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Yes, I know. I'm just making sure I'm doing correct DnD combat choices... since I only have a little time before I have head to work.

One more question, I just need to roll 1d6 for a short bow attack? Wait I need to roll something to see if it hit, right?
So Kovu will moved 35ft used Daunting Roar and they to do a wisdom saving throw greater than... 11?
So if move 35 feet and used Daunting Roar that's in range for both of them.
Hmm... So both bandits are 45ft away from the table, correct? How close are they to each other?

Dialogue Color:ec008c

Finally getting close enough, Sam found his little fairy/bug right where he thought. There was a sharper look in his eyes as his honey-colored eyes narrowed. "Manly, I'm going to put you in your Pokeball if you keep running off like that." The teen warned in an upright stance with his arms crossed. The sternness in his voice made it clear he wasn't joking around. Understanding that the Cutiefly took one more glance at Jordan before flying off back to his trainer. It cutely cried out apologetically in front of the cold expression of the human. Sam let out a sigh. "Honestly, you're too hard to spot when you go off on your own so stay close." His face softened immediately and the tension in his body language eased up.

The moment that happen Manly cheerfully flew some laps around Sam before perching on the top of his dark-colored hair. The Pokemon would almost blend in as another of his oddly cutesy heart hair accessories if he had mounted closer to them. His honey-colored eyes pointed toward his previous female acquaintance. There were a couple of tall guys standing close to her; one muscular guy and another that he had definitely seen in Home Ec class multiple times. His eyes scanned them without a word but then focus back on Jordan.

"Alola again, Jordan," He greeted her the same as before with the same monotone delivery and double hand wave. "Sorry about the nosy bug. He likes you it seems." The teen spoke to her in a rather matter-the-fact tone. Despite the emotionless delivery, Sam didn't come off as unfriendly. His eyes momentarily roamed to the pair about to battle and then back to her. Staring silently for a moment more, he scratched the back of his head. He really wasn't great at the whole friendly chatting thing, but he came over and might as well do something other than just stare. "Do you happen to know anything about the Ten Sights of Paldea?"

A bulky human responded that the rest of the people here were also guided by a similar instinct. He glanced at the others, very skinny and small humans. He was encouraged to take a seat, which cause Kovu to stare for a bit before sitting down. Couldn't say he understood, was this necessary? Was there something wrong with the ground? The lion being stared down at it for a moment... it didn't look like it was anything bad to sit on. He just pegged it at a human thing. Just before he turned his gaze away, a pair of arms popped waving talking to the group. The man who he assumed was like the pride leader of the group spoke to him as well. This tiny person gave off a very strong foresty smell that was different from the other scents.

That woman with the towering red mane eventually brought some very curious looking... kills? The bug at least looked like something he had seen before even though it was enormous. A foul-smelling bug... that Meerkat and Warthog back from the Prideland would probably love this. The meat looked like it was just a smaller portion of a kill the color wasn't red like he was used to. The burger thing was something he had never seen. He lowers his head level with it and examined it closer... was that meat between... something? There seemed to be some kind of leave in there too. Kovu examined it from all different angles. But his confusion didn't seem to lessen... Also apparently honey-colored drink was Mead. There was a slight sweetness in the wafting off it when he gave it a whiff.

After a moment no one else seemed to be venturing in and eating. With a bit of uncertainty, Kovu went for the safest bet, the slab was oddly-colored meat. He picked it up with his clawed hands, sniff it before he brought it to his mouth, and ripped off a chuck... it tasted a bit strange and tougher than he was used to. It was no freshly killed gazelle, but not bad enough to refuse to eat. He continued to tear pieces off with his fangs as he scanned the area. He noticed a burly human with a rolled-up scroll, the little symbol on it looked like the weird-shaped stone formation that stood higher in the mountainous area. Kovu didn't think much more about it than that.

Suddenly the human with the long flowing red mane began strumming a melodious tone and singing a song. Kovu was at a loss at why she would suddenly do that... Though it wasn't too uncommon to spontaneously break into song, he just resumed eating the food presented to him.
I did it right this time probably and rolled awfully. It’s a 7
My Perception Roll is 16 Assuming I did it right.

After his banishment, Kovu traveled further and further from the Pridelands and Outlands. The grassy plains eventually turned into a dense forest. Even upon reaching that, he just continued forward. The feline didn't know where he was heading. It felt like a strange force was guiding his path. He encounter a couple of strange creatures he never seen within the area of his home. Some even show fear upon laying eyes upon him. He was able to trade some of his kills for this thing the mostly furless creatures... humans called money. Although, he had yet to need it for anything.

