Avatar of Jazz


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current I'm now 30 yrs old and my 10th year on the site! Wewt!
1 yr ago
Well. Can say that with having a kiddo of my own, a partner that has taken the financial reins while letting me figure all this out. I only hope I can get into a decent routine.
5 yrs ago
Hey everyone! Things are slowly coming around. Still alot to do and now a new Laptop to get into that direction! :3 Maybe now I can get back to roleplaying like I've always wanted!
1 like
7 yrs ago
I have to an important decision in my life to step away from roleplaying till i can get my life in order since it is in a web of confusion and uncertainty. I still wish to talk to you all. Im sorry.
7 yrs ago
Craving a Bleach Rp. Hmm.....


Hello! Those looking at this I would like to Introduce myself:
My name is Jazz as you may know, I have been in the guild a few or so years before it had crashed and was rebuilt. I like video games: ranging with XboxOne and PC. I absolutely Assassin's Creed, Halo, Witcher and Splinter Cell. I rarely play but still try. I have a kiddo of my own and a small part time job and a partner who is letting figure out how to be a mom while I also get a routine together of how to go about the day to day.
I also like to draw but not a huge pro with my style close to manga/anime like. But loving the chibiness. Love my music, and its ranged kind not exactly specific on genre but more bands and their songs. Some of a bands songs I like, some of theirs I dont like.
As you may know I roleplay but can rp so many before I am over loaded. I like to roleplay many different fandom based roleplays and some I would be willing to try:
-Witcher -Halo -Assassin's Creed -Marvel -Transformers -Fate/Stay night
-Nauto -Star Wars -Yu-Gi-Oh! -Black Butler -Supernatural
I am usually up for anything if you wanna give me a holler. I usually do 1x1s cause I don't like making alot of people wait on me for a post since my post time is based on anything. I have a phone I like to look at these but I dont like posting from it cause of the autocorrect on it. Other than that I like crossovers sometimes, romance, humor, adventure. Not too big on horror rps. Its the whole imagination within me saying thats real and stuff when I know its not yet isn't too freaked out with Haunted houses. I usually cover my ears since some of them are really really loud and my ears hate the loud noises.

Anyway. I can male or female characters, im not tooo picky. You need a male character and if hes a fictional character, I might be able too, same goes for female. I can even do male x male or boy x girl, though havent done a girl x girl so there is that.

PLEASE BARE WITH ME! I am trying to get back into my roleplaying way but not as much as I use to. I try to post one or twice a day mainly based on how many roleplays I have. I am trying not to disappear like I use to but back then I was trying to pick the pieces of my life up and was trying to focus on my own survival.

I am very very very thankful to the people who have stayed with me through those hard times I had and were hella patient with me while I got my life in order. You know who you are and I am blessed to have you as friends. While I am still getting it all together, I am better where I am now and coming back stronger than I was before

I live in Oklahoma, US. So central time for me. I maybe online but most times during the weekday I am working within the evening.

I also have a twitch, trying to be a streamer: m.twitch.tv/jazzspartan013/home

Most Recent Posts

Riza had slowly stood up, nodding to Robin with a smile or gratitude for helping her. Looking to Wolf being told what happened and what this "Watcher" is. All she could seem to answer was with a shrug. "Not a clue. Its always a possibility. Not much I could look into without more information. Until then I believe we have a mission to prep for. That Fight club you talked about. I still need to add pictures to names and make some tweaks. If I'm right it should be starting soon and we need to be ready. Meet you all in the communications room?" She asked while slowly standing up with the help of the exo-skeleton from the suit of the legs and spine. She started heading out of the room as the other started remembering about it.

"Seems like we need to get ready. What do you say Wolf. Willing to help up out with what we need to wear for it?" Meg'aan asked with a optimistic smile.
The forest was quiet for the most part, birds barely chirped and the only thing you might be able to hear is the sound of crickets or the slight rustling of trees from the wind. Riding through on a black mare, Carth could already feel something was wrong. He had noticed a darkness from the early morning morning to find that within the afternoon, the village was empty besides the monster that he had killed that lurked within. Having moved on and finding the path that the villagers took, went through that same road. Carth figured he could ask for information from the villagers when he was able to catch up.

