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Barracker agreed with the decision to get to Valhiem and not linger about any longer than needed. “With the party’s injuries, I am all for Valhiem, if that is the decision of the party.” He did not give a strong opinion as he still felt quite new to the party. Either option was not too bad as they would get to recover, somewhat. But the facilities at Valhiem’s hospital was definately needed for the party. Source Crystal technology in matters of healing was one of the greatest gifts for those blessed with a Source Crystal in their hands.

Barracker went off, surveying, the once battlefield, looking for his sword. It took some moments, but he had gathered all three pieces of his sword. “There you are,” the vampire wrapped the shards up and put it away, attaching it onto his belt, pouch. “Thank the quinity,” the Paladin rose to his feet and walked down the hill. The short walk made Barracker feel good that village was now safe and clear of any dark corruption. His first mission had been cleared and the puddles splashed underneath the Paladin’s feet as he departed from Hades’ temple upon the hill. He felt stronger than before, and now for the first time he could feel the source synchronizing with his water domain, as if dealig with Zigmund had woken it up. He must explore this avenue even more with the help of the academy, there will surely be someone there who could help him advance.

Elder Antonious approached the Paladin and handed him a parchment letter and asked him for a favour, that he would gladly accept. “You have my word that this will be given to the hands of the High Sepctum, himself and noone else. Stay swift, the village is in your hands now”.

Moments later, on the wagon ride back to Valhiem. Barracker was watching the scenery change among his very eyes, lost in thought until he was nudged in the side by his fellow companion. Zell brooks, "Sorry about your sword, bro,"

Barracker appreciated the sentiment and gave a smile. He also appreciated his next words too.

"Gildor Hammerfist in Valhiem should be able to repair it. Don't worry about it, it'll be stronger than ever once he's through with it,"

“He is quite the blacksmith, very well known in his work, he has worked with the best type of materials. Earth-bone diamond, shattered my sword. If you can get a sword made of that then you have a sword of legends. Some say that the two of the leaders of the council of heroes have such a weapon. Wars are fought over that resource.” The two of them, even discussed abit more on the subject but also their sword techniques and stances to get the most out of the blow. “Tail stance, it allows me to move really quickly and effectively, then there is Ochs stance which I use for dueling highly skilled melee combatants because of it’s many counters. But as you probably noticed I spend most of my time in VomTag stance with the Claymore resting on my shoulder. Its the most well rounded stance for greatswords and easiest to use with my shield.”

They talked more and even debated more on dueling and combat in general. Barracker brought his knowledge of his studies and his experience as a soldier and also a solo monster hunter. He was very suprised on how deeply he could go with Zell into the weeds and mechanics of these topics that he was always so passionate about. Zell was very different from Barracker but they had alot of common ground and the brash, loud swordsman was so easy to talk to.

"You know… You being a Paladin of Hades n all - what happens to a person when they die, in this world? Or at least; what's supposed to happen? Is there a heaven and hell, or something?"

“Hmmm… these are some big questions, my friend. Ones that would require much study and more than a short wagon ride to fully understand. But basically for most people, their souls would go to a place in the afterlife called ‘The Hollow Fields.’ Depending on many factors such as how they lived their lives and their values, will depend on what happens next. Some are ground into the sand and their souls become seeds to be reborn into another life. Some experience an afterlife where they reside with loved ones until they have their ‘Second Death.’ Some are destined to wander alone in purgatory as ghosts for their sins or trauma. And there are worse fates than these also, for the truly evil.” Barracker shook his head and chuckled as he’d not even scraped the surface. “This a short summary which probably gives you even more questions but that’s the best I can explain it in one sitting.”

The reminder of the possible terrible fates for the truly evil made him aware again of The Devil Baphomet and the need to address this with Zell. But for now he left it alone as the conversation was enjoyable and educational for the newcomers to this world. On the subject of The Quinity and Hades specifically, he said. “There is Iris, The Mother. Hades, the Reaper. Ares, the Warrior. Diavian, the Lover. And Iskara, the Merchant.” He talked for some time giving bits about each of The Quinity. “I chose to devote myself to Hades when I became a Paladin. Ares was a tempting choice as I’ve always been a fighter, but Hades represents an important cog in the cycle of life and death. To have creation, there must be destruction. And so I felt that I was at least fighting for a deeper reason as I would be helping the world recycle and renew. If I am devout enough and attain enough ‘Piety’ I will be rewarded in death by becoming an angel shepard under the personal service of Hades, and spend my afterlife guiding souls to where they need to go.” Barracker gave Zell a serious but warm look and nodded. “It would be an honour an to have such a righteous life and death.”

