Avatar of Hidden Lilly
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Hidden Lilly
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 465 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Hidden Lilly 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Will be responding soon and then going on a Histus until October 17th, 2021
3 yrs ago
Been working through some burnout lately, sorry for the slow responses. I'll be getting to it this week.
3 yrs ago
I've been trying my hand at streaming lately, feel free to join on Fridays 9-11pm EST! twitch.tv/lilly_of_dreams
1 like
4 yrs ago
Guess who's back ;D
4 yrs ago
I'm taking a hiatus from Sept. 1-26th to handle some school stuff :)


Hello! My name is Lilly and this is a bit about me :3

I'm a Canadian role-player.
Atlantic Standard Time; UTC/GMT -4:00, Atlantic Daylight Time; UTC/GMT -3:00.

I like: Tea, Cats, Books, Music, Crafts etc.
I read: Fiction, Adventure/Epic Adventure, Fantasy/Dark Fantacy, Sci-Fi, Tragedy, Apocalyptic, Manga, Christian, Historical Fiction
I write: Romance, Adventure, War, Superpower/Superhero, Fantacy/Dark Fantacy, Apocalyptic

I used to write in larger rp groups and post an average of once per day at the free-casual level. Lately because of life circumstances, I've been participating in more 1x1 with an average posting rate of once every 1-2 weeks at the casual level.

Most Recent Posts

I will probably post after my interview today

good luck!
In Splinters 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Nice :) What are you planning on planting?

Yeah :$ I'm really sorry >.<
@Hidden Lilly @Mistress Dizzy @KatherinWinter

Magnus nods, "That'll come in handy." He points out a Hydra soldier wearing the telltale, shiny insignia of an officer and asks, "Do you see that man? I think he's the officer in charge of their mission. If you could use your electricity to knock him out, I could put on his uniform and maybe trick the others into standing down. He looks kind of similar to me, and with all the wind and dust blowing around, they might not notice the difference." He turns to the black clad stranger next to him and asks, "Would you be able to get us close by taking out any soldiers in our way? Preferably quietly, if possible"

@Hidden Lilly@CajunRobinHood

Jin did what she was asked, and started to shield the electricity girl from danger. Sheer power flowed out of her, and her dark eyes lit up bright silver behind her goggles. The shield itself was invisible, but the amount of dust in the air left a bubble-shaped void where Jin lay it over them. Shields were the one thing Jin felt like she could do without messing it up. You couldn't overpower a shield - it just made it stronger. True, she was going to have a massive headache after this, but as long as her teammate stayed safe, it would be fine.

She really didn't think this plan was going to work though. This guy may be smart, but would he know the right lingo in order to make the troops retreat? Wouldn't an army trained to fight metahumans, mutants and everyone else be prepared for brainwashing, hypnosis, doppelgangers and all sorts of trickery? She shot a nervous glance back to Magnus, but his face betrayed nothing.

@CajunRobinHood @Mistress Dizzy @KatherinWinter

Makoto proceeded with caution and when the Officer was exposed, on the back edge of the group after giving an order she took her chance. There was a small bit of skin exposed on the back of his neck and the thrust her generated electricity into him. At first, she was suspended for a moment and completely stiff, hardly making a noise, then his limp body began to crumple towards the ground. Makoto tried to ease his fall as to not make noise but unfortunately, there was still a *wumph* sound. Makoto had an arm and foot stuck under him and quickly pulled them back, causing scrapes and cuts where her skin caught on his armour. In that moment it occurred to her that her electricity could have gone through the helmet creating quite the spike in static. Unsure of what went on inside the guy's helmet, Makoto attempted to retreat as fast as she could. Relying on her teammate with the shield. She ended up by a storefront, praying to blend in enough not to be seen.
In Splinters 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Aye, th' sooner we m'ke birth th' better off we'll be 'n me humble opinion." Daniel said, supporting Avery's choice of where to make port. However, he was just as stunned as Avery when Iris mentioned that Scarlet's friend, whom he would assume was Amelia, had to send word anywhere. Daniel scouwled in concentration, trying to piece together what Iris said could mean. He decided to hold his tongue and let Avery do the talking. After all, she was the captain.


Amelia giggled and laughed out of sheer joy. She was beginning to loosen up finally, one of the sailors having cracked her shy exterior with a number of semi-tasteful jokes. She looked over to Scarlet to see her smiling and letting a chuckle slip through her lips occasionally as well.

"My goodness Mr. Sailor, you seem to have many funny tales from serving on this vessel." Amelia breathed. The salty air didn't hurt her eyes or lungs as much anymore. There might be a sailor in her yet! Such a dangerous thing for a lady to be... she would be flogged when she got home if her mother ever found out. The sailor man seemed to respond to her twinking eyes by bringing forth a tale about particularly playful dolphins. Amelia enjoyed listening, all the while keeping an eye on her safety net, Scarlet.
In Splinters 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Good :) Doing a crap ton of gardening these days, you?

Also, I am an idiot ^^" I wrote out a post like 2 weeks ago and apparently it didn't get posted >.<
@CajunRobinHood@Mistress Dizzy@KatherinWinter

Makoto nodded and turned to Jin. "If you give me cover, I can get close enough to knock him out." She said awaiting a cooperative response. Once she had it Makoto did her best to slink off out from behind the debris into the dust, and towards the Officer. She covered her mouth and nose with a sleeve as best she could, doing her best to breathe normally. There were many narrow misses, though she didn't think that the soldiers were aiming for her. She was glad for her lighter colored clothing and hair as it might have helped her blend into the dust and sands. She ended up having to circle the group a bit before a path to the Officer was exposed enough for her to slip in. Praying for a distraction of a sort, or the soldiers to be ordered ahead of the officer, she began to use the sand and dust to help create an electric charge.

It occurred to her that maybe if she played her cards right, she could turn the sand storm into an electric sand storm. She would have to check into that or try it later. Right now, she did have a task at hand. Sneaking as best she could up to the Officer, she extended her hands behind him, looking for a bit of open skin to deliver her shock and not char the uniform.
Hello all!

I'm heading to Anime North tomorrow morning for the weekend, I dunno how around i'll be to post...
TBQH I think I plan on keeping this modern, but I thought it would be quite interesting if - instead of " self sorting " and saying what house you are in.. I could play the sorting hat, and do a one on one pm rp with each student, and essentially incorporate that into a large post, whereby, therein allowing students to slowly become introduced to houses. We could go into the subject of knowing from the profile, what your character's personality is like, have the hat converse with you, and then ultimately make a decision " together " - about the house. Or it can be done, quickly on skype, and then put a ( as mentioned before ) together a master post, where the hat sorts all the students, after which the sorted students can begin to mingle..

I like playing the headmaster a lot, so I would take up that post, and if anyone was considering a teacher, I would look them over myself. I am a " post privately " about your characters, type of person, so if any of this is of interest to you, I can create several threads. 1 for Character lists, with hidden tabs that only the DM - aka me, would be able to see. I would like to start this aforementioned RP on the first day of school ( obviously ) so, it would make it easier for everyone to jump onto the train and talk to one another etc.

How does this sound?

That sounds cool! We had all done the pottermore test and used that for our houses.

Also, I'm going away to Anime North this weekend so I dunno how connected i'll be to keep up with this thread.

I never had the opportunity to read them as a kid so I'm doing some catching up :) I will admit that I've been slow with it... I blame my book club :P we read approximately a book per month so it doesn't leave much room for other reading in my world.

Heck yeah I'm still willing :P

I might have a chance to read the 2nd book by then even :P XD
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