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Current What lies in the hearts of the drae if not madness? - Ma'doc
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"Fly you fools!"
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Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Richard Laine

Location Sidewalk

Apparently angering people with guns was not the best of his ideas. Yet, for all it's faults he did feel slightly accomplished. Staring at his chest Richard felt himself falling backwards. His head and body striking the cement with a painful thud. A wetness trickling from his chest. A sticking substance slipping from his lips. With his powers this would not have been so worrying, but without them?

Fear gripped the Adder as he felt his heart stutter. Sending a pray up to whatever was listening, Richard prayed he died and wasn't experimented on. Or that his powers would returned soon and fix this mess. The pain was a white hot iron that bathed his mind and erased rational thought as a horrid scream ripped across the air. Yes, the Adder smiled with a emptiness in his eyes and he fought to remain aware. Kill them Ayita. Devour their corpses and teach them the cruelty you faced.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location Sidewalk

Pain pierced her leg as Ayita stumbled, pitching forward slightly. Peering back, her amber eyes widened as she watched her brother hit the ground his chest a red stain of blood. Staring blankly at the body- for surely he could not survive? Ayita froze. Something twisted inside of her and she wanted to claw, rip and tear. This was not the instinct of the others creatures but her own and it was no instinct. Fury washed over the grief stricken mutant as tears streamed from her eyes and a unholy scream rang from her lips.

But it was not in Ayita's nature to be careless. While she felt the need for vengence, there was no reason to die trying to get it. Sometimes one had to be smart and wait verses a straight attack. The one who stayed alive after all, had the last laugh. Survival was the lesson she had learned amongst ice, snow and starvation. Hunters had been on her trail before and now they were again, but this time? She was not just going to run away. Shrugging off the pain of her leg, Ayita had felt worse during her shifting after all. When one's body tore itself to shreds? A bullet still hurt, but it could be by passed for a time.

Four men were approaching her and Allison, Ayita let go of the Seer and lunged for the gun. A bullet ripped through the air slamming into her right arm. Wincing, Ayita bit back the snarl of pain. Twisting on her foot the woman eyed her hunters and felt like a cornered animal despite her lack of powers. Smirking slightly Ayita gave a odd chuckle. "Powers gone." Tilting her head the woman gave a croon that was so like her brother's. Casting a odd look at the fallen body of her brother, Ayita tilted her head. "Feral's Hunt has begun." She seemed to say mostly to herself, as though unaware that her telepathy was no longer working. Taking a step back, she kept herself between the men and Allison despite their apparent defeat. Giving the woman a chance to move, to do something. For she would have her revenge. She would unleash a hunt against these humans. She, the most feral of all the mutants, let them think it was something else or someone else. In fact she was hoping for it. Their desire for information would buy time- perhaps. A chance she would take. Well did Ayita know the light of the animal was still in her eyes and the snarl on her lips.

If anyone pressed to get to Allison, Ayita would intercept them in attempt to drive them back and away from her friend.
Still open.
@pugbutter Any Plot you care to come up with, and either or. However, please PM per my request on the main page.

Blood's Jewels

“Terreille in Trouble”

Faeril Ashkevron

Location - Ashkevron Residence in Askavi

Faeril studied the Queen from Hyall as she sipped at the tea, a pinky delicately extended in the proper manners of old. A habit ingrained by her mother when she still lived amongst the Court. But those had been so many years ago, and while she could sympathize with a single Queen's duty to her people... The fact was Faeril had larger issues at hand. The entire Realm was at stake. No, the Black Widow corrected herself, all the Realms from Terreille to Hell and back were at stake. This taint would not stop, it would only worsen until everything was but a shell of what it once was. While her instincts as a Widow declared this woman the one she had been looking for, the Queen she desired who would hold the leash to the triangle she had seen, there was also the possibility this one would not have the spine. A sad thing, for if she did not neither her nor her escort would leave the mountains alive. They simply could not risk it.

