Avatar of LadyRunic


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Current What lies in the hearts of the drae if not madness? - Ma'doc
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Replies will be coming out in a few days. Been down sick.
4 yrs ago
"Fly you fools!"
5 yrs ago
To everyone waiting on replies. They most likely will be out tomorrow or Saterday. I need to get a part for my computer!
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6 yrs ago
Sorry if replies are a bit slow. Dealing with a headache.


Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Rhys Asher

Location: Wizard Tower 20 Floor - 4B


Rhys felt himself being snatched away from Arya as he lunged at the woman, so eager for his revenge that recklessness was taking over. Mortal foolishness perhaps. Though it was something Rhys had spent a lifetime longing for. So when the mammoth form of a hulking green man snatched him from his revenge, Rhys let out a Silenced bellow of fury that turned into a groan of pain as he was used as a beater upon the floor of the 21 level of the Wizard Tower. The optimal situations this was not.

So when the Elder God snapped and took control himself, Rhys didn't put up much of resistance. Perhaps he could convince Chlthon later to give him another chance. Something that proved unneeded as Arya vanished. Fury raced through Rhys veins as he snarled mentally at his patron. "She was mine! I waited decades for her to be at my mercy!" Though that rage would do no good focused on Chlthon, so Rhys redirected it. A ball of Darke magyk like what he hurled at Arya was blasted into the Hulk. Turning a furious gaze to the woman who interfered. Rhys snapped out a command. "Pure Fyre, Burn higher, Make a Pyre, A True BoneFyre!" The fire roared high about Gandr's wielder before being sucked into the pieces of the staff. Attempting a distancing of escape from this lot in search of this Mistress of Chaos or some healer to heal his wrecked form. Rhys snarled as the teleportation spell failed.


Location: Wizard Tower 20 Floor - 2B

Skills: Asgardian magyk

Grimspound gripped the doorway as he studied the ruins of his vest and silently considered if he could actually ever return to the Dyrki without his cousin, or several, attempting to kill him. Of course they wouldn't get to kill him as thoroughly as they would like as Grandmother would not hear of it. He was the heir of her heir after all. Something he had been reminded of last time he had returned. Blowing it off had irked his Grandmother, but what else could he do? He had no desire to look into the fate of his clan quite yet and his mother wasn't that old?

Of course she was, the woman was going to reach her death and be await to escort their matriarch before death's door. Death was ever a present lover, and one he was not to embrace today. Pulling the ruined vest and dress shirt from his frame to reveal a toned body used to travel beneath. One burn wrapping about his torso form a mishap-pen spell. Across it in scroll work and smaller images that would take a keen eye to sort out the details was a elaborate tattoo depicting his life's story and the various places he had been. Seeing no damage, Grimspound gave a audible sigh of relief as the pounding of the Elder God against the floor reached his ears. balling up the dress shirt Grimspound tore away strips and bound up his wound. The trickles of red fading and stopping all together.

But that wasn't enough. Turning with a fury in his eyes, and limping slightly from the pain in his damn stomach. Jazen leaned against the door. Staring at the prone form of Rhys, the Dyrki man snarled and flung out his power attempting to strangle the bastard into some sense of agony. Payment for the pain this entire encounter had been. Yet it seemed his luck had failed him. Well, wasn't that just grand! "Lady, just drive a damn spear through his tongue and have done with it." Though his tone was short and edged with the desire to see the Elder God's host dead, he did temper his tone towards Runa. Holding nothing but respect as he addressed her as 'Lady'. Then again, with his background... Pissing off women was not a good idea.

Skaoi Silverveil

[color]Location: Manuscriptorium[/center]
[color]Skills: Perceptive, Understanding the human body, Going unnoticed (The girl is sleeping, Skaoi doesn't want to disturb her or anyone else), Cultural Knowledge (Eastern Snowplains), Physik, Diagnosis[/center]

Skaoi rubbed her arms as Emma led her through the maze again. This place would take a year and a day to find anything and it was no small wonder that there were no skeletons of those who had gotten lost! Though, Skaoi had a terrifying thought that perhaps there were skeletons. They just happened to be found and removed. Haplessly tossed into those tunnels to be forgotten. Blushing slightly at her own foolishness, the physik silently scolded herself away from the thoughts as she rubbed her arms slightly.

