Avatar of Headhunter
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    1. Headhunter 5 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current @Ladypug Just ask Geralt. I’m sure he’ll give you enough reasons.
5 yrs ago
The value of a hypocrite’s criticism doesn’t depreciate because of their lack of awareness. It’s the best opportunity to grow, and not become just as oblivious. It’s also hilarious asf to witness.
5 yrs ago
My much needed vacation is almost over... :(


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@Jasper19@Shadow Dragon geez that guy is an asshat. Awesome to see your fellow players rally together though!
@The Fated Fallen Yeah I get mixed reviews about them. I’m a big fan of the 3rd game, and with the Netflix show coming out this December, I’ll get to blast through them since it’ll all be based on those. I liked Last Wish, and what I’ve read of the second book, but I’m ready to move on from short stories and into a continuous plot line.

Hows everyone’s weekend so far?
@The Fated Fallen My friend gave me the entire book collection for the Witcher series, so that was awesome!

@baraquiel No worries!

Yeah, Lunaris is right! The location is on the first floor, but I also forgot to mention that sea water funnels from the basement sector, so there are raised glass pools that line the walls and there are also separate pools for them in the balcony area that have glass domes so they can interact with people.

On top of that, you also have the option of using a land suit which is basically a reverse dive suit, or much like the one man octoalien band guy, can have a capsule for more space if your character is claustrophobic. It can even be mobile, basically like an aquarium on wheels that your character can control from the inside.

I’m open to all sorts of creative freedom and encourage everyone to take liberties, so if you have another idea you’d like to use, I’d probably be okay with it so long as it makes sense in the RP and doesn’t conflict with what’s already been established. This world is very much ours to build :)

@LunarisDaFox Going well! It’s meh birthday today so I won’t be able to get a post in until sometime tomorrow :) I hope everyone is having a good week!

@The Fated Fallen No worries! Take your time.
Also, is there some kind of posting order or something?

Okay, first post is up!

There is no order, especially in this scenario as there is opportunity for multiple interactions. I also want to emphasize 1-2 paragraphs minimum. Happy posting!

The captain is standing away from all of the activity at the far corner of the mess hall in her trident uniform.
Okay, first post is up!

There is no order, especially in this scenario as there is opportunity for multiple interactions. I also want to emphasize 1-2 paragraphs minimum. Happy posting!
The shimmering blues of Nautrias’ vast oceans are never ending. Its waters ignite like living glass when the sun refracts against its surface. The sound of churning waves are deafening, rolling, and thunderous, as if colossal machines are spurring them to life from down below. Diving into its depths is like jumping through a portal and into another world.

Illuminating flora decorate the Kujathi Reefs like sunken forests from a fairytale land. Not only does it contain the most abundant plant life in the area, it is also home to the largest and most diverse communities on the planet. The floating rock formations anchored by roots grown from the deep ground are known as the Swaying Coves. It is a massive labyrinth, perfect for pirates and all other nefarious types.

The Sunken Isles is an ancient remnant of an old Droquilian civilization. Its marble structures and toppled architecture peak between the growing algae and coral life that thrive here. The blistering current of The Roaring Swells is powered by the gale winds on its surface. It stretches for hundreds of miles, serving as a massive transit speedway.

Then, there is the Rycort Trench, an expansive trough that is over 3,000 kilometers deep. It is the home to many great sea creatures, as well as other, more aggressive species, that’ve isolated themselves from the rest of Nautrias.

While it is all so very beautiful to marvel at, its people are truly what makes this planet shine. There is a rich history embedded into its watery landscapes, the remnants of old civilizations etched throughout. The many customs, cultures, and traditions of the droquilian and their subspecies is simply magnificent. Worth preserving. We must rip this planet free from Obsidian’s Hand’s vice grip and restore its natural order. This much I know.

- USS Explorer Emeri Vercheon


Character: Captain Weaver Sinclaire
Her Location: United Star Sector Islands - Trident HQ - 1st floor

Captain Weaver Sinclaire closed Emeri Vercheon’s old journal and tucked it away in one of the back pockets of her dark blue Trident uniform. She meditated on his words like they were sacred texts, searching for a morsel of renewed vigor as Trident’s leader. A cyclical year has passed since Trident was green lit, and it was a rough start, to say the least. Navigating through Nautrias’ waters was one thing, establishing diplomacy and trust with the Coalition community was a whole other turbulent environment in itself.

She lost good people. Some Trident members quit, others simply couldn’t handle the work. Only one member of her team died. Rear Admiral Omarkei told her that was a victory in on itself, but it certainly didn’t feel like one. Every time they were making great strides, there was always something waiting to take them several paces back. But the higher ups seemed to like their progress, and even went so far as to give them upgraded equipment and additional personnel.

“Would you like something to drink, Captain?” The waitstaff’s voice was high pitch, like nails to a chalk board for her augmented hearing.

She combed back a strand of her silver hair to quickly adjust the frequency nodule on the back of her left ear. She shooed the waitstaff away, her azure blue eyes flashing irritably. He bowed his head, apologized profusely for having existed in her bubble, then scurried off into the crowd like a timid gnarlfish.

Weaver was surprised at the turnout. There were only twenty Trident members, and the rest of the eighty-something in attendance were random USS officers, with some off-worlder contractors littered throughout. Drinks and conversation were flowing, whether seated at their designated tables, or wall flowering throughout the premises.

Some were even dancing to the octogadian’s one-man band routine. It floated inside of a large water capsule, not because it couldn’t live on the surface, but because the music he played required a specific acoustic underwater. The speakers absorbing the sounds relayed what Weaver could best describe as upbeat whale songs with synthesized sounds of the deep. Each odd-looking instrument held in the octogadian’s many tentacles flickered with bioluminescence, adding a whole new dimension to the term: live instruments.

The entire area had a slight make over, a necessary renovation to accommodate for the higher ups in attendance. The giant mess hall’s usual spartan display was decked out with flair. USS, Trident, and Coalition banners hung from the high ceilings; The decorative colors of white, dark blue, and green symbolizing their partnership. Holographic light fixtures brought the area to life with colors that mimicked the deep blue seas. The sunset that glistened through the large windows, and the soft winds drifting from the balcony entranceways made it feel like a high end resort.

Chairs and tables were repositioned into a half circle to face a raised podium. A holographic display of the Trident’s emblem rotated in the background. Weaver cringed when she looked at the stage. She’d have to make a speech tonight, one that she only started preparing for this afternoon. The Captain suddenly regretted scaring the waitstaff away.

“I need a drink...” She sighed.
I can create one if the entire group is up for joining it. If not, then we’ll keep it on here so everyone is on the same page. :)

@LunarisDaFox VOICE is accepted! And... now we have our whole group!

@Nyxira No. Certain missions might require particular equipment but the USS and/or Coalition will provide them.

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