Her voice creaked and groaned with false age as she held the web tight. Oh, but the power of this Queen! The will of the Blood! How the Ice Healer hoped and feared what would and would not be! Setting the cup on the small table the weathered hands pulled the shall tighter about herself, the leathery wings behind her rustling. "You seek to help your people, or so you claim." Her grandmotherly voice was soft and there was unyielding iron in it as she leaned forward offering out a weathered hand. Even if she was touched the illusion would hold, though not for long. "But so many have sought me out for my skills. For ill, for good. Such things are easily masked, save for within. Allow to me see the truth within your mind." For a Black Widow to touch one's mind it was a huge risk to both parties. If the Widow wished to harm the person and they were not strong enough to defend, they would be reduced to madness by fighting a intruder within themselves. If the other wished to harm the Widow? It was all too easy to drive a knife into the old hag's ribs. Though there was also the fact of three Eyriens, two of which were Warlord Princes, outside the door most likely hovering about the keyhole. Which all three were infact doing. "You ask this for your people, I ask this for my Realm and all the others aside." There was a edge to the Black Widow-Healer's ravened voice as she stared with icey blue eyes that were misty with age through the dull air to Fatima.

@TorackWhen Lucivar emerged from a quick shower and change, he would find his rooms encased in shields of green. A protective barrier turned prison upon the Ebon-Grey Warlord Prince. The Master of the Guard he had so carefully considered at first stood before his doors if the Eyrien cared to open them. At his hip a sword that spoke of wealth and not use. To his left, and thus her right, was Sonya Thorne. The rival queen to the late Karlianne. Her jewel of rank was the Opal but it was the Hyallian- cocky as ever- who held the barrier against the Consort of the late Territory Queen. In the crook of Colten Swett's arm was Andressa, the woman looking worse for wear and bleeding from a wound that had stunned her upside the head. "You shall lay down your weapons and surrender your jewels at once, Eyrien." The voice of Sonya rang in challenge as she stood tall and proud. A blight against her own ravaging of her people. Though it would come as little surprise if anyone saw the greedy glint in her eyes. "You're Queen is dead, and your lands are confiscated per her mistreatment of the Blood."

Colten Swett grinned as he gripped Andressa tighter, holding a knife fast to her throat. While murder was not against the law of the Blood, compensation could be asked for or demanded for. Sonya gave a smirk as she studied the Eyrien before her. He was a large brute, typical of the race. While the other Queens would hem and haw, they would not dare openly challenge her and with word already going out about her usurping the Territory from Karlianne while the girl- for the late Queen was far younger than the prime age of Sonya- puttered about. Letting the Landens trample over the standards set by the Blood and risking revolts. Oh they would murder a few Blood villages and make it look like the Landens did it and vice versa. In fact the Hyallians were already doing so. The bodies would be quickly disposed of to hide any evidence. Some true rebellions would sprout up like weeds in her rose garden but they would only increase the idea in the minds of other queens that Sonya was correct in her actions.

It was all rather ingenious!

@nohbdies The lad nodded in agreement, Liran being the first to speak. "We need to make sure our sister and grandmother have gotten away. They live outside the city on our grandmother's farm." His brother nodded quickly. Panic passing over his face at the thought of their kin so vulnerable to attack. They did not spare another word as both quickly fled. They knew the hills and surrounding lands well, and seemed to have to quarrel with crossing a dangerous zone.
Open for 1v1. Willing to discuss any plot ideas.

Richard Laine

Location Sidewalk

While he didn't care for being a bracelet on a charging mare, Richard cared even less to be at gun point. But the tipping point was these fools were aiming their weapons at Ayita. More than one dart did his baby sister pull from her neck as she gave a shriek of rage. Oh, the fools. The animal, the beast, was a part of her powers. But her pysche? How did her powers change and shape that? Molding it into what she was powers or no. Shaking his black head in fury. Richard didn't bother for niceties.

They had shot his little, baby sister in the neck. Were those not darts and bullets they would have killed her. That they didn't would earn them nothing from the assassin. "Oh, big mistake." The Adder hissed as he eyed the guns. Moving so his bulk blocked Ayita and thus Allison. "You lot just can't stop trying to hurt my sister can you?" He didn't have his healing powers, and taking all these guys on while being out gunned? Not a good idea. But he could buy Ayita time? Sure as hell he would do that. Stalking forward he moved to take up most of the bastards' line of vision and thus fire. "And come with you where? Why? We are innocent Americans doing what we please in public? You lot don't have the balls to stand up in front of a crowd. You don't have the balls to declare yourself openly. You're nothing but second rate wanna-bes to those who really don't like us. Who publicly decry us. I say bravo to them, and to cowards like you? Stick it."