A girl was on the bed in the CHS's private rooms. Uninvited, Skaoi felt like the unwelcomed intruder which she was. Carefully and slowly stepping on light feet towards the girl of dark hair and sharp features. Skaoi frowned slightly. The girl was in excellent shape and very fit. But nothing appeared to be wrong aside from that. Though there were questions in her mind, she couldn't justify anything else. Turning to Emma the woman nodded towards the door shortly. Best she get back to her original task. If this girl was something... Then she would have something to go on later. Til then, it was merely a mystery and one she had perhaps pried too hard at.

Richard Laine

Location:Great Hall 9F

Richard plucked Navi from her seat and shoved the girl into Zekarra's arms. While he had little doubt that Zekarra was a able to take care of herself, that thought was a long way behind the fact that she was his daughter and like hell she was getting into this mess! "Zekarra, take the girl and Rainbrooke and go outside. Now! Thalia-" Richard clutched his wife's hand and pressed a soft kiss to the woman with a pleading look in his eyes. Even if she could be a dragon, she was his wife and he was a protective bastard. But he didn't ask, knowing she would most likely refuse.

Turning on his heel, Richard swore. "Dammit Bruce! Not in front of my child." While he didn't want to hurt his friend, he did need to get the boy free. A distraction would work well enough. Leaping up the Hulk's back the former assassin started scrambling half of the way up and took a page from his sister's book. Shifting into a komodo dragon, the lizard-man sunk his claws into the Older Green Machine's back before he felt a large hand clamp on him. "Squeaky toy noises..." Richard absently thought as he was sent sailing through the air and against a wall. It was nothing he couldn't heal from, but it was irritating. At least one hand was off the boy and Richard had both his kidneys.
Please do bug me with questions! It's my favorite past time!
@Slim Shady Lovely to hear! And if you'd like, feel free to drive me crazy with questions and make a CS.

Richard Laine

Location: Sub-Basement

Mary kicking him was expected. Kicking him hard enough that he hit the wall behind him and several ribs cracked with a throbbing searing of lesser pain in comparison to the missing kidney. Tatl, the fairy girl, made a smart ass comment that had Richard severely wanting to boot her from the room. But he needed to keep Poison Ivy and Dean focused on him. The intervention of Logan was a blessing, though not one that lasted for long. Dean had sprung into action.

And then the speedster's hand was stuck in Richard. Literally. Chuckling weakly despite the blood flowing from his mouth. "For the love of..." The Adder cocked a fist and took advantage of Dean's situation. Namely by slamming his fist into the boy's head, knocking him out cold. Though he was also out of the fight with a missing kidney, his cracked ribs and a speedster connected to him like some deranged Siamese twin. Falling with the lad, Richard wrapped his arm about Dean's neck. Readying to choke the boy back into unconsciousness if he stirred. He did not want to kill the 'Puppy' after all. Giving a glare to Guin, he shook his head with a sigh. "I should be scolding you to get back Beast. Go, lass. Don't you dare die on me, or my ghost will haunt yours."

Ayita Dyrkin

Location: Formal Sitting Room -> Outside(First Floor)

The ravens were loosing the advantage in the dark for this was the realm of predators more silent of wings. But Ayita studied the prone form of Shelly as she rode the currents of air. Diving in a last descent Ayita pulled up sharply to guide across the dark lawn. Shelly was no longer her issue, the girl was prone and thus the least of her worries. Jean, however, was a threat and one Ayita well knew from what information she had been able to gather. Her wings a beating war drum as she felt her bones crack and feathers fall away. A raucous caw turning into a roar of a primal beast that had walked the shores where even she balked at walking in the North.

