Avatar of Jarl Coolgruuf


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1 yr ago
Current Ma! The sex roleplayers are being weird in the advanced tab again, Ma!
4 yrs ago
Stack sats, print gats, distill vats, feed cats
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4 yrs ago
We here at Cyberdine Systems have heard your demands and we answer your cries with "BullyBot". With the push of a button you can now automate all of your cyberbullying. The future is here. Embrace it.
4 yrs ago
>using the phrase "normie" unironically
4 yrs ago
They always ask me, "What the fuck are you doing!?" but never, "How the fuck you doing?"


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Unlike the rest of the team who had more permanent housing, Clive had taken to sleeping on a ratty air mattress in the small corner office he'd claimed as his. It was a step up from sleeping in his Jeep in his opinion. The room was rather spartan with no decoration to speak of save a wooden table with a large map of the continental United States tacked to the wall behind it. The map was crisscrossed with strings of yarn and colored pins marking out areas of interest. The table was littered with various newspaper clippings, sticky notes, and a few composition books of various colors containing all his notes and observations in the field. Off in the corner of the room was a large rucksack already packed and ready to go at a moment's notice. A rifle and shotgun leaned against the rucksack and beside them was a pile of ammo boxes neatly stacked to about knee height. A gun rack sat opposite from the bag loaded down with various long guns and a smattering of pistols and revolvers complete with enough boxed ammo to outlast a siege.

As he did most mornings, Clive woke with a start, eyes darting around as if he didn't remember where he was. He clutched a hunting knife in a white knuckle grip as last night's less than pleasant dreams faded away. The moment passed quickly as he kicked the blanket off him and stood with the knife still clutched in his fist. He stretched and groaned with relief when his back popped. A thought crossed his mind that maybe he should consider getting a real mattress. Then again, he still wasn't fully convinced this teamwork business would last and if that was the case he would be leaving without the mattress anyway.

Pushing the negative thoughts away, Clive retrieved his pistol from under the pillow and tucked it into his waistband as he moved to the door. He was already dressed, having slept in his jeans, stained shirt, and jacket. The man even slept with hiking boots on. It was nigh impossible to catch him more than a few minutes away from being ready for a trek into the mountains. One by one he undid the one-sided deadbolt locks he'd taken the liberty of installing and made his way into the office proper to start the coffee machine. As he waited for the blessed jitter juice, Clive pulled a bag from the cupboard and poured a mouthful of granola directly into his face. He chewed with distended cheeks and waited for the team to gather.
Discord works better because it's easier to talk as a group
@Penny I can't wait to defeat monsters with the power of friendship and this gun I found
@Zombiedude101 Current idea is a ghost/revenant/wraith who consumes souls to grow stronger. More specifically, the more souls they consume the more they can interact with the physical world and the more their power grows. If "starved" they lose their power over time and revert to a state on par with a basic poltergeist and can't do much more than some weak telekinesis and phase through walls. They're currently contained in a simple locked room with all manner of occult symbolism on all surfaces. Thermal imaging is used to monitor them as they're very nearly invisible to the naked eye.
Definitely very interested
@Penny It says "violence"

@Penny Gunman McFaceshooty is on the case! Although I'm tempted to take a crack at another character
Oh are we back on our bullshit? I think we're back on our bullshit
The Baroness cocked her head as she watched their mysterious and obscured benefactor. His mannerisms were strange but fitting for someone like him. She smiled as he talked up the assembled crew, including her. As much as she tried to deny it, flattery went a long way with Aniya.
"Such big words." she mused, "How do you propose we do that? Even with all this "girl power", as the Americans say, that is very tall order."

This would certainly be a change of pace for her. She wasn't in the business of changing the world so much as comfortably padding her wallet. That being said, she was couldn't say she didn't like the idea of some grand plan. She figured it would be a good bit of fun, if nothing else. The assembled crew was certainly a diverse one. Aniya had developed a nack for putting faces to names and descriptions so the brief intro about each of the other women fell right into place in her mind right beside new emerging details.

Tall female, white, athletic physique, scarred face, black hair. Sable. A serious one to be sure, just at a glance. Seemed to have a fondness for leather and black clothing. Her accent made Anyia feel almost at home even if her tone was a tad hostile. Estonian? Latvian? Somewhere along the old Bloc anyway. It didn't matter to much to her. She'd know soon enough.

Average height female, fair complexion, reddish blonde. Vos. Her features seemed familiar to the Russian. Perhaps she had eastern European somewhere in her family tree because she certainly didn't sound like it. Or perhaps she was hiding an accent.

Above average height female, white, long blonde hair. Johnny. Interesting name for a woman but Aniya was sure there was a story behind it.

Above average height female, white, medium length white hair (dyed), colored contacts (burgundy). Tick. Also an interesting name for someone with an equally eccentric appearance.
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