"Was never sure if God was real, back in my world. Never cared, tee-bee-haeche.”

Barracker did not know what tee-bee-haeche meant but he could not imagine a Mytherian doubting the existence of The Quinity. It was strange to him.

“Now I'm starting to think that there probably was... well... something, at least. Maybe like The Source. Or maybe a full-on fucking man in a cloud. After spending a few weeks in Mytheria, I'm not sure I can be surprised by anything anymore. Ha."

The vampire chuckled and patted his friend’s shoulder. “This is a weird and wonderful world. Even as a native, I can admit this. I’ve seen some crazy things in my short time as a monster hunter alone.” He was silent for a while but then said to Zell in a serious tone. “After we visit the hospital and conclude business with The Adventurers Guild, I have an urgent discussion in great need to have with you. Alone. So please do not disappear too quickly,” he warned, trying to keep the threat from his tone but stay extremely serious as this was no laughing matter. Zell was a free spirit, but those were just one type of the kinds of people who were vulnerable to Princes of the Oblivion Plane.

After Barracker heard about the mystery behind Clive's arrival, he was extremely disturbed. Resurrection, his gut twisted at the word. His brain was rattled with questions. For instance, who had made the call to commit the highest of crimes against The Church and the whole Empire. To disrupt The Quinity's cycle of creation and destruction. It was an insult to Hades. This did not sit well with the Paladin. But Clive's fate was not of his own doing, he did not decide this fate for himself and he did not break any laws. This travesty fell to another. The robed figures did this, what was their goal in all this? It was surely agents of The Witch Queen. It was known across all of Mytheria how big of a crime this was, a powerful ritual of the dark domain, one domain that should treated with caution and limitation, only taught about the ramifications and problems which could come from the dark arts. Clive seemed normal, he seemed himself and fought with pure intentions about protecting his friends and putting a dent in the forces of evil. He had shown his qualities of fighting prowess and comradery to his party after. He had shown character that is looked for in a Paladin and a protector of the people by the ‘The Military Arm Of The Church.’ Barracker's training to be a Paladin often had reminders about the cycle of creation and destruction and that without the jobs of Iris and Hades doing their part on things, it would lead to chaos. Resurrection was an opposing wedge against the gods and goddesses, not just that but it spat in the face of the Quinity and The Source itself.

Barracker looked at his party as he went round asking them each how they were, he pondered to himself, These people aren’t tied to his world, the source in them reacts strangely within them and so maybe Hades or Iris does not appear where they are. Maybe there is no source where they are from… he glanced at Clive. Which would suggest that beheading the resurrected man would do nothing to restore the balance or bring justice to the world.

The limits of each of Second Chance, what Barracker would say, ‘the tie that binds us to the source’, itself, seemed to be non-existent in them. He would have to ask and know more about his party members' lives and even learn more about this ‘Blade’ person Zell spoke so highly about. The Paladin was curious about the new things about their world and if there were any overlaps, similarities to Mytheria. Resurrection, again his gut twisted but the feeling was a lot less this time, his brain finding resolution, zoomed in on the fact that Clive was innocent in all this. That remained his focus in all this. It was these ‘robed figures’ who had done the crime punishable by death.

He helped us defeat Zigmund. He showed his quality in battle and showed his heart, and Barracker felt a kind and warm energy from the man when Clive gave him a pat on the shoulder to thank him for the 'Barrier spell assist.' The cloaked figures, I do wonder what your intentions were though.

After helping out where he was needed, Barracker took it upon himself to shed light on the situation to the villagers. After all, most of them would just be waking up to the news that their village was safe and the cult was disbanded. There was a small crowd summoned around an elder. Barracker spoke to the villagers and announced The Temple of Hades had been cleansed of the greater wraith. An ex-cultist named David mentioned that the priest of the temple, Jon Gringot is dead. Barracker figured out who they had been talking about and explained to the village elder Antonius. “David is right, he perished while under the wraith's influence. We tried to save as many as we could but your leader would have been the first target of the wraith and this is why he would have been too far gone under the evil sphere of influence.”

A young man came forward, the vampire's look was apparent to the young man. “Excuse me. I’m Steven Sullivan. Are you Barracker Kassel, by chance?”

The vampire’s look was drawn to the young man. “I am”.

Steven took a few steps towards the vampire. “You did a kindness for a bee keeper in Cherrad, and brought hope to my mother’s heart. And now I will cherish more moments with her. And for that I am grateful. But my mom said there were two of yous. A young woman, golden haired, dressed as a ranger…? I forget her name.”