Then Ayita felt something slip away from her as the great white bear bounded over the lawn. No longer was she in control but a keen instinct that knew that this was a fight for... For what? Deciding that the danger poised by the Human woman was sufficient. This she-Human would not be allowed to enter her territory uncontested! Claws out stretched in the low light as they gleamed. The maw that unleashed a massive roar of fury as hundreds of pounds of muscle, fat and fur landed where Jean had been before the tricky human had moved aside like seal. These eyes were no longer holding human intelligence but raw primal instinct.
@Eyeris Yes, people in the Court's First Circle would be ideal. Generally right now we're looking for males to fill Fatima's Court. Of which the Master of the Guard, First Escort, and Steward positions are available as well as just a regular first circle men. Though I'm not going to disallow female characters, I'm advising against them at this time with so many positions in Fatima's Court open.

Athanasia Theroux

Location Courtyard of CRS

Locked doors were never a good sign, though she would call them a interesting one in the option of being generous. Though being so was the furthest thing from Athanasia's mind as she turned on graceful feet to face Roman and his posse. So they were locked out here with these louts? It seem to be the day of interesting things, and to think she had been worried about the horrid teacher! While she wasn't one to admit it, Athanasia was always in envy of her mother's tall figure and hoped to catch the growth spurt that would allow her to match Ryssa Theroux one day. With her matching pale hair and far paler skin than her mother, she would be counter point to Ryssa's tanner complexion from her time in ruins and those startling blue eyes. If only she had those instead of her soulless black eyes that made folk shiver and question about her.

Quirking a brow, Athanasia sniffed in disdain. "You paid them off... I never you for more than a lout, leaving me in wonder at how you managed to get such money? Unless you have a rich daddy to pay it off for you? You're shield against us four poor paupers?" Utter ice filled the young girl's voice as she descended the steps to the ground again, her dark eyes flashing. While Athanasia herself came from money, it had never been openly at her disposal. But then again, she had never really wanted for anything. Channeling the cool scorn her mother held for those who were trespassing upon ancient ruins without respect for them, Athanasia smirked a little. "Oh la, Roman. You could have merely asked. I might have obliged. Ah, well... Kiss kiss." The ten year old crooned in a tone of sheer venom, the words being sweet and adorable if they hadn't the undertone meaning that Roman might as well go shove the flagpole up his butt.


Location: Terrielle (for now)
Time Frame: Renaissance-esque with some modern technology. (Namely they have no synthetic material and they do have plumping and such)
Rp Tags: Fantasy, Medieval, Magic, Slice of Life, Romance, Adventure, High-Casual, Advance, Character Developement, Lore, Politics
Type Of RP: A high fantasy adventure roleplay based around creating a revolution against a evil woman and restoring the Blood to what they should be. As a warning character death may happen as we have dice mechanics, though the chances are very low.
Goal of the RP: The players needs to get out of Terrielle but they also need to get the Queen of the only Black Jeweled Warlord Prince out of Terrielle unless Dorothea uses her to control the Prince.
Character Requirements: 16 years of age or older, in need of males


Evil Queens, Ruined land, and the laws of the Blood being forgotten. This Plot centers around Dorothea, a Priestess and Queen of Hyall. She has her fingers stretched across the realm of Terreille and is slowly sinking in her fingers with delight as the Queens under her control reap the benefits they have worked centuries for. They did this by placing Queens who were eager for Dorothea’s favor in power, and by killing off competition, and casting out lies and rumors against the Black Widows who did not work in the court of the Queens. Essentially making it dangerous for the Widows to practice their craft with many looking at them with distrust- some even hauling them before Queens or Warlord Princes for ‘justice’ before their murder, while others just outright kill them with the old ‘get them before they get us’ mentality. For the lies told of their abilities to corrupt the mind at will, how they kill rivals with poison and that half of them are mad with the so called ‘visions’ they recieve. Warlord Princes and those males of the dark Jewels are being forced to wear the Band of Compliance and yield themselves to being little more than slaves in anything but name, if they don’t comply with the Queens. Dorothea has also brought back slavery to the Blood.

