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In a mecha mood, you can count me interested on this. ^_^
Working on trying to get back into this too, school just started and I'm dealing with a handful of IRL annoyances.

Maddy's collar itched like crazy. Considering she designed it specifically so it would not itch, it had to be the nerves getting to her again. Why did it only take fifteen minutes into the first day to feel like something was dreadfully wrong?

Standing off to the side by herself, the lobby of the SPARK center was otherwise packed, flooded with at least a couple dozen young heroes in flashy new costumes milling about and showing off their superpowers. Gouts of flame and bursts of energy went off like firecrackers at random intervals, and quite a few heads bobbed up and down as their owners demonstrated flight powers. Maddy winced as a loud thud echoed across the area and someone dressed like a ninja pirate slammed into a far wall.

"Hey, calm the fuck down!" came a sharp Irish-inflected voice from the front area. "We need Team Leaders up front, A Group!"

That was her, Maddy thought. Pushing up through the crowd, she came to the front desk, where a handful of security guards in brand new outfits flanked a frazzled looking redhead violently sorting through some files.

"Wait a moment," Maddy said, feeling around in her pockets. "I have my-"

"I know it's you Caliber, you're local," the redheaded guard said. "Head on back, first door on the right past the entrance."


Maddy quietly made her way towards the door in question, glad that no one seemed to have noticed her just yet. Shouldering open the double doors separating the tumultuous lobby from the main halls, she found that the door in question she was due for was already open.

"Well well, if it isn't Caliber."

Maddy flinched as something large dropped from the ceiling right in front of her, with a barely visible outline. It reminded her briefly of the Predator before a pair of yellow slit eyes suddenly appeared in front of her.


"Oh...did I scare you?" The intruder's voice was harsh and rough, but distinctly feminine all the same, and as she came into view and Maddy got a good look at her, it was a suitable fit. What was a mysterious cloaked figure turned out to be a large, reptilian girl, with pale green skin and a punk hairdo. Her heavy tale swished back and forth as the lizard girl approached, standing a few inches taller and flashing her sharp, glistening white fangs.

"You just...surprised me," Maddy defended herself, trying to take a step back. The lizard girl made a harsh sound that might have been a chuckle on a second listen.

"Gotta stay on your toes if you're gonna order people into a scuffle," the lizard girl retorted sharply. "Fame can't get you everywhere."

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean..." the lizard girl continued, coming threateningly close to her. "If you keep coasting on your brand, people are gonna get hurt."

"What brand? What on-" Maddy gasped as the lizard girl clamped a hand around her wrist, her talons coming close to scratching open her skin.

"I'll go as slowly as possible," the lizard girl leaned in within inches of Maddy's ear, animosity practically radiating off of every threatening, drawn-out word. "You're not posing for pictures and getting autographs like the squid bitch, princess. So you'd better straighten up, before someone else straightens you out."

"G-get off of-!"

"Hey, wh-what's going on here?"

The lizard girl hissed and immediately backed off. Before Maddy could react, the threatening reptile had vanished and stalked away, leaving her more then a little unnerved. Was it a test, some weird measurement of how she handled being under pressure? If it was, she REALLY didn't want to know her grade there. Good thing there was someone else to scare her off.

"Miss, are you okay? You, uh, look kinda scared..."

"N-no, I'm fine," Maddy said dismissively, fighting to regain her composure as she turned to face her savior. "Just dealing with a crazy rep-"

Maddy caught herself as she found herself thanking a rather familiar face; another reptile lady, only this one was short and stocky, dressed in a lab coat and round glasses, a clipboard clenched in her claws.

"A crazy what?" Dr. Alphys asked nervously. "Is there something loose from the labs again?"

"No, nothing like that!" Maddy waved her hands defensively. "I didn't mean to scare you Alphys!"

"How did you...oh, right. From the game!" Dr. Alphys tilted her head slightly. "Still getting used to a lot of strangers knowing who I am. Weird."

"I have the same problem, allegedly." Maddy thought back to the comments the meaner lizard said to her. "I take it you showed up with the Game Genie."

"Oh yes, I've been laying low since that whole thing blew over, just...searching for a few people, doing some odd jobs," Alphys recounted, a hint of sadness in her tone. "Then SPARK contacted me and asked if me and some of the other characters with science backgrounds could come and help out, and so far it's been pretty good! The food's better, lots of nice people, and it's so easy to find good anime!"

"I'm surprised no one else is hiring the video game characters," Maddy mused out loud.

"Well it's not perfect, some of us are having trouble adjusting to a new set of physics and universal rules and all that," Alphys recounted. "Like, there's an alien singing show tunes who's having trouble because he keeps forgetting this world doesn't have a zero element, or something."

"Gilbert and Sullivan, right?"

Alphys' eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know?"

"Had a hunch," Maddy shrugged.