Ayita Dyrkin

Location Sidewalk

Ayita felt her form collapse as the instincts that drove her simmered down to her own mere mind. Trying to shift she found nothing, though at her neck her fingers found a group of darts. Ripping them from her neck with a howl of rage, Ayita turned amber eyes on the gun toting bastards. Only to see horror. Richard was blocking the way and sassing like never he did. In danger he always argued to keep your head, play it cool. A lesson he always followed. This, however, made the younger Laine flinch back and grab Allison's wrist.

"Run." It was their only option and Richard was giving them the chance. At the risk of himself, he was giving her a out. Ayita shoved and herded Allison in front of her and away from the possible fight. Tears leaking down the younger shifter's cheeks as she growled deep in throat. If anything happened to Richard, she would remember this! She would get revenge! Forcing herself into a run, she grapped Allison dragging the girl along one way or another.

Rhys Asher

Location: The Castle walking to his home

Riots were annoying business, Rhys noted with some disdain. He had slept through most of them, seeing no reason to monitor such things. Though he did hear a good bit of news from his tenants as they worried and wagged their tongues in speculations. The Winking Duck Tavern was in flames- or had been. A shame if the wizard ever noted one. Though his feelings were more for the tavern than those who died from the blaze. Leaning against the wall of his home, Rhys gave a dark chuckle at the thought of the mob being so stirred they were tossing their targets through windows. Had he been more able, the Rogue Wizard would have been in the midst working subtle magyks to make the mob set torch to the poor sods. Better though, that he was holed up in his home for the time being.

But that was not to say he was idle. He had managed to get a bit of work done via the way of scooping up a young lad going by Boy 784. With Tom within the prison scratching out 'Esren made me do it', Rhys had also attempted to ease the poor lad's suffering. He would need a Wizard to aid him after all. Managing to clean the boy's ragged nails and wrap him in a straight jacket he had conjured from magyk lest the lad do more harm to himself. Running a hand through his reddish brown hair the man studied Boy 784 having hauled the lad into his home and thrust a make shift soup into the boy's hands. "Lad's suffering from some darke magyk, I'm working on dispelling it." The rogue wizard roughly informed his charge. While a smile would do nothing to comfort this boy, a rough yet caring demeanor would help."Won't do calling yourself some number in these times lad. Can't go calling yourself lad either." Rhys fully expected the humor to be lost on the boy.

Running his hand over the tools of his trade he studied the boy with sharp eyes. Not hiding the fact he was not exactly lawful nor a man who was dangerous in his own right. Rather Rhys hoped this openness with the familiar setting of ruthlessness would put the Young Army boy at ease. Taking a set of pliers, the rogue set about making a mixture that would make those who ingested it or worked it into their blood stream quite ill. The bubbling of the solution filling the small loft of his 'home'. "I'd appreciate it if you mind your manners, boy, and not go mentioning this home of mine to others. Or myself for that matter." He had been keeping a carefully eye on the lad and the doors and windows were barred shut with magykal locks. More of his habit than to keep the boy in. Giving a growl at the potion, he tilted his head as he studied the lad who he had dumped on his bed. "Severus." The green eyed wizard noted with a chuckle. "Call yourself that, lest you remember your name from before they snatched you?"

Waving a hand to dismiss the answer, the Rogue Wizard studied the boy- Severus- with a thoughtful look. "No, don't tell me unless you truly wish to. I won't force it out of you. Rather I have an option for you, what with this rioting mob looking for you and your friends." Oh, the chance was too good to pass up and better yet? He wouldn't do it like those fools did! Let the younglings be innocent and not become hardened soldiers! Not unless they had a knack. Rather they would be better eyes and ears than an army. A flock of birds to twitter to the hand with bread. And whose hand would be better than his? Rhys was careful to keep this from his face as he frowned at the potion, adjusting a bit of this and that as it distilled correctly. "I'm looking for an apprentice or two. It'll keep you from that riot. It's not safe, I won't lie on that. But I'll feed you, make sure you get clean clothes, treatment if your ill, protect you best I can. Just follow my instructions and, hell lad, you could stop it and make a decent living like a honest folk. Only thing I ask is that you keep your ears sharp for me." Studying the boy, Rhys watched for any give away. Any desire that he might play upon. "Listening gets you a lot more than mindlessly following orders. Ferreting out answers as well." It was a dangerous game, but Rhys was feeling better.
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