne, my love, you shouldn't push yourself so hard." He swipes at Aetherius' screen to stop he smaller man. As much as I agree that we need to do something about the dark gods, I doubt mother would let me just go at them, especially since I can already feel her anger at how damaged the world has become. I'm actually concerned what will happen when she finds out about Chernobyl... He shivers, looking towards his father. It's been a long time since he's seen the god, and they didn't talk much then, either. It's not as things were tense, it's just that his father isn't the most... vocal being, being more interested in his creations and building things than to actually spend time with him. "How.. are you, father? It's been quite some time. He was a bit awkward with how he'd never really understood what went on in Brod's mind. He understood that he was probably one of the oldest gods in existence, and probably had other things to worry about than his son.
Just a fun twist, to help flesh out the dark characters we'll meet. Till evil incarnate was spawned, there was no real "dark" entity to face. Figured something was having fun messing with the gods.

lowkey, gives Stjerne a bit of a push to do stuff since he's not motivated like the others, he just wants to watch and create beautiful nighttime art.
....Guess I know what's taking my beautiful stars now...
oooo... Good luck.
Stjerne and Zencrux: Inquiries in Rebus Mortiferum

It took a bit for Stjerne to regain his breath but he glared at Geohearth. "It's called an Aurora you brute. DO not insult my artistry. Lightning is Zen's thing.' He crossed his arms, the aurora above growing bigger, turning to darker colors. Zencrux laid a hand on his shoulder. "Let it be, Stjerne. He's trying to rile you up, it's what he does after all. And on the topic of myself, no, I have not seen my parents or siblings in a long time."

As Brod himself neared, Zencrux stiffened a bit. "You would be correct...' Stjerne meanwhile was glowering, holding Aetherius close to himself. Things were getting a bit too stuffy for his liking. He looks up and blinks, causing the aurora to shimmer a bit more. Those with better perception could see that it was being used to distract the mortals and cast a protective blanket over them so that Geohearths' little stunt wouldn't harm any mortals. "We should probably take this to a less populated area. Geohearth's rather evil aura isn't easy to mask with mere illusions and a layer of celestial energy. That's more of Hiraga's domain. As for you, Desious, I want to know why I'm missing more than half of my stars! I worked hard on creating them, giving them each part of my power. Also is Crius... Is he alright?"
Stjerne- 2d567c
Zencrux- 747880
Stjerne and Zencrux: Ancient Dancing Lights

Stjerne stood on the deck of his japanese home overlooking one of the ponds. He always loved the culture of this land, how they still worshipped old gods and were rather friendly and wise. There was a beauty to this place that drew him in. He believed they were a rather enlightened people. Of course, he helped with that someone but they did most of this on their own while he slept.

He looks up at the night sky, as he often does. The stars... how he wished he could be up there with them again... Using his borealis to bring light and song to the people below. But they too, were sleeping. And vanishing. He wasn't too worried at the moment, for he could not remember how many there were before, but his loyal followers had told him that some have indeed vanished.

As he stared into the sky, arms wrapped around him and he felt himself pulled into a strong chest. It rumbled like thunder as the man behind him spoke, "Come inside, love. The forecast says it will storm soon. Besides, you should get some rest." Stjerne shook his head. "Bah, just tell the storm to go away. I'm stargazing. And I've slept for eons I'll pass on the extra sleep." Stjerne huffed and leaned back into Zencrux.

The larger man shook his head. "Very well, I'll just carry you. See? Maybe you should have trained more, eh? Gotten big and strong like me!" Zencrux chuckles as he carries Stjerne inside. A while later and the pair are enjoying some tea as the rain starts from the shelter of their patio. One of Stjerne's priests, a man named Raiko, is at the table, talking with them. Both gods have become more open with mortals, since the exile, as it's rather lonely being by yourself.

Zencrux, ever in tune with his aspect, reached out a hand to feel the rain, only finding that they simply moved out of his way, as if there was an invisible barrier around his hand. He frowned and put out his other hand and saw the same. "This... He gets up and walks out into the storm. Stjerne blinks at this and calls out to him. "Get back here... You'll- what... How.."

Zencrux smiles, feeling power well within him again. He looks up and lets out a roar, thunder striking down and hitting his outstretched fist. "I feel whole again! Stjerne smiled and got up from the table as well. He closed his eyes and reached out with his mind, feeling for his long lost creations, and feeling a surge of emotion as they sang out to him, e fell to his knees, their voices loud and incessant. "Father! Papa! King! He's back! He's here! Join us! We miss you! We love you! It's been so long..." He smiles up as Zencrux waved a hand to clear the skies. "I'm here.. I missed you too, my beautiful creations... A moment later they heard it. The Bell. Zencrux frowned at the sound, Stjerne was startled by it. The looked at each other and nodded. Getting their powers back wasn't some accident. and Desious never gave an end date. Calling out to his creations Stjerne lead the way to the sanctuary in the home. Aetherius sat in it's stand in the middle of the room. The opals glittered warmly in the dim light of the room. Zencrux headed for his armor stand to grab his sword. He grunted as he lifted the massive blade and smiled when it suddenly lightened up, warming at his touch. He headed back to Stjerne who was already working on locating the source of their situation.

"My thought is that we look for Death. Aetherius, find me Desious. Hmm... It's in America, looks like Oregon. Grab on Zen, we're going to port over there. With a twinkle, the pair vanished, appearing on the street near the god they were looking for. Zencrux grabbed Stjerne who stumbled at the power usage for such a jump. The smaller man leaked a bit of his power and caused a sudden aurora in the sky above as he regained his bearing.

Yesss. Would be hilarious if her nickname for him was "her little tadpole" because of this.
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