There was strange shiver down Kovu's spine when he crossed a specfic spot of the forest. He proceeded cautiously through the dense undergrowth until he somehow reached the edge of it. His green eyes landed on structures he had never seen. Part of him wanted to slink back deeper into the jungle, but there was a bigger pull to explore this new environment. Kovu wasn't sure what this strange... instinct was. Maybe it was just a past remembrance of the adventurous youth he once was. Whatever the reason, Kovu decided to follow it for now. He pulled his hood over his head and made his way to this new location. Those furless beings that often found him unpleasing at a glance populated the area. The lion kept his hood on and carefully took shadier paths with fewer people.

Empire of the Sun is what he overheard this place was called. Beings would go in and out of this strange stone structures. A strong scent of meat permeates the air. He carefully tracked it down. As his eyes locked onto the place where delicious smell wafted from, that strange feeling emerged again. Kovu could only assume he was supposed to enter it. Smoothly, he entered and was greeted by... a human with a tall red mane on their head.

"Welcome to Mudka's Mead & Meat Hut, Home of the Mead and Meat. What'll it be?" She sounded female, though he wasn't quite sure, female lioness didn't have manes, but most humans did. He didn't quite understand the question. As he scanned his surrounding, Kovu came to the conclusion that this was a location where one brings their hunt and feasted on them.

"Meat." Kovu answered what he believed he was supposed to before his eyes landed on a peculiar group. There it stayed. The weird guiding instinct was telling him to go there. Ambling over silently, he attempting not to draw too much attention to himself, Kovu found himself at the edge of the chattering group. His piercing green eyes glowering from the edge of his hood. He realized just standing and staring was probably intimidating for the smaller creatures. "Hi, my name is Kovu. I don't know why but my instincts led me here."
A beast raised in a desolate land,
Not wanting to follow his Mother's plan.
No longer accepted by the pride or home,
He now wanders into the great unknown.

Name: Kovu

Character Sheet: myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2801513
Stat/Dice Rolls: roleplayerguild.com/campaigns/1038

Appearance: [Picture coming eventually...]

Kovu is a young adult Leonin standing a little short of six feet tall. Sleek yet powerful built of a predator that sneak about before pouncing and kill prey instantly. His body is covered in brown fur with pale cream patches on his muzzle, paws, and underbelly. His mane is a dark brown color, and rests on the top of his chest. He has piercing green eyes and a hooked feline nose. He has a scar across his left eye that appears to be a recent injury.

Kovu wears a set of leather armor and a dark brown hooded cape.

Personality: Kovu is arrogant Leonin, who was raise to believe he was better than others. He tends to boast about his abilities and compare his greatness to others. Despite his natural smugness, he actually not guarded when it comes to meeting and befriending those that are different than him. Openly trying to get to know and understand them rather than stand above. He can become quite friendly and helpful to those he believes to be a comrade. It might be the sense of loneliness after his exile that make so willing. He has a habit of seeing things darker and more violent than most, so he is a little more on edge even in peaceful settings. While he'll be accepting to most, he has a hard time fully trusting others knowing how easy it is for someone to take advantage of that trust and use it for their benefit.

Backstory: It was decided when Kovu was born that he would be the heir of the pride after Scar despite not being his son. That was a short-lived ambition as Simba soon returned and regained the throne. His family and all those still loyal to Scar were banished to the Outlands. From there on his mother Zira raised him to hate the Pride Landers, especially the royal, for taking away what was rightfully his. He was trained hard to fight as well as how to survive. Kovu never had the opportunity to be just a cub and have fun. Then that Pride Lander cub appeared in front of him. He taunted and boast trying to prove his superiority. Yet her arrogance and odd behavior stirred something inside of him. After the brave scramble away from a pack of crocodiles that left him impressed, he wanted to be her friend. Though with the bad blood between the Pride Lander and Outlanders still strong, Kovu and Kiara were promptly separated. His mother came up with a terrible scheme.

For years Kovu was trained to be a cold-blooded killer whose sole goal was to kill Simba and take the throne. He trained diligently under his mother's anticipating eye. All the anger and hate buried the once understanding and adventurous cub that he once was, leaving a calculating and manipulative Leonin. Then came the time of Kiara's first hunt and the beginning of Zira's plan: a "natural" disaster that put her in danger and the poor young cast-out Outlander lion that saved her life. The scheme worked perfectly, and Kovu was allowed to stay in the Pride Land. It would be just a matter of time before he caught Simba unexpectedly and killed him. Or at least it was supposed to be like that. Kiara involved herself with him. The time they spent together slowly loosened the chains of hate and anger that bonded him.

Kovu started questioning his mission that he trained his entire life to accomplish. Just as he was about to confess, Zira and the rest of the Outlander pride ambushed Simba and falsely accused him of helping with it. A scruffle that cost his older brother his life, and Kovu was no longer welcome in the Outlands. His plead of innocence to a furious Simba fell on deaf ears, and he was also exile from the Pridelands as well. With nowhere else to go... he wandered into unknown landscape.

I wish... to prove my trustworthiness to the Pride and reunite with Kiara.
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