Avatar of Kreutzer
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    1. Kreutzer 7 yrs ago


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@NightmareInd:( Is there no way you can do the whole "sick at the start of the year" student thing till your exams are over? :(
@liferusher I've messaged our GM on Discord, applications are meant to be closed now we have round numbers but there's always a chance :) I'll let you know.

Mentioned N/A

Edited soon after posting to add final paragraphs

Marius' gaze shifted to the events as people began to line up, his cheerful expression fading from his face as he approached. His eyes darted around, absorbing what he could make out of everyone's abilities around him. He was impressed, everyone seemed to be giving it their all. He lined up for the sprint, taking the starting position. As the whistle sounded he bounded from the starting block rather anti-climatically. Any onlooker wouldn't be able to distinguish him from a regular high school student running track, he had a mediocre sprint speed for even a quirkless boy his age. He stumbled across the line catching his breath, seeing his less than impressive time. He cursed himself inside

"So much for showing off from the get go..."

He looked at the activities to line up for, deciding to stick to the other things he sucked at for now. His general masculine physique left his toe touches as expected, his level of fitness kept him withing his personal best range for the long distance run. In comparison to the others with physicality quirks however, this could be seen as a less than average time for sure. The sit ups went similarly, he did endurance bodyweight workouts often so things like jogging, sit-ups and pull-ups were among his specialties for someone with no quirk-added ability physically. As he did his situps he found himself grinning at Ana's performance in the ball throw, setting the best time thusfar.

His side-hops were again mediocre, and by this point the others might see his performance as rather laughable given his performance in the entrance exams. Trying to put it out of his mind, he moved towards the grip test. The machine seemed very sophisticated, it would have to be for some of the strength people have. He held the grip in his hand and closed his eyes exhaling slowly. Small hydraulic valves began to pulsate on the machine as the handle in Marius' hand gave off a red hue, evidently to increase resistance to continue readings. The display began to rocket up beyond the other's grip scores, shooting by a factor of ten after another until the display reached 1 tonne, displaying an Error message. Gauges kept popping open on the machine before Marius shifted a little on the spot. He started to feel a possible twinge coming on in his mind, in that instant he released as to not hurt himself. The sudden release of pressure slammed the grips back against the handle, The machine's components all making rather loud noises as it coped and ran back down to it's normal settings. However not displayed, the actual number he managed would be available for All Might to check later on a printout.

Satisfied with the previous performance he moved onto the ball throw. Simple enough, he held his hand forward as the ball began to spin rapidly. It shot forward, accelerating for several dozen feet before capping off speed wise, rocketing past a normal throwing distance. It landed as normal a fair distance behind Ana's throw, but far ahead of the students disadvantaged here. His smile began to creep up now, that's two events with great scores to balance out his early misgivings.

He took the position for the event he left till last, the standing long jump. He inhaled deeply, and exhaled slowly, again closing his eyes.

"Come on, you've done this hundreds of times. Just make this a big one."

He pointed his hands towards the floor and turned his right foot to it's side, bending his knees as dust kicked up around his feet. As his knees extended, dust threw itself up around him as he launched through the air. He soared forward several times the distance of some others, holding his hands towards the floor once more as he skidded on the side of his left foot. His balance shifted in a rather practiced manner from a sharp angle until he could again stand upright. The few meters it took him to stop after the landing obviously didn't count, but he grinned, still pleased with himself. He slammed a fist into his hand.

"Nailed three of them, that should be good enough."

He wandered back over to the starting area, tugging his collar a little and bowing his head apologetically to the poor grip strength machine he abused earlier. He stood relatively on his own, hoping someone might strike up conversation. It was the first day after all, talking to the same people all day would close him off.

He picked up one of the water bottles Eva had kindly fetched, giving her a wink, smile and a thumbs up for both the water and her performance. She'd beaten him in a few events after all, he was in no place to gloat from a few successes after his pathetic display in the sprint and toe touches. He took a sip of the water as he stood awaiting whatever came next.

Since the first is the one you wanna roll with it's the one i've looked at and thought about, I love it as an idea. Maybe it'd be better to lose the numbers as much as possible with the limits/etc so that it's less prone to clinical dismantling? for example, if you set a specific range in numbers etc. There's a chance someone Meta might go *stays x amount of meters away* just to technically be unaffected.

More so than that, being less clinical in the sheet numbers wise leaves improvement/alterations easy and down to you. It's much better if you don't need to edit the sheet every time your character gets slightly better :D I like it from what you've explained in the Discord too, idk about the other's views on it though.

He pulled the left side of his bottom lip into his teeth subtly, feeling bad for enjoying her seeming embarrassment. He blinked hard, shaking his head ever so slightly as he answered her

"Frin still edged it by a few points, but... hm.."

His eyes darted around him as he found himself searching for something to crush to demonstrate. For a moment however he raised an eyebrow, thinking for a moment.