His horse stopped and stomped with unease, Carth looked to his horse and rubbed its neck in comforting hushed tones in hopes to help ease her discomfort. Looking about for the source of his companion's discomfort, he didn't see much if anything at all up until he heard a scream close by. From what Carth could tell, it was a scream that sounded much like a child's. Carth turned his mare toward the scream and raced to see if he could find out what happen and if he could help.
Carth Ornaris
(Car-th Orn-are-is)

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’8”
Primary: Fire
Secondary: Lightning
Occupation: Warrior

Dragon form:
Personality: Carth is kind, caring, hardworking, determined, and most of all stubborn. Raised as an orphan, Carth had to use all these traits to get to where he is now. Had to work hard and make sure that he would live a decent life. His childhood was not an easy one nor was he able to cherish what other children could. A mother and/or father. All he really knew was a friendship for what few friends in his hometown orphanage. He is by no means shy towards other people and is friendly to those he helps. At times Carth can be a little childish at times but it is due to his nature of growing up as fast as he did so his child side wants to rear its head every now and then, with a goofy grin to boot.
His determination and his stubbornness can be a weakness and a strength. When every passionate or set on something within his mind on what he wants to do, he is willing to go through heaven or hell to achieve it no matter the cost. This sometimes leaves him to be irrational and/or reckless and could lead to getting himself or others hurt when he goes into something blindly.
Carth is known to be very attached to someone he calls friend or family, so he becomes protective of these people that he has given such personal titles. He never likes to see a kid on the streets with no parents, knowing how that was like and would want to do what he can to help. When someone is in need, Carth will stop to help any way he can.
Carth is not a fan of spiders, he doesn’t know why but he has a disliking to and either wants to be far away from or wants to kill with a passion when he sees one. He also doesn’t like the taste or mushrooms, cauliflower, and blueberries. Carth also doesn’t know how to swim.

Carth has never come to use his dragon form for since he has been in the Orphanage as a young boy, never taught to use it for his form for it is protected by magic that is undetected even for highly skilled of magic users.
Altoron Ibnlesa
(All-tore-on I-been-less-a)

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Golden Brown
Height: 5’10’
Primary: Shadows
Secondary: Fire
Occupation: Assassin

Personality: Altoron was born into the order of Assassin's, not showing much compassion to his enemies and friends on some occasions. However, he quickly rose among the order of the assassins at a young age using his skills.
He was devoted to the order and its interests, focusing on nothing else. Altoron grew up rebellious, arrogant and overconfident, forgetting about the rules of the order and thrill of the hunt. But as Altoron progressed, he started to gain wisdom, become observant and enjoyed the thrill of finding his own target as opposed to sending people doing the job for him, also learned to show a little more compassion for his friends and comrades while learned to treasure the creed of the assassins again and perfected his abilities.
Later within the order, Altoron begins to question the way of the order, particularly its tenets and free-thinking. For that, he changes his ways to adjust, allowing poison and mobility among many things. With help from his journey to stop the Evil of Darkness that is spreading, required the hidden gun and a new set of armor.
Maltoran Altonirie
(Mal-tore-an All-ton-ear-ee)

Brown Wolf
Name: Krona
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Golden Brown
Height: 5’10”
Primary: Water
Secondary: Shadows
Occupation: Assassin

Personality: Maltoran was a harsh but wise man who based his life and works completely on the Order of Assassins and its tenets. He adhered to and protected those laws, believing that the righteousness his Master claimed was the foundation of all things. This unwavering devotion and faith partially blinded him to his Mentor's treachery; only when Altoron challenged him to think for himself and not use the Creed as an excuse for ignorance did he begin to reconsider his stance and search for the truth.
Maltoran found proof of the master’s treachery recorded in a diary left within Solomon's Temple – the details written: "broke his heart,". For that had some for him to see that their master had brought a Darkness to their home which prompted Maltoran to rebel and side with Altoron, acting as pivotal support.

Despite his sometimes disdainful and sarcastic behavior, Maltoran is deeply loyal to those he cares for, always seeking to protect his younger brother and support his friends. He is also compassionate towards those he cares for and will make sure that he does all that he can to ensure they are happy. This loyalty had become installed into his younger brother, Kanarus.
Kanarus Altonirie
(Can-air-us All-ton-ear-ee)

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Hair: Heavy Dark Brown
Eyes: Golden Brown
Height: 5’7”
Primary: Air
Secondary: Shadows
Occupation: Assassin

