Avatar of Guccicorn


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2 yrs ago
Current *Shurg*
1 like
2 yrs ago
Hmmm, wull stay safe and be careful if thats possible OwO
2 yrs ago
It was only then that the other campers realized just how many drugs David had just taken ... All of them.
1 like
2 yrs ago
2 yrs ago
... plz explain ...


OHMAILAWD! I forgot about this part! BIO! Okay, I can do this, I know about me right? Yis. So where to start ... uuuuum ... Hmm.

OOH! Okay, you've probably noticed, but I'm a little ADHD. That's probably a good place to start, kind of like a disclaimer. I'm a little all over the place at most times, but I'll try and stay on track when the writing starts. My interests are also kind of all over the place, and I have a tendency to like OBSESS over things for a bit and then dip. I'll fill like two and a half sketchbooks and then just drop it forever for to work on nail art, or read old comics online, or some free 2 play game on my crappy phone.


Speaking of writing, I don't have like a looooot of experience. I mean I know words, a lot of words, but like not ALL the words, ya know? Probably not even MOST of the words, but I've got a solid foundashum ... I'm actually really impressed if you're still reading, where are we even going? Your van smells sus.

RIGHT, bio ... I like animals, all animals, and I'm fond of nature, but only SOME nature ... like non-hostile nature, the desert sounds pretty awful. I like music, ALL mus-okay not country, but most music ... okay SOME country. MOST music, but only SOME most music. It's gotta slap, that's what I'm getting at. Whatever style or genre it's gotta have a little something to it, something that makes you wanna DANCE.

I like some movies, and some shows, but mostly weird stuff. OMG have you seen Willy's Wonderland on Netflix like OMG amazing and weird and amazing. Horror movies are also great, but only some, others are really awful, and then some are so awful that it's great ... Go watch Willy's Wonderland, srsly.

How have you even held on this long? Even I'm not reading at this point. UUUUM I'm happy to try writing just about anything, and I have a google so I can git into a fandom pretty quick, just keep all that smutty smut to yourself! *finger wags* Bad adult! Don't be sus like that!

I can't even think of anything else, but if you aren't going for the block button yet, feel free to DM me or leave a message here or ... whatever other ways this place has of getting me words from people.

OH YEAH and I got discord just like ... ask me for it cause I'm not just gonna put it up here ^ - ^

Most Recent Posts

The Ship

Ursa Minor, like the other colony ships, is a marvel of human invention. Built to withstand the hardships of space and time, to peer far into the void in search of habitable planets and supportive biomes, to drag human life out into the darkness and kindle new light. From nose to tail, the ship spans 20 kilometres, with the profile of an egg. Thick armour plating, once painted white and scrawled with messages of hope from every corner of the planet, protects from debris, radiation, and extreme temperatures, with innumerable ports that open to reveal thrusters, camera and sensor arrays, viewports and airlocks. At the rear of the ship, the bottom of the egg so-to-speak, are the primary drive thrusters, kilometre upon kilometre of ionic thrusters with cumulative force enough to nudge a large moon out of place.

The inside of Ursa Minor is sparse, meant to serve only in case of an emergency. Two suites of cryopods provide life support to two emergency crews, a primary and a backup. Crews have access to barracks and hygiene facilities, a mess hall with supplies for six months, emergency medical facilities, an astronomy and astrophysics lab, and, possibly the largest area, emergency engineering. Engineering contains a shuttle bay, 10 independently controlled maintenance drones, and a full array of diagnostic and repair equipment, including replacement parts for various systems aboard the spacefaring portion. The rest of Ursa Minor, the cargo and the real technological marvel, are accessible through engineering, if accessible is the right word. Aside from a hundred thousand colonists, the rear sections of the ship contain the colony of Ursa Minor, a fully collapsible city in fully collapsed form, just waiting for a planet to be deployed on.

The Crew

Command -
2nd Command -
Lead Engineer - ME! ... im getting my character together XD
Engineer -
Biologist - Namey Namerson@Martian
Botanist -
Astrophysicist -
Lead Medical Officer - Ferghus "Gus" Mckinley (@Dark Cloud
Medical Officer -
Chief Pilot/Navigator - Connor Wolverson (@Rekker
Co-Pilot -

The Story

[Date Unknown] - A disoriented emergency crew finds themselves roused and called to action by the autopilot, though the nature of the error is currently unknown.
Hope Among The Stars ...

is hard to find and often fleeting

It happened so long ago now, it feels like a legend, or a children's story;

Once upon a time, on a night like any other, the great minds of our planet were pouring over the sky in search of answers, as they had done and would do countless times. At the peak of the northern sky they saw something, something that couldn't be seen with the eye. It was a hole in space, hungry and dark, small as a moon but massive beyond reckoning. Powerless to intervene, they watched the hole plunge into the sun, drinking of its solar blood before bursting free from the other side. Damage done, it disappeared back into the unknown as suddenly as it had arrived.

Injured, bleeding, the sun lashed out at us. Billions died or were seriously injured by the outpouring of radiation. Electronic systems around the globe failed or were destroyed, storms rocked every country on earth, forests and cities burned, mass panic gripped every human being, it was hell for weeks as we waited for the sun to die and take us with it, or relent and begin to heal. The same great minds that had watched powerless before argued among themselves about what would happen now, as if it would make any difference to the sun.

