Avatar of Kilin


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Sorry to all rp partners i had going life gor out of hand and everytime i thought i could post things came up. Hoping to come back and hoping to get another chance here.
7 yrs ago
Wanting nothing more then to dive into a good rp and create something spectacular
1 like
8 yrs ago
going kinda crazy with out my rps lol.
9 yrs ago
going alittle insane lol wish i was rping alittle more. but love the rps i have right now.
9 yrs ago
feeling down and realy missing my rps lol


Most Recent Posts

still open
I can post generlay up to 4 to 6 lines worth then depends on what my partners give I can up to 2 paragraphs if not more.
I am looking for a partner that loves to keep things moving.
I don't mind romance just ask and ill tell you the limits I can or wont do.
love fantasy and midevil rps they are my favs.
I am not the best speller or grammar person I look at it like this if I can read and understand it then we are good.

I have some plots in mind for a few rps just looking for partners to do them so if interested let me know

list of rps

Antrho x human
master x slave
princess x prince
princess x knight/ mercenary/ bandit
peasant x open
runaway x open

these are just some open to sujestions just pm me.
are you looking for someone to play the male or is that your preferred character?
still avaible yes I know my spelling is bad I was in a hurry writing those if interested just pm and let me know
could be I can write a good amount if that's what given as well but some times I can only seem to get about 2 paragraphs out at times im still working up to higher I wnt to get to that level but its hard to do that alone I do beter when rping with someone lol
ok well been in a huge dnd mood but no one to play so I though I would try to rp my character out here and see how far she can go I have to characters no sorry three characters to choose from. that I would love to rp and see how it goes.

first one
Colt Shadowmoon is a half drow she looks like average drow purple skin white hair but she has green eyes her father was a elf her mother was a drow but this is where it ends for her she has no memory of her past all she remembers is she was found when she was five years old playing in a herd of wild dire horses. and was found by te horse nomads of eh north and they took her in and raised her she wa becam the adopted daughter of the chief and she had a way with horses. she was raised there till she was 16 when she saw a druid on her first outing to town with her adopted father who ahd her hidden well. and she left with her horse drifter a special nomad breed and learned the way of the druids.

second one
myst silverclaw a tibit if you don't know what a tibit is that is a halfing basicly but they can shift into a cat. this tibit is a rouge she loves to learna nd listen and see what is happening but that can also get her in trouble. she has black hair with silver streaks and she has stripes on her face and body. in her cat form she has black fur with silver white stripes so she something to behold for sure.

third one
Kilin ? her parents did a ritual on her asa babe and in this doing made her half unicorn but she remebers nothing of her past she was rasied by a druid in a herd of unicorns tills he reached 16 years of age and asked if she could go and explore she is quiet and hols powers that might get her in trouble she can shapeshift at will intoa unicorn and can speak with horses as well as she has a special healing gift but she knows nothing of te outside world.

If interested in any of theses please pm me
any one intrested
i have a basic start to this rp where a girl from teh modern world falls into a world of nothing but anthros from tigers' wolfs' dogs , cats anyhting anthro you can think of even deer anthros and such. i am not the best with my spelling and i try to keep my posts above 5 lines but again if you can give me that or more i can give back that or more. slower moments do have issues but those are short.
im realy wanting to find someon that can play this rp and be decently active i seemed to have lost alot of partners and not sure why as i have had alot of disapearances if you dont like the rp just tell me.
any ways if your intrested please pm me as i prefer to pm my rps makes it easyer for me to keep track of.
still lookng and realy trying to find someone that active
i am a female looking for some one to play the male.i love my mideval rps. i have alot in of plots but im always open to more or new twists or ideas. I'm looking for a parnter thats online for a decent amount of time im on almst all day and i love posting. i can write a good 4 to 5 liner paragraph upt to 2 or 3 paragraph depending on what my parnter can give me and whats going on in the story. i love darker rps or darker parts in my rps so if you that as well extra bonus. most of my rps have fantasy like magic and other creatures and such and yes i do like anthro rps as well. hears a list of matchings if your interested just give me a message and i will tell you about the plot or we can work on one together.

(matchings and the * means i have a plot and *** means i realy want to rp this)

***runaway princess x knight/assasin/mercernary
peasant x prince
slave x master
household x household
***Drow x wander
human x demon
***human x anthro
***Human x lycan (not underworld and no no no NO twilight)
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