Personality: Kanarus is an excitable person for his youth, always ready to go and take the fight to the enemy rather than skulking around in the shadows, waiting for the danger to pass. As such, he was a better follower of Altoron's methods in practice than his brother's more careful tactics. This was to the frustration of Maltoran, as he was more of a rival than a friend to Altoron in their early days of being Assassins.
Kanarus is younger than Maltoran, yet he was at a higher rank than a novice, despite his youth; meaning he had some ability and skill with his weapons, elements and in his fighting style. It is likely that Kanarus would have worked very hard to keep up with his brother in the matters of the Order, looking up to him and to Altoron in all things.
Kanarus is obedient to the Order of the Assassins, and though admiring of Altoron's arrogant and reckless ways, he seemed to display the humility and patience that an Assassin needed to fulfill their deadly tasks. Since the attack on his home, he has become more of a man than a boy. But there are times that he lets his inner child come out.
Due to his birthplace, Kanarus was quite tanned, as was Maltoran, and appeared to have light stubble on his lip and chin. His eyes were an oddly light color, as opposed to the far more common dark brown eyes of Middle-Eastern people. His head was mostly hidden from view by a hood.
When it came to his Assassin robes, the signature triangle-shaped buckle was strapped across his chest and a red sash was tied around his waist. Throwing knives were kept on his belt and a sword hung from the left side of his waist, and though he was endowed with a Hidden Blade, Kanarus has all his fingers, which was uncommon amongst his Assassin brethren.
Its a plus though! x3 Number is the slightly harder since its not a completely frequent thing.
Yeah. Somewhat working on it. But I know about the hardship of potty training. Helping potty train my siblings It was interesting x3
Im okay. Getting stuff sorted, trying to find a job which has been difficult since january 19 after I got fired january 17. Im hating the fact that im having provide the money I barely have and asking my mom to see if I can help. But on the slight free time I have, trying to come back here and rp again.
The laughter, hustle and bustle as shops, and trades set up and or ready for business. Children running and playing it was all so exciting. She saw many thing that involved flowers, streamers, ribbons, banners and even the slight breeze of petals from the blossom trees. Her lit up as she continued to walk, weave through the people till she was within the center of the Towns Square. Silena decided to help others while she was there with their set ups, handed gifts, and had come to play with some children that bumped into her at one point for a bit.

It wasn't until she felt someone watching her. The same watchful gaze from the shadows, having kept an eye on her since she could remember. She hadn't noticed it much but now that she wasn't under so many peoples gaze, Silena looks to the direction she can feel that gaze but doesn't go for being direct and going within the mass crowd. Looking for her target wasn't exactly easy, but managed to find the protective aura that she come to feel within her life that wasn't her father.

Creeping up on the servant Silena recognized and couldn't forget a face, tackled her pray with a playful roar from behind Loki. "RRRAAWW~! Got you~!" She knew that she shouldn't get close or have any ties with servants of any kind but Silena couldn't help but be happy for what today was. That and actually felt proud of herself for her assumptions so far.
Later, elsewhere on the island...

"So what's you're ba-rilliant mind tellin' ya now, Sherlock?" Tristen looks to Joey with a Skeptical look on his face.
"Beats me. Right now, the only thing my brilliant mind is doin' is givin' me a brilliant headache!" Joey counters and he held his head with a wince.
Yugi was looking around where he could find a trace of Shadow, remembering what Yami taught him just earlier. Though he had found a moving shadow that was showing them the way, he did spot where the thieving took place. "Well, maybe we should stake out the scene of the crime. It's over there!" Yugi runs over to an arena with 146 stamped on the side and sits down on the ground. Joey was the first the speak up. "Think the thief'll come back?"
"He just might, and we can put our heads together and plan in the meantime," Yugi suggested while looking around some more, someone in the bushes is watching them, as the other three walks over and join Yugi.
"Yeah, but don't forget one of those heads is Joey's. That's sorta like subtractin' one brain!" Tristen said with a thoughtful look. Joey glared at his friend while being sarcastic. "Ha, ha."
Yugi in the meantime noticed something about the bushes. It was what he was looking for, straight face about it. "I know you're out there! Show yourself!" Yami from the sidelines nodded to Shadow, proud of helping out as she did.
The masked kid leaps out of the bushes. "Ahh- ha!! I've found you, at last, Yugi!!"
Everyone looked to the masked kid, ready for anything. "That must be the kid we were lookin' for!" Joey declared.
"I can handle 'im!" Tristen started walking towards the kid. "I hope so, you're twice his size!" Tea spoke up.
"Just try me, ya big dork!!" Mokuba challenged.
"Back off, kid!" Tristen warned as he stopped midway. "And hand over the star chips you swiped from that other duelist!!" Joey said next.
Yugi looked to the kid in realization. "Hold on. I think I know what this kid's after. He wants to duel." Joey and Tristen look dumbfounded. "Huh?"
Yugi looks solely to the kid. "That's what you want, right? You wanna duel me?"
"You better believe it!" The kid confirms. In no time, Yugi is sliding into place atop the blue dueling podium, and his opponent atop the red.
Joey and the others on the sidelines look confused. "I don't get it. Why is Yugi goin' to the trouble a' duelin' this guy, when we can just take those star chips away from 'im?"
"Y'know sometimes I don't think even Yugi knows why he does half the stuff he does." Tristen shrugs. Joey nods. "Huh. Yeah, it's kinda weird. D'ya think it has something to do with his Millennium Puzzle?" As Joey says this, the Millennium Puzzle begins to glow, and shakes and sways on its own. Yugi was replaced with Yami, though does anyone seem to notice but Shadow and Yubel.

