Avatar of Kratesis
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 268 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Kratesis 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current The original 'Throw it on the ground.'
7 yrs ago
Good luck Tuck.
7 yrs ago
When a thread gets locked while I'm in the midst of typing my retort: 3.bp.blogspot.com/-rwro8doo…
7 yrs ago
Stone Dragon: Kult of Athena's selection is as good as their website is bad. You can even get an Albion from them though you'll have to wait a year or so.
1 like
7 yrs ago
A Pepsi huh. Have you considered bringing peace to the middle east?
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<Snipped quote by Kratesis>
<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>
let's be real here
we'd all kill each other over political beliefs before we could even create a Spam Island

Preparing to hang out with Group posters

Preparing to hang out with Spam posters
I think the problem with conspiracy theories is they always involve a group of people with the exact same motives making perfect plans. Real conspiracies are flawed, and operated by independent people with different motives.

Yeah. I don't doubt that conspiracies exist but secrecy and efficiency are often at odds and limit the potential of any conspiracy.
This is no game.

The communists will mismanage the shit out of it and we'll all die TBH.
@Guru I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender and just based on that I'm pretty familiar with what can be done with elemental powers! They seem hugely versatile. But they aren't really my 'thing' so far as interest in writing them goes, that's all. So it isn't that I think elements are lesser or boring or anything like that! Elements are badass. It's just as a writer elements aren't my thing.
@Rilla Thanks Rilla :-)
@Guru Vordak was a perfect gentlemen and has some ideas I thought were quite good! Don't blame him hehee. I just didn't realize the tournament was for elemental powersets only when I originally wanted to join! It's my own fault for not paying enough attention :-)
Hey peeps, I want to say I appreciate the creation of a newbie tournament and you guys seem pretty cool but I'm going to bow out. I was thinking about it yesterday and today and although Vordak (my mentor for this tournament) has some neat ideas I'm ultimately just not interested in writing a character with elemental powers right now. Artistic differences I suppose!

Thank you and good luck to everyone :-)
@Dynamo Frokane Let me ask, what is the purpose of this?
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