Avatar of Juvvie
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 70 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Juvvie 5 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current All replies will probably have to wait until tomorrow, I'm just too stressed right now.
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5 yrs ago
Needless to say I'm so pissed off right now replies are gonna have to wait until I've calmed down and can think logically.
5 yrs ago
So about two weeks ago I broke up with my gf right? So someone decided to catfish as her and mess with my emotions. Just found out my "friend" was behind it and lying to me the entire time about it.
5 yrs ago
Someone anyone roleplay OITNB or Fruits Basket with me ¬.¬
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5 yrs ago
I had a dream once I was Willy Wonka, only the Johnny Depp version. That's the last time I watch that movie before bed...or simply watch that movie.
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Currently Looking For:
Fruits Basket
Fairy Tail
Harry Potter
Sword Art Online

Most Recent Posts

@Aviaire that sounds fine to me and I'm very interested to see how that is used in terms of combat. So go ahead :)

There seem to be quite the unique range of magics so far which makes me really happy. Ya'lls imaginations are awesome!

Also, if anyone has any ideas for arcs and the like, feel free to voice them as I'm not sure of what ideas I have brewing in my noggin just yet.
Two slots now open, first come fist serve
I will get to fixing mine later, if not tomorrow
One spot has opened, first come first serve :)
@CelesteEste new and original magic types are fine as long as they're not too OP. Post your ideas and I'll let you know, but I'm, sure any pastry powers will be fine :)
@SubjectVision they all sound quite interesting, honestly. I'm curious to see Lorelai's Bone Magic at work as I haven't seen many people mess around with that area of magic too often, and I'm curious what you'll do with it. I also think that if you don't choose to use Magnus, we could incorporate him, later as a minor villain or major villain if you wanted to swing him the other way, he'd be fun to fight.

I enjoy Freya's overall vibe and think she'd get along with Raelia quite interestingly, funny she has a form named Freya. :P
Updated a smidge, closed Fairy Tail roleplays for just a small while as now I've got like four of them in the works... Will probably open again soon idk, craving OUAT, Fruits Basket, and Legend of Zelda!
Okay but you're the last open slot so now unless someone who claimed interest backs out, we aren't taking any more people.
@ViolentViolet please do! :)
Finally got my character done, I'll work on her background later I'm tired as crap. But yeah, she's up and I'm off to bed :D
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