"Now, how many star chips will you wager?" Yami asks calmly.
"To wipe you out? Five!" The kid declares.
"Then five it is; but only because I think I know why you're doing this," Yami states while setting down his four Star chips.
"I don't care what you think, Yugi, 'cause I think you're gonna lose!" The kid digs the stars from his pocket and scatters them on the console. As the more confident Yugi intently regards his opponent, the outline of a glowing golden eye shimmers on his forehead.

"What does Yugi see that we don't? It's like he's looking into the other player's soul." Tea noticed, unsure what to think about that.
"Hey-- soul, shmoll. I can see from here that that kid's gonna get his butt kicked!" Joey quipped
"Maybe, but Yugi should hurry if he plans to get those star chips back to the boat in time!" Tristen reminds.
"Don't worry, Tristan. He'll win the chips, and we'll be back at the dock with time to spare." Jaden says confidently.


Life Point Score:
Yugi: 2000
Kid: 2000
This is it, Yugi. Now you're gonna pay for what you did to *my big brother*... The kid thought to himself.
The Kingdom of Asgard

Rumored all around the cosmos to be the brightest beacon in all the realms. A kingdom that shines by it's golden palace and other structures that would seem to reach out toward the heavens. This Kingdom up close and within look advanced than the rest you would ever see....Well....That was what one was able to see from afar. But that alone all changed. A war broke out between Asgard and Jotunheim, the Army of the Allfather Odin and the Army of King Laufey.

It was a bloody and gruesome war where in the end, Laufey had been defeated by Odin of Asgard, though not without leaving a reminder on the Asgard of how fierce the battle was. At least that was what some were so told. But as the saying goes: an eye for an eye. In this case, it was a child for an eye. The Allfather took the child of the King of Jotunheim as a trophy for their Victory of that war.
Many say that Laufey abandoned the boy for the reason of the boy killing his mate at birth and that he was smaller than them. Who knows but this boy was Asgard's Trophy none the less.

And his name was Loki. The son of the King to Jotunheim.

Life at the palace was not easy for any servant or slave for that matter but Loki did what he could to get by without any mistakes. But that didn't mean the abuse wasn't any easier. Practicing his magic from an early age, he would often use his magic to keep the facade of looking fine and healthy, but without it and no one around, would be bruised and cut. Sometimes the cuts were bad, others not some much. Loki would be lucky his wounds would heal within a considerable rate. But that also meant his distrust for people especially men grew more and more each passing day.

The Crowning of Prince Thor, the God of Thunder was a celebration to all of Asgard as well as his marriage to the Warrior Goddess Sif. One that brought absolute joy to Asgard, was the birth was the young Princess Silena. That too was where our young Loki would have his life changed forever when he was charged with watching over her by the Royal Family. There were celebrations of the Princess' birth and the birthdays to come. But where the Princess was, there was Loki watching her like a shadow.

One day within the Gardens of the Palace of Asgard......

A young girl running among the countless flowers planted within the gardens, chasing a butterfly till it sat on one of the many flowers, fluttering its wings a moment before resting them and spread wide to see its beautiful, colorful wings. The girl laughs as she watches, not wanting to catch it, but watch it. It wasn't till the butterfly flew high where the Princess wouldn't be able to chase it anymore. The girl seemed down about this fact when she say something fluttering and green caught her attention. Looking to that color of green, Silena could see that it was a green butterfly. Not knowing if one existed or not, she was surprised to see another, then another. Before she knew it, there were about a dozen fluttering around the Princess and a few even landing on her and tickling her skin, giving her kisses which caused her to giggle.
Off in the distance and using the foliage as cover was the Jotun slave in a simple green tunic and black trousers and boots with a small smile on his lips as the girl was amazed and in awe with the butterflies he had made with his magic. Black hair short and sleeked back, watching Silena and her surrounding. When Silena was called, the butterflies flew away till they were out of sight and soon without her notice once her attention was elsewhere disappeared so no evidence of his magic was noticeable. His smile was gone and walked away to tend his other duties while staying near for when he needed.

From that day forward did the Joutun stay within the shadows till she turned the age of Fifteen and this is where we begin our story......

Asgard since the early morning was bustling with excitement for the festivities for the Princess' Fifteenth Birthday. Servants all around were getting ready be it decorations, food, you name it and many from the allied Kingdoms were invited as well as many talents and games for the people as entertainment. Since the moment that the Princess had awaken, she could feel the buzzing of the people and their excitement topped with her own for she was Fifteen. So far all her birthdays had been exciting but this one was obviously big. Though she would have much to do as the Princess, she did wish she could be out there to participate before the Ceremony. Knowing what the event was going to entail, she decided to dress in more common clothing as she sneaks out and go see what it was that she would possibly miss out on, heading out of the palace and into the town.
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