Barracker remembered who his mother was. A lovely woman who had wished for her son to be brought back from being brainwashed from the greater wraith. He pointed Steven Sullivan towards “MacKensie Trydant” and told him that he was glad that everything had worked out.

Barracker was thinking about the loss of his sword as Zigmund water blasted him away. It was a symbol of his last act as a pure human, when he stayed back so his squad could retreat. He had fought all those orcs and their captain all by himself, saving his men from being cut down from behind. That's when Viktor Battousai showed up and changed his life forever. He kept the orc captains claymore to commemorate the only good part of that battle they had lost on the plains. That was his sacrifice to save others.

The vampire managed to land on his feet, the stoneskin absorbing some of the damage, but the impact sent him skidding yards away. Once he recovered from the pain and the damage, he looked and saw that Fenna was now in trouble. Instantly he reacted, flinging the tower shield with all his might, aimed to break the water spikes that were piercing Fenna’s shoulder. But the spikes disappeared before the shield made contact, the shield flying harmlessly through thin air, and right off ‘Temple Hill’. Now he had lost both shield and sword. If I’m not dead I can still be an effective soldier.

He sprinted in between Zigmund and Fenna, ready to throw down with his fists against the force of power. But then suddenly, "Bastard! Motherfucker! Die fucking ogre!" James drew the attention of Zigmund and ended up doing something to Zigmund which left him in a vulnerable state and the aladdin could not explain what was going on, his reaction was strange. After that came an attack from the man with no name. Then Zell and MacKensie flew into the picture and then it was suddenly all over. Zigmund was dead and the battle ceased.

Baphomet? Barracker’s ears pricked up, did he hear that right? Everything happened so fast he was stunned. It wasn’t in his head, it wasn't a figment of my imagination? A name that should not be taken lightly, no way would one of 'The Princes of the Oblivion Plane' just pop into his head. How did Zell even know what he just said? Barracker should’ve been celebrating over a hard fought victory or helping the wounded, but he couldn’t shrug off what he just heard. The Paladin continued to stand there, staring over at Zell, the man he called friend, who was so unserious and charismatic but also brave and strong. He suddenly looked a little different. He could not help but think he needed to speak to him and address this.

He was broken from his daze after the appearance from the dwarf and then MacKensie called them all to action, regrouping at the shelter in the ruins of the temple entrance. Barracker turned towards Fenna and helped her up trying to not damage her shoulder further. “On your feet, soldier,” he said warmly. Then looked at Sil wherever she was, and told the falcon. “She is going to be fine.” Then as they walked a pace manageable for Fenna, Barracker mentioned to his comrade in arms. “You caused Zigmund quite a bit of trouble with that spear of yours.”

At the shelter, Barracker tried to help the others with what healing supplies James had in his bag. Their leader was taking care of his own wounds and seemed to be in his own world, so Barracker joined to assist in aiding the others. He overheard MacKensie asking the newcomer who he now knew to be called Clive. Then he remembered from Zell’s telling of Second Chance’s story that they had a friend called Clive who they believed to be dead. Interesting development, he thought as he paid attention.
@TeyaoStill confused except now I feel like I'm on an acid trip too! Lmao nice post. Really well-written and interesting xD

That was truly amazing to read, Teyao really pulled off the concept of being in two minds literally.

Barracker’s attention was drawn to his leader James. The rhythm of his quick beating heart slowly levelled out to see a friendly face. “Captain,” the Paladin said with a smile.

"Good job holding up Kass, here, its time to go back into the fight"

James’ healing skills were quite the amazing feat, Barracker felt restored, with enough energy to act. Suddenly there was a massive explosion and the smoke cleared, showing Zigmund holding Adam up by his neck. “Adam, no”

The heavy rain made it hard to see the battle clearly but he felt an overwhelming presence, an aura coming from Zigmund. The water ninja had shown his full power, becoming one with his domain, entirely made from droplets of water. The rain was heavy going, crashing down onto the battlefield. Barracker stood up, his eyes drawn to the new fighter that had entered the fray. “Captain, this is his full power of Zigmund, I can sense it through the water. His affinity is the same as mine. Our friend will need our help to fight and defeat him.” He looked around the battlefield for his tower shield and spotted it many yards away from himself. “Captain, I will try and lure the battle away from Adam. If you have any ideas, I put my trust in your capable hands. “ He began to run but stopped to quickly say what was on his mind to James. “You remind me of Areleth and the stories my mother Anne used to say about him in his younger days.” Barracker listened to James’ response before realising he would need to enter the battlefield sooner than later. The stranger was about to challenge Zigmund to an outright duel. “Stay swift commander.” Barracker gave a nod to his leader, before high tailing it off to collect his shield.