The two nerdy girls flinched as something exploded, blowing the door that Maddy was supposed to enter open.

"Well, uh, good luck with that," Alphys waved as she backed away. "I'll be around if you need me for anything!"

What I need right now, Maddy said to herself as smoke poured from the room...is an adult.
OSV Mosull-Gal
Orbiting the Keltan Dockyards
Jin System

The Mosull-Gal was an old ship, elegant and proud. Even among the newer, younger ships teeming about the spaceborne docks, it was a commanding presence, the binary suns casting shadows off of its elegant yet sturdy architecture. It was no wonder that even with its age it was still considered the pinnacle of Aldarshu Order technology. No flashy bells or whistles like the Ascendency or the Union loved to tarnish their ships in; just hardened steel and skilled construction. Nothing could compare.

That's what the previous Grandmasters had espoused, the current Grandmaster Kali'zil Nun thought to himself as the Mosull-Gal ponderously made its way out of the gravity well of the system. With the reports that neighboring empires were rearming in preperation for a war over some damned wasteland the Ashtar were fond, it became necessary to at last make some upgrades to the grand old ship, bringing the flagship of the Aldarshu Order up to fighting standards once again. In a sense, Nun almost resented the previous Grandmasters, who during their reigns enjoyed the luxury of Ashtar domination or the honorable combat of the Great War.

"Grandmaster, we're clear of the dockyards. Beginning warmup to gate drive now!"

"Very well. Set course for Aldarshu Prime," Grandmaster Nun ordered with a hint of disinterest. No doubt upon his return he would need to deal with the Lazul Council and their incessant demands to further dismantle the years of prosperity his predecessors had built. Even his mentor Kina, the Grandmaster he himself succeeded, would have been ashamed to know he had so readily allowed the Stellar Guard to build that damned space cannon, let alone to see half the Order eager to go to war over the Ashtar's ruined rock of a planet.

"Such a damned waste," the Grandmaster muttered to himself. Rising to his impressive height, he adjusted the cape across his right shoulder and strode from the bridge, not willing to inflict his dour mood on his fine crew. His office in the back of the bridge was a welcome respite from the constant spars with the council and the repair trips; pleasantly spartan with but a few creature comforts and decor. The black and blue banner hanging behind the simple electronic desk dominated the area, with several ceremonial weapons indicating his achievements in battle and command sharing the spotlight next to it. Letting out a deep sigh, he took his seat and mentally prepared himself to deal with the Stellar Guard admiralty again, which of course involved a healthy serving of his drink of choice, an angry red concoction that sizzled violently on exposure to air.

It wasn't alcohol, as many foreign dignitaries were disappointing to find out. An inability to become inebriated were one of the many odd perks that came with being born in a breeding tube. It was an odd choice considering how many other armies in history used liquor to "steel the soul" as the saying went. Perhaps the Nezath didn't want their clone soldiers to lose control of their faculties. Either way, it made finding enjoyment from strong drinks go in a bit of a different direction for the Aldarshu, in this case favoring taste and texture over the sensation of drunkenness.

"Ah, Grandmaster?"

One of his aides knocked quietly on the door before poking his head in. It was one of the newer additions to his personal staff, a promising youth by the name of Ki'rin Doz barely into his third year in military service but already holding many achievements for his skill and bravery. He'd become somewhat aloof since his ascension to the post, but perhaps that was just nerves talking. The lad did seem rather nervous.

"Yes Adjunct?" Grandmaster Nun asked, taking a sip of his angry red drink.

"I was...wondering what your opinion was on the plan the Admiralty suggested," the adjunct asked, not taking his eyes off the glass.

"I don't plan on entertaining their desperate attempts to throw good soldiers into that meat grinder," Nun responded pointedly. "My decision will...*hmmph*...stand." He rubbed his throat with one of his hands, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"I...I see."

"Is something bothering you Adjunct Doz?" the Grandmaster inquired, slightly stifling a cough. "Might be the air filtration systems, it feels like something is off." Grandmaster Nun tried to give a rare smile, but was taken aback by the absent, almost terrified look on the young man's face. "Adjunct, what is-" he tried to say, only to be interrupted by a cough that snuck up on him, forcing him to cover his mouth. He withdrew his hand, and found it covered in flecks of green.

"What in-"

Another hacking cough, more green flecks. He looked up at the Adjunct, who seemed more determined but no less frightened. He watched with abject terror as he realized what was happening. He tried to call for his guards, but his voice caught in his throat with a raw, hacking cough, spewing green across the desk.

"Our duty is to the Kuresan. The Order will die in the mire of idleness."

The Grandmaster made one last, sputtering cough before collapsing on his face, blood pooling onto the desk. Adjunct Doz waited just a moment before rushing out of the room, calling for medical aid.

May the ancestors forgive me, he thought.

