Avatar of Grueslayer
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 82 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Grueslayer 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current If anyone has a fantasy sandbox in mind I'd love to hear about it.
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7 yrs ago
Sometimes I really wonder what brings people to my profile.
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7 yrs ago
Hey man I like my Deathstroke any way I can get him.
7 yrs ago
Yeesh, some people take this stuff way too seriously.
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7 yrs ago
Man what a week. I'm back, boys!


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@TheUnknowableHe could plausibly have a UAC team with him who could occasionally make slipgates and get around with those, or use the demon ship from The Plutonia Experiment expansion.
How's a marine from the DOOM universe sound? Lightly armored but quick (though not as ridiculously fast as from the video games), and battle hardened from fighting the forces of Hell.

Plus it would be easy to explain how he showed up; teleporter malfunction like from the games.

He'd probably be good as a scout or guerilla fighter.
-------- This is the introductory post for Akio and Ose Haru --------

Unease has followed you like a shadow ever since you reached the fabled City. The ground here is polished to such a degree that you can see your own reflection on its glassy surface; a reflection that has been your only companion through these wide, foggy streets. Towers -- uniform, seemingly endless -- carved of solid jade loom above you, their tops lost to the fog. For all you know the city could be miles long, but you have not walked far from the stairs that led here from the mountain.

The City has been completely silent, and you have not even felt the wind on your back since you took your first steps into its streets, it seems almost as though the entire place has been frozen in time for thousands of years.

You had seen no familiar architecture, just these featureless jade towers -- until now. Before you is a traditional wooden temple wall, the kind built anywhere in Waidi to keep bandits at bay, but here it looks as out of place and alien as you must. There is no gate here, but surely there must be one further along.

What was that? A footstep?

You turn your head and in the distance, further down beside the wall, you can just barely make out the silhouette of (hopefully) another human being.
@jumpadraw@rocketrobie2Your introductory post is up! The person in the distance is the other player (but your character obviously doesn't know that!).

@Fancy Party@Vec@EklispeYou guys keep doing your thing and I'll step in whenever you decide to press onward up the stairs.

Aaaand I originally posted this to the character sheet section like an idiot.
@jumpadraw@rocketrobie2In that case I'll put a post specifically for you guys up in the morning and you can proceed at your leisure.

@Eklispe"Life"? I'm not even sure how you pronounce that word, sounds boring.
I normally go around early to late 30s; they're more believably experienced than younger characters and I feel like they're more uncommon than young adults in most RPs.
@jumpadrawI guess the only problem would be if robie wants to get going right away.

@rocketrobie2Would you rather head out on your own for a little bit until he gets back (or until the others meet up with you) or would you like to start in the same area as him and just wait for him to return?
Oh I am so down for this, but I'd have to think about which universe to choose from. It's rare I find a space opera universe I don't love.
@rocketrobie2@jumpadrawHey guys it's getting a little crowded where the other three characters are meeting, so it could be awkward for you to enter the conversation where they're at. If you'd like we could put the both of you a little farther ahead, already in the city, that way things don't get bogged down with 5 characters all meeting in the same spot and having to make introductions at once. Just a thought, it's up to you.

@sassy1085I don't have any problems with her background or anything, but could you please clean up the grammar on the sheet? It's kind of confusing because it looks like you didn't proofread it very much. Also don't forget to list her family sword as a possession. Thanks!
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