However, the Gates to Kaeleer remain open as Kaeleer remains the darker of the two living realms. Ambassadors from various realms there come and go in the courts. Carefully guided by their hosts, as to not bear witness to the horrors that the Queens are slowly moving into place. Should one see? Those generally go missing, Often to resurface in another court months or years later, swearing loyalty to the nearest Queen once there. The official reply is a more of a resignation, dishonorable or not, and the disappearance of the problematic individual so that the Territory in Terreille can say they do not know where he is and be honest about it. Leaving Kaeleer’s Territories with tied hands on the matter. This has left the remaining ambassadors from Kaeleer wary of Terreille and many Territory Queens of Kaeleer cutting their ties with the Territories of Terreille.

Dorothea’s plan is to fully gain control of Terreille then form friendships with Kaeleer’s territories again. Luring them open only to begin her little game all over again. Though she’s going to play and enjoy Terreille for a bit before she does that to Kaeleer.

The plot centers around the players discovering this atrocious acts, possibly the plan of Dorothea, and escaping Terreille to Kaeleer through the heavily guarded Gates. As the only remaining safe place in Terreille is Dene Nehele and it’s not all that safe. The Queen there is weak and wears a Yellow Jewel. She has been slowly losing power for years and Dorothea has several ‘pet Queens’ ready to tear the weakening Queen from her circle of Warlords and Warlord Princes. Each growing weaker as ‘accidents’, out right attacks, and assassination slowly weakens the circle.


  • Saetan SaDiablo - Black Jeweled Warlord Prince-Black Widow (LadyRunic)
  • Faeril Ashkevron - Red Jeweled Healer-Black Widow (LadyRunic)
  • Artemis Fleur - Opal Jeweled Healer (nohbdies)
  • Vaclav Domonkos - Sapphire Jeweled Warlord (nohbdies)
  • Fatima Damiana - Grey Jeweled Healer-Queen (eclecticwitch)
  • Mikhail Volkov - Grey Jeweled Prince (13org)

  • Gennar 'Gen' - Green Jeweled Warlord Escort of Faeril Ashkevron
  • Denvar Saroth - Tiger-eye Jeweled Warlord Prince, Older Brother to Gen
  • Bellinar Saroth - Tiger-eye Jeweled Warlord Prince, Twin to Denvar
  • Dorothea Kattalakis - Grey Jeweled Priestess and Queen of Hyall

Our World






Blood Society

The Darkness:




Hourglass Coven


Moon’s Ebb & Pregnancy

The Rut

Rituals, Holidays, Death
Birthright Ceremony

Offering to the Darkness

Virgin Night

Handfasting & Marriage


Spring Festival

Death, Demon dead, and Whisper in the Darkness


Races (by Realm)

Places (by Realm)






Character and Relations Sheets

Example Character Sheet:

  • Put in your Addition Information what is your favorite magic user and link to a prior post you have done to assure you have read all of this


Location: Terrielle (for now)
Time Frame: Renaissance-esque with some modern technology. (Namely they have no synthetic material and they do have plumping and such)
Rp Tags: Fantasy, Medieval, Magic, Slice of Life, Romance, Adventure, High-Casual, Advance, Character Developement, Lore, Politics
Type Of RP: A high fantasy adventure roleplay based around creating a revolution against a evil woman and restoring the Blood to what they should be. As a warning character death may happen as we have dice mechanics, though the chances are very low.
Goal of the RP: The players needs to get out of Terrielle but they also need to get the Queen of the only Black Jeweled Warlord Prince out of Terrielle unless Dorothea uses her to control the Prince.
Character Requirements: 16 years of age or older, in need of males


Evil Queens, Ruined land, and the laws of the Blood being forgotten. This Plot centers around Dorothea, a Priestess and Queen of Hyall. She has her fingers stretched across the realm of Terreille and is slowly sinking in her fingers with delight as the Queens under her control reap the benefits they have worked centuries for. They did this by placing Queens who were eager for Dorothea’s favor in power, and by killing off competition, and casting out lies and rumors against the Black Widows who did not work in the court of the Queens. Essentially making it dangerous for the Widows to practice their craft with many looking at them with distrust- some even hauling them before Queens or Warlord Princes for ‘justice’ before their murder, while others just outright kill them with the old ‘get them before they get us’ mentality. For the lies told of their abilities to corrupt the mind at will, how they kill rivals with poison and that half of them are mad with the so called ‘visions’ they recieve. Warlord Princes and those males of the dark Jewels are being forced to wear the Band of Compliance and yield themselves to being little more than slaves in anything but name, if they don’t comply with the Queens. Dorothea has also brought back slavery to the Blood.