"I ain't give a damn who you are, I only care about one thing..." The man Barracker did not know, tore off his own shirt and threw it away. There was a glowing light surrounding the man's body. "And if there's any justice in this world or anything that is holy I swear to all that is holy I will see you as bait for the vultures."

The man with no name’s words were inspiring and as he continued to talk, Barracker knew that, who ever he was, stood opposing the powerful enemy with righteousness, he had a big heart and a strong will. This was something a Paladin could respect.

After receiving his shield, he flew into the action. No matter what was happening, Barracker was ready to throw up his last shield spell, to save the unknown ally from anything that looked like a fatal attack. He muttered the magic word for his stoneskin, rushing at Zigmund in a zig-zag motion, trying to push Zigmund into an attack, so he could preemptively dodge out the way, before gaining the distance to strike at Zigmunds shoulder.

Barracker came crashing down, flying ten feet, his body whistling through the air. If it weren’t for his increased attributes of endurance and constitution, he might have been a goner. His armour was torn and his visor cracked nearly in half. His body felt mangled and neck felt to a near broken state. With the icicles still in his body, running from his legs to one giant icicle lodged in his neck. It took all his strength plus his willpower to stand up on his feet. Legs shaking while resting onto his sword hilt to aid him up. Barracker could only see out of one eye, the other totally shut, preventing him from seeing through. The gash one of the icicles made was now pouring away with blood, located just above his eye. His head rang with concussion, drowning out every other sound in the battle. His vision swam side to side as if he was drunk.

His body did not react, it would only demand rest, he felt useless. The Paladin was just stood there looking at nothing in particular, trying to focus on the battlefield, but it caused more pain just to focus. On second thoughts, I must quickly rest. I will be no use to anyone like this. Rest will regain some of my strength back. Barracker took his time edging slowly towards the walls of the Temple. Once there he turned and faced the battlefield, his back against the wall and let his feet drop, his ass came crashing down hitting the floor. His eyelids were heavy, the battle taking place in a reel of pictures. Wait, who is this? An ethereal horse?! Barracker tried to see the rider's face but couldn’t see much. Then suddenly. A new fighter has entered the fray, a hell of a punch was thrown and connected clean with quite a bit of magical force behind it.

Barracker felt like he only shut his eyes for a moment but then, “A bear? On the battlefield?” Even half conscious, the monster hunter knew there were no bears native to this region. It must be Adam. Incredible, how has he learned specialized powers to sub-classes of the Druid field, already?

That was it, suddenly he fell to sleep, his tower shield lost somewhere out there on the battlefield. His eyes closed and his mind wandering, flashes of his loved ones popped in and out. But then came one of his recurring dreams. This was not a lovely dream, it was uneasy, even terrifying. A visual clip played out...

-----Barracker in chains and that voice, that slimy slither of a voice. “So you dream about me, often aye, ah well that pleases me greatly.” The voice carried on, Barracker could not see him, until he made his presence known and came close enough... Viktor Battousai came eye to eye with the Paladin. Still in chains, this forced his heart to beat faster than ever, he needed his revenge. The look in his eyes grew cold and with anger he shouted in the vast blackness towards the other vampire----

“Y-you,” Barracker muttered in his sleep.

----"I will have my revenge before I die, this I vow, you monster!" Then a smile came across the Viktor's lips, and he whisked a seat out of thin air and took a seat.

“Look around you,” the Paladin was faced with the faces of his loved ones stuck in chains also. Evelyne, Krillen, Areleth, Anne, Katrina, even his long dead mentor, Odis was there too, all of them now within reach of a world of hurt. Viktor grabbed the hair of Barracker's most precious, Evelyne.

“Viktor! Don’t!”

“You don’t get it,” Viktor stopped for a moment and pointed. “You can’t kill me, you’re just a toy nothing more. An insult. A weak little worm with a slither of my power." His face came all the way close to Barracker’s again. “And nothing more. You will never defeat me, not before I decide to take another one of your so beloved loved ones.” He stood there turning his head from Barracker, back to the chained ones. “Eeny, meeny, miny moe.” Viktor paused a moment with a finger to his lips. “I choose you all to go”.


His heart began to beat even faster, his fingers flickering. Movement began to circulate back to his body, a fist curled up.

The words of his late mentor Odis Visigni came into his mind. If I’m not dead I can still be an effective soldier.

His eyes flashed open.
It was nice to see the puns still going. But I can't think of anymore I have got a brainfreeze guys.
@xenonI sea we are in the flow now.
I'm drowning in ideas right now, i wish i had a second chance
MVP is definitely up to now out of Fenna and Adam. They have landed the most damage up to now

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