A miniature Marius in his mind dressed itself in a Tuxedo, straightening each lock of his hair in front of a mirror. He was attractive, insanely so. He looked as if he was about to make a woman swoon, as he whispered softly... "Wanna see me crush something". An imaginary fist of his real self collided with this smug face, groaning at the idea of such a macho style approach.

Marius subtly had his right fist clenched for a moment, like a quick flex, by his side. Had the conversation not disguised him as thinking of a way to explain his quirk, it would be obvious he was just idiotically confusing himself. only a split second seemed to pass during this whole mental war. He shrugged a innocently.

"It'd be hard for me to explain, so let's just hope I'll impress you when I get the chance."

He coupled it with a seemingly signature smile, looking again back to Dan just as happily to reassure he wasn't hijacking the conversation for the sake of flirting. He lifted a hand, clawing silky locks of blue hair into them as he drew it back, sliding his hand slowly sideways to scratch the back of his head. His eyes again fixated in contact with Eva's

"Well my my, hello Eva."

He grinned, eyelids loosening as he tipped his head half-ironically in response to the full blown bow. He used this motion to cock his head up towards Dan, winking to him.

"Apparently. I guess I was suited to it."

He then turned his head back towards Eva, who had hopefully raised her head again by now, looking to meet eyes with her and lay the hand she had held rather effeminately over his chest speaking with a smile

"And if that was your quirk then can I say, like your eyes, It's already rather addictive. I hope we can work together a lot."

His attention flipped again towards Dan.

"The blue trail you leave doesn't make any kind of motion in the air, I'd be able to feel it. You aren't a speedster, so you can full-blown warp? That's cool."

He flexed his fingers at his side, smiling rather innocently (some may say simple mindedly), awaiting a response from either of them, or not. He also kept watch over All Might and his statue-like happiness in the courtyard. He places his hands in his pockets rather blissfully calm.

Interacting with @NightmareInd

"You seem on edge, if you're not careful you'll stop acting as pretty as you look."

Perhaps oblivious of whether that was a compliment or not herself, Taylor addressed the seemingly restless Frin. Perhaps she picked it up from his body language, instinct, or pure luck. Either way, she let it trigger a conversation.

"I feel kind of bad people are going to see you as some kind of bar to overcome for a few weeks. If it makes you feel any better, I don't think anyone's proved enough to be any kind of leader of the pack yet."

She didn't stand calmly. She appeared to flex her limbs a little, half stretching. A fighter would recognise it less as restlessness, more preparation. She eyed up Frin from head to toe, assessing his quirk must do most of the work judging by his physique compared to his test scores. She raised an eyebrow and smirked a tiny bit upon noticing the more-than pleasing jawline, rolling her own eyes at herself, leaning her neck to either side to stretch.

He made his way over to Dan and the new girl, smiling at her and looking to Dan

"Your quirk is spooky, I like it. I'm Marius, if I haven't said already. Who're you?"

The question appeared aimed at both of them as he looked at the new girl, experiencing the rare sensation of being caught off guard. He liked what he saw.

"And what's your party trick?"

Mentioned @Kalas

He smirked at Celestia's flustering, before hearing what All Might said. He wandered over to the Dorm block, making his way to the boy's floor. He wandered to the end of the corridor picking the room at the end, entering. Immediately he felt a shiver up his spine as he peered around. It was a horrifying sight.

The back left corner of the bottom bedsheet was more untucked than the others, throwing the whole bed into a baggy-sheeted mess in his view. The colour in his eyes changed to red as he raised his hands, the mirror on the wall unscrewing, tilting 6 degrees clockwise and rescrewing again perfectly straight. Moving his hand to the bed, he fixed the atrocity he spotted on the way in. Snapping his head around, sensing danger, he gawked in horror at the closeness of the dresser to the wardrobe.

It was all wrong.

Closing his eyes he brought his arms in, crossed over his chest, hands flat on his pectoral muscles. All of the furniture in the room radiated a faint red glow, lifting itself from the ground and shifting around. The bed was moved to the center of the wall it leaned against and the headboard was straightened. The dresser, wardrobe, rug, chair and desk were all moved minutely or completely, rearranging the room to a much more precise and admittedly to any onlooker more organised layout. He opened his eyes, grinning as he did a small feminine spin on his heel as he examined his work.

Noticing the clock, he flicked a hand, straightening that too. Then he actually took into account the time it displayed, changing into his PE gear with haste and leaving his room, locking it behind him. He paced himself down the staircase and back to the courtyard still with some time to spare, in an almost giddy trance, satisfied with himself for a brief moment in time.

Interacting with N/A

She made her way into the dorm building and to the girl's floor. Seeing Celestia zip into a room, she picked the one opposite for no particular reason. Looking around she smiled, it was bigger than her bedroom at home. She threw her clothes onto the bed and changed into her PE outfit, leaving them strewn in her room before leaving again, locking the door, practically sprinting down the stairs to rejoin the others in the courtyard.
Added a battle theme for marius :o
@Norschtalen I don't have any qualms with the quirk or anything so it's up to the others to decide if they like the backstory, it's a yes from me
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