However, the Gates to Kaeleer remain open as Kaeleer remains the darker of the two living realms. Ambassadors from various realms there come and go in the courts. Carefully guided by their hosts, as to not bear witness to the horrors that the Queens are slowly moving into place. Should one see? Those generally go missing, Often to resurface in another court months or years later, swearing loyalty to the nearest Queen once there. The official reply is a more of a resignation, dishonorable or not, and the disappearance of the problematic individual so that the Territory in Terreille can say they do not know where he is and be honest about it. Leaving Kaeleer’s Territories with tied hands on the matter. This has left the remaining ambassadors from Kaeleer wary of Terreille and many Territory Queens of Kaeleer cutting their ties with the Territories of Terreille.

Dorothea’s plan is to fully gain control of Terreille then form friendships with Kaeleer’s territories again. Luring them open only to begin her little game all over again. Though she’s going to play and enjoy Terreille for a bit before she does that to Kaeleer.

The plot centers around the players discovering this atrocious acts, possibly the plan of Dorothea, and escaping Terreille to Kaeleer through the heavily guarded Gates. As the only remaining safe place in Terreille is Dene Nehele and it’s not all that safe. The Queen there is weak and wears a Yellow Jewel. She has been slowly losing power for years and Dorothea has several ‘pet Queens’ ready to tear the weakening Queen from her circle of Warlords and Warlord Princes. Each growing weaker as ‘accidents’, out right attacks, and assassination slowly weakens the circle.


  • Saetan SaDiablo - Black Jeweled Warlord Prince-Black Widow (LadyRunic)
  • Faeril Ashkevron - Red Jeweled Healer-Black Widow (LadyRunic)
  • Artemis Fleur - Opal Jeweled Healer (nohbdies)
  • Vaclav Domonkos - Sapphire Jeweled Warlord (nohbdies)
  • Fatima Damiana - Grey Jeweled Healer-Queen (eclecticwitch)
  • Mikhail Volkov - Grey Jeweled Prince (13org)

  • Gennar 'Gen' - Green Jeweled Warlord Escort of Faeril Ashkevron
  • Denvar Saroth - Tiger-eye Jeweled Warlord Prince, Older Brother to Gen
  • Bellinar Saroth - Tiger-eye Jeweled Warlord Prince, Twin to Denvar
  • Dorothea Kattalakis - Grey Jeweled Priestess and Queen of Hyall

Our World






Blood Society

The Darkness:




Hourglass Coven


Moon’s Ebb & Pregnancy

The Rut

Rituals, Holidays, Death
Birthright Ceremony

Offering to the Darkness

Virgin Night

Handfasting & Marriage


Spring Festival

Death, Demon dead, and Whisper in the Darkness


Races (by Realm)

Places (by Realm)






Character and Relations Sheets

Example Character Sheet:

  • Put in your Addition Information what is your favorite magic user and link to a prior post you have done to assure you have read all of this

Rhys Asher & Grimspound

Location: Wizard Tower 20 Floor Rhys: 4B, Grims: 3B


Skills: Asgardian Magyk, Sneaking, Blend, Slight of Hand

"Then they are fools to forget your beauty and skill. Goodness know my mother has called me such plenty of times." Grimspound noted with a glint of amusement in the illusion's eyes. The voice coming from the illusion also. The real and concealed Jazen moved around to the left, boxing the Elder God between his illusion, himself, the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, the green giant, and Runa. "Daughter of Baldur, I am a fool but only at face value and it is a pretty face." The illusion stroked his hair in mockery of himself and the Elder God. Baiting the bastard and risking it for the sake of all.

