Avatar of Heroic


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8 yrs ago
Current When wisdom teeth removal puts you on a liquid-only diet, you sure do notice more conversations about food than normal.
8 yrs ago
"When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination." - Thomas Sowell
8 yrs ago
Am I the only person on the planet that doesn't like Yum Yum Sauce?
8 yrs ago
Tfw you remember Fallout 4 releases Automatron this month.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Those people who actually post their status in status updates are a part of a very small minority. One that I'm not a part of.


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<Snipped quote by Heroic>

OH! I was wondering if you just not like to be questioned.

I’m not some crazy power hungry despot or anything! Yet at least…
*Rubs my chin while deep in thought*
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

You told me not to ask questions...

Nonono! Not “never ask them”. Just accept it when I tell you that I can’t tell you about something. It’s for your safety!
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

Okay. I can do that.

… You’re awfully non-curious about everything.
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

Oh that’s neat, I hope it isn’t a difficult process for us.

Well… I suppose we should at least go to the Archives. Worst case, they just make you wait outside.
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

I do not.

Rythian’s the only one in the past several generations at least!
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

*before exiting with you I turn and bow then catch up*
I hope this will lead us to where you want us to be.

I should have read his memoirs ages ago, but there’s no time like the present, huh? Oooh, I wonder if we’ll actually get to go?! Do you know how few outsiders get to step foot there?!
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

Well, if you say so.

Come on! We’ve got questions that need answered!
*Runs out the door to Ahm’s palace and back into his courtyard*
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

It’s scary though.

Ahhhhh, you’re fine.
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

No, but I’ve seen her angry.

Sounds like your fear is misplaced then.
<Snipped quote by Heroic>

Yes, SideSlash is a scary woman.

Is she mean to you?
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