Changing of the Guard

Fleet Admiral Zisa's Office
Stellar Guard Central Command
Andjety-4 Station

"So Kali'zil Nun is dead, then," Fleet Admiral Lete'nal Zisa recounted. "Poor bastard."

"How could they tell?" the Nezath standing off to the side interjected.

"Vannis!" Zisa barked sharply.

"An honest question, I assure you," Vannis said, raising his hands defensively. "I wasn't aware you were so fond of him."

"I wasn't," Zisa said, pulling up fleet orders and cycling through them. "That doesn't mean I'm going to dance on his pyre. And don't you dare say what you're thinking of."

"You wound me Admiral," Vannis countered smoothly. Zisa rolled her eyes, intending to return to her work when the door suddenly burst open without so much as a warning. Ever the disciplined officer, Zisa didn't even flinch as the intruder stormed up to her desk.


"Yes, the Grandmaster is dead, may the Kuresan protect his spirit," Fleet Admiral Zisa said dismissively. "I'm well aware of what goes on outside the office Riga."

"You've been spending too much time with Vannis," Riga grumbled, scratching at the scars stretched across his upper-right eye.

"I consider you a much better teacher of that brand of sarcasm," Zisa coolly replied.

Admiral Riga huffed, trying to hide a bemused chuckle. The old warrior had been Zisa's longest ally since becoming an officer in the Stellar Guard, save for the slippery Nezath that functioned as her aide. Despite her higher rank, the man was several years her elder, and had more then earned the right to speak his mind, at least to her. If he wanted to, he could have been the highest ranking admiral in the Stellar Guard, but ever the traditionalist, he just didn't feel at home when he wasn't at the helm of a battleship. He'd still be a Captain if he could get away with it, but alas he had to be an Admiral if he was going to command the Vodimal Class.

"As it happens, I did want to speak with you about the passing of the Grandmaster," Riga continued on. "Namely, the succession."

"Ah, has the Chancellor given you any hints?" Zisa said coolly, well aware of the old man's friendship with the Chancellor.

"The favorite right now is another Legion officer, nothing special," Riga grumbled. "But I've heard there's a chance for a real upset to occur. The populace hasn't been happy with Kali'zil Nun's leadership, and there's talk that the Masuran Assembly is going to go in a different direction."

The old admiral took a deep breath.

"They're looking for someone from the Admiralty."

"A Stellar Guard Grandmaster?" Vannis interjected. "That would be the first in the history of the Order wouldn't it?"

"Yes, and as is my understanding, if a suitable candidate were to arrive on Aldarshu Prime in the next few days, they would be conferred with the mark of office," Riga said.

Fleet Admiral Zisa looked between Vannis and the old admiral, a look of realization suddenly spreading on her face.

"If this is supposed to be some sort of joke, it's not funny," Zisa said coldly.

"I am entirely serious, as is the Chancellor," Riga insisted.

"I am barely qualified to hold any sort of elected office!" Zisa said. "If the Masurs see a Stellar Guard admiral with no political experience barge in and demand the title there will be a riot! They want a Grandmaster, not an...upstart stellar brat."

"I've never known you to be modest, Zisa."

"I'm not modest!" Zisa shouted, slamming all four hands on the desk. "I'm not qualified to be any sort of leader!"

Vannis cleared his throat. "Hmm...graduated top of your class at the Urtarian Academy, led a fleet of outdated warships to victory against the Izzirak Pirates, awarded the second highest honor in the Order and the highest honor given to anyone in the Stellar Guard, and currently commanding half of the Aldarshu Order space fleet despite being the youngest to achieve the rank of Admiral in our recorded history."

Zisa leveled a glare at the Nezath that could melt the glass of his helmet.

"Not bad for a stellar brat." Vannis concluded, sounding quite pleased with himself."

"I always liked you Vannis, don't ever let that be in doubt," Riga wheezed, trying to stifle a laugh. "The Nezath is right though, to everyone from the enlisted to the Masurs you're a war hero, Zisa. And you're what we need right now."

Zisa stewed, thinking about the reports she had been getting lately. With Agdemnar and the recent rekindling of old rivalries now that the Ashtar were long gone, war was coming, and even she had been rallying for new reforms to bring the fleet up to snuff that the former Grandmaster had been slow to enact. Even getting him to even abandon the Detente treaty was like pulling arms off. Maybe it was time for a change, but was that really supposed to come from her?

"Well?" Riga asked, getting slowly to his feet. "Is the Stellar Guard going to have a Grandmaster at last?"

Zisa's eyes glanced upwards, trying to come to a decision in the moment. She recounted the oath she made when she scrounged her way into the academy, to always uphold Kuresan and the Order. If action wasn't taken, both would be at risk, she knew as much from the reports.

Maybe what the Order needed, more then anything right now, was Grandmaster Lete'nal Zisa...

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