Avatar of Guccicorn


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2 yrs ago
Current *Shurg*
1 like
2 yrs ago
Hmmm, wull stay safe and be careful if thats possible OwO
2 yrs ago
It was only then that the other campers realized just how many drugs David had just taken ... All of them.
1 like
2 yrs ago
2 yrs ago
... plz explain ...


OHMAILAWD! I forgot about this part! BIO! Okay, I can do this, I know about me right? Yis. So where to start ... uuuuum ... Hmm.

OOH! Okay, you've probably noticed, but I'm a little ADHD. That's probably a good place to start, kind of like a disclaimer. I'm a little all over the place at most times, but I'll try and stay on track when the writing starts. My interests are also kind of all over the place, and I have a tendency to like OBSESS over things for a bit and then dip. I'll fill like two and a half sketchbooks and then just drop it forever for to work on nail art, or read old comics online, or some free 2 play game on my crappy phone.


Speaking of writing, I don't have like a looooot of experience. I mean I know words, a lot of words, but like not ALL the words, ya know? Probably not even MOST of the words, but I've got a solid foundashum ... I'm actually really impressed if you're still reading, where are we even going? Your van smells sus.

RIGHT, bio ... I like animals, all animals, and I'm fond of nature, but only SOME nature ... like non-hostile nature, the desert sounds pretty awful. I like music, ALL mus-okay not country, but most music ... okay SOME country. MOST music, but only SOME most music. It's gotta slap, that's what I'm getting at. Whatever style or genre it's gotta have a little something to it, something that makes you wanna DANCE.

I like some movies, and some shows, but mostly weird stuff. OMG have you seen Willy's Wonderland on Netflix like OMG amazing and weird and amazing. Horror movies are also great, but only some, others are really awful, and then some are so awful that it's great ... Go watch Willy's Wonderland, srsly.

How have you even held on this long? Even I'm not reading at this point. UUUUM I'm happy to try writing just about anything, and I have a google so I can git into a fandom pretty quick, just keep all that smutty smut to yourself! *finger wags* Bad adult! Don't be sus like that!

I can't even think of anything else, but if you aren't going for the block button yet, feel free to DM me or leave a message here or ... whatever other ways this place has of getting me words from people.

OH YEAH and I got discord just like ... ask me for it cause I'm not just gonna put it up here ^ - ^

Most Recent Posts

Fuck you, and your mom, and your sister, and your job,
and your broke-ass car, and that shit you call art.
Fuck you and your friends that I'll never see again,
everybody but your dog, you can all fuck off.

xD yis xD

omg I didn't even look at the post date!
Be 18+



bump -___-
@Guccicorn It's over donkey. It's over.

@ClocktowerEchos *pouts and makes puppy eyes at u* @ w @
NAME: Mackenzie Fraser
AGE: 17 ... shut up ... UwU
Kenzie is 5'4" with a lithe build and boyish proportions. She's fit, but doesn't lift or anything. Her skin is fair and unfreckled, with thick lashes framing her big green eyes, and her pale lips often drawn into a light frown.
TRAITS: Mackenzie is stubborn, in this context meaning she doesn't tend to listen to what people tell her. She's got low confidence, but it means if she really needs to do something she's able to shrug off failure more easily. After all, she expects to fail. She's a bit of a loner, often of the opinion she'd rather be a burden only to herself. She's also just used to having to do things on her own. She just doesn't understand people, finding it much easier to understand things like machines and puzzles. That's not to say she doesn't try to be friendly, she sees the value in others, she just doesn't know where she fits in and assumes that those around her are very aware of how much she sticks out.
EVENTS: Mackenzie was born in Nova Scotia, Canada. Her father is a mechanic part time, and an auto-parts salesperson the rest of the time. Her mother is a teacher who works part time and is on call the rest. She grew up in thrift store fashions, with discount or knock-off brands and used electronics. In her spare time she helped her father work on cars, read, tried to find something creative she was good at to no success. The only thing she's really found to clear her head is running and working with her hands, especially in situations like shop class. She's finally old enough to go out and get her own job to buy herself a little more independence, a little more style, and start planning for her future, daunting as that is.
SKILLS: Uh ... running ... she has a decent knowledge of machinery like ... how an engine works. She loved her time in shop class, and knows how to build things to a basic extent ... like ... how a drill works. She can read, and math ... she knows how to plug things into things to make them work kind of, but if your DNS is all pinged up or whatever she's out of her league. She's got the skillset of a highschool tomboy basically ... yknow?
Wull imma still take part, I'm just trying to uh ... tbh i'm tryna come up with a concept that isn't so ya as what i would normally submit xD
hmmm I think Imma go for a girl who wandered away from her family during a normal grocery shopping trip after school one day OwO
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