Avatar of Hekazu
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Hekazu
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1802 (0.47 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Hekazu 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
And back I am. Exhausted, certainly, and may need a while for that to wear off, but I'm once more here to read and even write!
5 yrs ago
Won't be replying for a while. Am hiking.
5 yrs ago
My congratulations to the winners of TI9! Well played gentlemen, well played.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Should have been writing posts. Took part in D&D shenaniganry instead. Got to fix that tomorrow.
5 yrs ago
There's a lot of backlog here on my end. I'm trying my best to lessen it, but replies might be less frequent for a time. A welcome change from the nothing doing I went through though! Thanks partners!


I suppose it is about time for me to copypaste fill in some information about myself over here just as well. Only took me a few years to getting around to do it.

I am a married individual in my twenties from the country some people dare claim does not exist. The Finland conspiracy is an old joke, you can stop with it now. Not a native speaker of the English language by any means, though I did begin studying it exceptionally early for our country's standards. I suppose it was some sort of a test case. With that out of the way though, what more should I be saying here...
  • I like being nice to people. If one needs to ask why, well that alone is reason enough.
  • I play and Dungeon Master Dungeons and Dragons, both offline and in the past also over here.
  • I enjoy OOC chatter, be it planning the RP or a more casual exchange (not that RP'ing is that serious). I can make do without, but don't be afraid to talk to me.
  • Whatever the case, I'm here to have fun and hone my writing abilities!
I do think that should about cover it, yes.

Thanks for stopping by I suppose! I do also have a Discord account, but I prefer to start anything RP related on the site. At least with people I don't know from the past, that is! But hey, now if you are a longer time contact of mine and happened to read this, now you know and can ask!

Most Recent Posts

I guess the time for me to post has not come yet. By all means, do have the discussion about future plans! After all, when you have a plan, you are already halfway to resolution!
Btw @Hekazu, would Kyra's adoptive parents be alive still? I imagine that would be important for her to know.

*Rolls a d12* ...looks like they are.
Makes sense. You didn't say it would have been a recently made observation anyway, so all is good.
@Lucius Cypher
Psst, it's a water mill :P
@Ryonara@Norschtalen@Lucius Cypher
You are outside. What will you do?
I hope my IC description is enough to go on. If there's anything particular the hunters would have been looking for, feel free to tell me what that was.
Having had the time to adjust to the shocking sight of the quite massive creature lying dead in its own web, the hunters began a quick withdraw to avoid alerting the smaller brood. Before they made it all the way out of view, there was just one thing they needed to check... and as far as they could see from here, there was webbing all over the source of light. It would not be too outlandish to assume the fresh air pushed through the very same breach in the wall.

They didn't quite have the time to figure out whether that led directly outside or if there was still some way to go since they evacuated themselves from the vicinity of the fuzzy presumed offspring of the larger, now lifeless beast. The hunters stopped between two bookshelves, marking anything of note on their way there. For a library, this place seemed to mostly have been made to fulfill the purpose of storing books, not much else. Sure, some rugs remained on the floor to muffle the step of the intrepid scholar and the walls had some decoration to them as well, but beyond that there were simply the bookshelves and the books they carried. One of the group managed to spot a piece of wood on the ground at their feet. Perhaps something had been broken recently? It had not gathered much dust.

@Lord of Evil@Dusksong
Then a ranger it shall be! I'll get to creating the character into Myth-Weavers as soon as my video has ceased rendering.

I just decided to pop in and ask if you'd have space for one more character of if you are waiting for someone to make their own and I shouldn't go and ninja that spot from them. Since there seems to already be a Paladin in the works, I thought I could roll out a Battlemaster, or perhaps a CG Warlock? I'd have a CN one obsessed with balancing the world already, but he isn't exactly on the good axis so... yeah. Or perhaps a monster slayer ranger? Ahh, so many choices...

Anyhow, if there happens to be room for one more hero in the multiverse, I'd be happy to join you!
Would you look at that, it is afternoon already! Memo to self, never promise anything for mornings! Anyhow, my post is up.
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