Rhys whirled from opponent to opponent as they appeared his eyes narrowing to slits as he studied the ExtraOrdinary Wizard with a sneer. The bitch had cast a spell of silence upon him, now he had a barbarian woman and a hulking green brute on one side and boy who stood guard at the Wizard's front door so to speak. The bastard was even mocking him by his careless behavior. Opening his mouth, the man resorted to a rude gesture at his hated rival and- That thought was cut short as a tug form his side had the man turning to see one of his knives sliding from the sheath. Whirling the possessed man drew another of his daggers, slamming the knife into the stomach of a man who appeared out of the air. A man who was by far taller than he.

Jazen swore and staggered back, his hand clutching the dagger embedded in his stomach. It had been a stupidly careless thing to do! His family was going to gut him and hang his entrails on his Aunt Askra's ship while the rest of him would be part of some crypt. Cursing himself the man pulled his hand away as the red blood coated it. "Oh, you bastard." The Dyrki growled deeply, his emerald eyes flashing as he pulled the dagger free. He would not fall, he would stand and bow to none save the leader of his clan. He would fucking stand, though as he looked down at the red liquid he considered sitting. It wouldn't be too bad an idea. "Arnora... Medic?" Yes, Arnora freezing the wound would work.

Rhys sneered at the giant, though he himself knew this fight was far from fair. Taking out one it seemed still left him with a goddess, her mutt husband and two unknown brats. Turning he bolted towards his rival. "I will kill them all and get your Mistress of Chaos. But we are outnumbered and I need my voice back." The man informed his unwelcomed patron, firm in his set. "We will stand a better chance in a more limited space. Without that hulking brute." As his hand latched onto Arya, a powerful force shoved him away. His face was a mask of wild rage and his eyes were glittering with sheer malice at the ExtraOrdinary Wizard. Jabbing a pointed finger in her direction then in his, he mouthed out the words. "It was mine."

Skaoi Silverveil

[color]Location: Manuscriptorium[/center]

Skaoi's eyebrows quirked upwards slightly. "A girl?" Her search for the Sickenesse momentarily paused. "You say the master of this place has kept this girl to himself and not informed the Queen nor the ExtraOrdinary Wizard?" Her voice was quiet and polite, but there was a slight edge of shock to it. For why would one go against the set laws of propriety? When you found something of such importance during a stressful time it was passed up through the ranks to the head of the goverment. One of those 'How It Is Done' things that had stuck with the Eastern Snow Plains woman from her homeland.

"No, I probably shouldn't have even told you that, miss...."

Shaking her long pale hair the woman dismissed the boy's uncertain nature as a bit of that hidden steel within her poked out. "And doubtless he is unaware that medical care may be required." She tutted with uncharastic gleam in her passive blue eyes. She had caught the scent of someone who might be in trouble and while she was interested in this Sickennesse and curing. This girl might as well be another key to it. "Please, I know you risk much, but please take me to the master of the Manuscriptorium? You could perhaps say it in reference to the Sickenesse." The physik offered, though there was a note in her voice she had only used a handful of times before and never in this land. A tone of a noble who would not take no as an answer. "Please? My apologies for causing such trouble, but I must assure myself the girl has no connection to the Sickenesse."

Richard Laine

Location:The Wedding

Father Boom-Boom... Richard stiffled a groan of irritation. "Don't be ridiculous." The british accented assassin nearly chortled while a wicked idea spun in his mind. His sister would have smacked him there and then, and he wife was likely too when she learned of the curse he planned to plague the God of Thunder with. "Do I look like I 'boom'? Rather, talk to him about Father Boom-Boom." The Adder gestured towards Thor, turning his attention back to Thalia.

A sly grin that split his face from ear to ear practically as he leaned into Thalia to whisper into the dragoness's ear. "You're beauty is only matched by your wisdom and grace." He offered the flowery compliment in lieu of a real one. Doing his best to ignore the flighty young girl, he settled back in his seat and listen to the soft chatter of the room. Something was off however, it was a old feeling from the days of fighting and running. Noting that the tall lad had stood and was trying to be soothed to sit by Halley, Richard rubbed Thalia's shoulder. His snake eyes flickering to her in warning as he tensed in preparation. He would defend his wife and child no matter the cost.
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