Avatar of Kheliop
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    1. Kheliop 6 yrs ago


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I'll be posting later today. I was gonna wait for @Crusader Lord but I will just post :)
@Jangel13 Frick yeah! Barth managed to do a good! I am so pumped now. Take that spider!
I am actually pretty good!
@Guy0fV4lor Yeah our Goblins are the outsiders!
I figured it wasn't actually my fault. But I have in the past killed Rl's by not posting so I thought it would be a twist of fate to kill one by posting 😂
Did...did I break the RP?! D:
And posted!
Goblin Barth

Day Five: Morning

@Crusader Lord@Jangel13@demonspade64@ReusableSword

Once it became clear that their original position wasn’t going to call forth any additional spiders Barth had leapt down from the branch he had placed himself in and followed the others along their path. Despite the fact that some of his actions came out of nowhere and were clearly not planned out, Barth wasn’t a complete fool. He noticed while climbing that he was no longer creating vibrations with his movements. It was easy enough for him to realize that his plan of coating his hands and feet with his webbing was the cause of this, after all that was the only thing that had changed recently.

Since it appeared that the spiders relied primarily on the vibrations to figure out their positions, Barth decided to follow the group from a distance. He kept pace with them but remained a way off to their side. It gave him a position to flank from in the event they were confronted out of the blue, provided his theory was correct.

Eventually their traveling came to a close, at which point he moved back in to group back up with the other three. He still kept a little distance between them, but he was close enough that he’d be able to hear any pertinent information that needed to be exchanged. It became clear why they had stopped, as not too far ahead of them rested a spider much larger than the previous one. This one also wasn’t alone as the entire area was covered with tiny spiders.

He couldn’t help but admire Gird as the pale one took it upon himself to act as bait, the Hobgoblin had a lot of bravery. His plan vaguely reminded Barth of something he would do, though perhaps a bit more thought out. Unfortunately it seemed that Gird’s plan worked about as well as most of his did. That is only partially succeeding. It seemed to gather the attention of large spider, but rather than charge Gird by herself she sent out the spiderlings in her stead.

A new plan was quickly formulated, the first half by Gird who decided to once more be bait and led the young spiders away while the second was crafted by Luz. Not only was it practical, but it worked towards the strength of the three that remained. She was clearly stronger and faster than either Nyma or Barth and would have a better chance keeping the spider’s attention in a frontal assault.

Before they enacted their plan of attack Luz asked for a moment to send out a prayer to the Deity the other three shared. Barth took the time to do something similar, though as of yet his prayers were sent to an unknown Deity. ’Heya, it’s Barth again. Wanted to say thanks to whoever helped me out before and was hoping a little luck could happen again. I get it if you’re busy, or you want me to figure out who you are first, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask. I’ll get back to ya after this scuffle of ours!

With Luz starting her portion of the plan Barth quickly moved to follow through on his end. He hoped that between the fact that he wouldn’t be sending out any vibrations due to his webbing coated feet and his uncanny luck he would be able to provide more assistance to his group than previously.

”Nyma I am going to strike from the right, so the left is all yours.” He took a moment to speak to his partner softly before moving off to whip around to the spider’s side. Once Luz got it’s attention he would slow his movements to limit the amount of sound he made to aid his approach. Once within reach he would strike out at the spider’s large abdomen with the spear Gird had returned to him, the Alpha Rabbit Horn had been returned to its place on his waist when he got the spear back.

@Jangel13 It is honestly fantastic. And I will have a post up tonight after work. Again sorry for the delay, thanks for not killing Barth!
@Jangel13 I honestly love how much information you have readily available for all of these kind of things.
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