They would not emerge in agreement until after the sky returned to normal. The news was grim. Where our sun would have shone for a millennia, it now had only centuries, if that. No one wanted to believe it at first, not until months later when the sky turned red. Resigned to an inescapable fate, a plan was developed that the human race might outlive its home planet.

The project was called Pheonix; Representatives from every developed nation were involved, working together to build a roadmap of research and development, in fields ranging from medical science to astrophysics, scientific goals that would need to be met to ensure the greatest chance of success, societal stepping stones to cross. The last facet of the program to be developed was the lottery, introduced just a few decades before the launch date. Early participants were those already trained in required fields, but those selected at birth were more or less born into their roles, knowing little other than their rigorous training.

Ursa Minor was the last of fifteen deep space colony ships to be launched from earth before the sun went critical, passing Pluto as humanity's home planet was swallowed up by the sun. The crew was already in stasis, the computer initiating measures to follow a course selected before the first rivets and welds were ever put in place. Each on board has accepted that they may never wake again, knows what is at stake if they do, knows there is no home now to return to, that home is now something to be found and made anew.

No one can say if they will succeed or fail, only time will tell.

Paige could see her frantic rambling was a little overwhelming to the skull faced figure. She swallowed at the dryness in her mouth and tried to breathe through the pain in her side. She had a moment to collect herself before Rosaria responded. Her chest tightened at the news Rosaria's powers couldn't help free anyone, and she did certainly have a point about ... her appearance. Her eyes turned anxiously back to the building.

Rosaria's question hung between them, punctuated by silence. Could she? She could walk, maybe even jog, but could she carry someone like this? How much could she speed herself up before just moving someone would hurt them? She could feel her heart beating up into her throat as she tried to think.

What could they do?! She turned a frightened stare back toward Rosaria, unable to find an answer to give.


Paige watched Rosaria turn and run back toward the building, swearing under her breath before limping along behind. Kestrel landed a few feet ahead of them, but Rosaria was on it within seconds. That meant the other two were on her, at least for now. Paige cranked her speed up and moved past the two like a limping blur.

Inside she saw Olivia unconscious on the floor, and Kane ... she just stared in horror. Olivia she could do something about. Speeding over, she positioned herself over the unconscious woman and planned her grab. She also took a few deep breaths, preparing herself for how much this was going to hurt.

Time resumed. Kane shouted. Paige pulled Olivia up from the ground, careful to cradle her neck. She didn't dare move at full speed, but with Kane as a distraction she may not have to. Her jaw clenched as she lifted, fighting back tears even as her powers made her new friend feel a little bit lighter.

Moving carefully, she manoeuvred Olivia outside, down the stairs and behind a stone planter. Setting the woman down, she fell to her knees clutching at her side and panting heavily, eyes clenched closed. She had to go back in, but she felt like she might throw up.

Hm. How often do you think you lovely people will be expecting posts? I have been on a v-e-r-y long hiatus, but I like the idea of dipping my toe into something casual and fun.

Im thinking we'll probably be aiming for once a week, I mostly just don't wanna get into something so heavy that imma have to ditch once school starts back up.

@Martian Yeey, glad to hear you're feeling better and look forward to seeing it. I'm also trying to git my own character done and also finish the actual RP setup xD

@Dark Cloud fair :P
Imunna just save this hear for now cause pages is being stupid >,<


It happened so long ago now, it feels like a legend, or a children's story.

Once upon a time, on a night like any other, the great minds of our planet were pouring over the sky in search of answers, as they had done and would do countless times. At the peak of the northern sky they saw something, something that couldn't be seen with the eye. It was a hole in space, hungry and dark, small as a moon but more massive beyond reckoning. Powerless to intervene, they watched the hole plunge into the sun, drinking of its solar blood before bursting free from the other side. Damage done, it disappeared back into the unknown as suddenly as it had arrived.

Injured, bleeding, the sun lashed out at us. Millions were killed, millions more burned or poisoned. Systems failed or were destroyed, storms rocked every country on earth, forests and cities burned, mass panic gripped the globe, it was hell for weeks as we waited for the sun to die and take us with it, or relent and begin to heal. The same great minds that had watched powerless before argued among themselves about what would happen now, as if it would make any difference to the sun.

They would not emerge in agreement until after the sky returned to normal. The news was grim. Where the sun would have lived for a millennia, it now had only centuries. This time, instead of panic, people were sad, a happy kind of sad ... the human race is different when you can see the finish line. What was the point in accomplishing anything with only a generation left. That's what most people thought at first anyway, but a few people thought differently, and started to convince the rest.

If Earth was doomed, then a new home would have to be found. People would have to be chosen to survive, ships would need to be built. Much had been done in the hundred years prior, divisions between countries and individuals holding back progress, surely a united people could accomplish what needed to be done in a hundred more.

November 17th, 2337 - Ursa Minor is the last of fifteen deep space colony ships to be launched from earth before the sun goes critical, passing Pluto as humanity's home planet is swallowed up by the sun. The crew is already in stasis, the computer initiating measure to follow a course selected before the first rivets and welds were ever put in place. Each on board has accepted that they may never wake up again, knows what is at stake if they do, knows there is no home now to return to, that home is now something to be found and made anew.

No one can say if they will succeed or fail, only time will tell.








Newp, too sleepy, work in progress >yawn<

okay dis week imma be putting together the IC starter and stuff, sorry to have been all missing for a bit, i had a thing; christmas :P
imma also be like that so no worries.
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