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    1. Leah 10 yrs ago
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Current Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. - John Lennon
6 yrs ago
Not all those who wander are lost.


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@Skai, @Double, @Ithradine and @Buzzkill - I think we are ready to start. I will shortly put up an opening post and hopefully we can start something wonderful from there.

@vancexentan - I noticed you haven't put up your CS in the Characters tab yet. I don't want the others to wait, so I am going to begin the RP. I hope you can come back to us whenever you see fit. ^_^
@Double, very well written. Shu comes across as a modern day Zuko, complete with his complexities and his inexplicable rage. I like how you have created a believable backstory that fits in nicely with his current mental state. Shu and you will make a great addition to the RP. Welcome. ^_^
No hurries, @vancexentan. You can post whenever you are ready. ^_^
@Double, that seems like an interesting idea. But just one thing - I am not sure about an illegal fighting club paying more money than Probending. Perhaps your character could be a Probending washout, or he was caught cheating and banned from Probending? I think choosing an illegal fighting gambling match 'to earn more money than from Probending', is a bit of a stretch. If you can think of some other reason for your character to take to it (maybe he was from the streets, and never really got the opportunity to try out real Probending?), I think it will be better.
Okay, so here's how I think this should work:

Apart from playing as my main character, I will, from time to time, play as random antagonists or "quest givers". I will differentiate those posts by using a different color of text. Therefore, I urge you all to type in plain white at all times.

Since Republic City is a fairly large place, I think we should consider prearranged rendezvous plots. It's fine if you don't want to, but if you think someone else's character might play well with yours, don't be shy. PM and discuss. On that note, @Buzzkill, I think we should talk on PM about your starting position. Someone like Jun-He would be ideally placed to act as an informer for the police, making our characters run into each other in the beginning.

If you ask me, @Ithradine, a less than cautious Shao might, to guarantee his safety, seek the protection of the Chief of Police of Republic City. Completely up to you, of course. It helps if all of you have a clear short term motivation to begin with. The sooner we get our characters interacting, the better the action will be. ^_^

Speaking of action, you all know your strengths and weaknesses. @Buzzkill, you are a quick learner and have an ear for valuable information. Years of using your brains against brawn has given you a strategic edge. But, as a non-bender, you have to work twice as hard to stay efficient. @vancexentan, I don't have to tell you that you are a badass. Your deep-rooted philosophy and your raw talent makes you a formidable opponent on the battlefield, indeed. But can your iron will stand the eroding effects of intrigue? Can your unrefined tactics stand up to a true master? @Ithradine, you were a rising star in the Fire nation army. You surely have the flames dancing to your tune. But you are too young to have the necessary control. Too indecisive with not just the fire but also your life. @Skai, you might well be the glue that brings us all together. You are the heart, and you can still hold your own. But in these desperate times, being a healer is only half the battle. Can you truly stand up against whatever destiny has in store for you?

You guys can choose to fight against each other should the situation arise, but you must decide over PMs who is going to win these encounters. If you have trouble deciding, I will intervene and declare a winner. These fights must play to your strengths and weaknesses. And before you can exploit an opponent's weakness, you must first learn about it in-character.

The same rules apply to me as the GM. Depending on which enemies I choose to throw at you, they may either be supremely easy or supremely difficult. And those enemies will depend upon the plot and what you, as a group, have experienced. And what I, in my characters, have experienced.

There won't be any perma-death unless you wish it. But a failed encounter can result in grievous injuries, physical or mental. Your character must deal with them.

Benders, we won't go through the minutiae of what things you can and cannot do with your bending. I trust you to stay true to your character and not go OP. When in doubt, my word will be final.

Since we are not doing a D&D style dice throw for combat, let's not belabor them for too long. If you want, you can use discord or PM to have a blow-by-blow combat sequence and post them as a single post IC. Combat involving enemies I create and you will play out completely in IC.

I hope you are all 18+, because this RP will certainly feature mature themes, including violence and sex. Definitely not anything hardcore, but all the same, be consenting adults. You don't have to fade to black, but if you enter into a one-on-one romantic encounter with a character whose blow-by-blow (pun-intended) account is not necessary for the overall plot, please take it to PMs or Discord.
Yun Song

Age: 47
Gender: female

Earth/Metal bender

Physical description

Statuesque - that's the word one often hears when talking about Yun Song. Standing taller than most men, with an elegant bone structure and a prominent gaze, she is one of those who can draw up their height and bring it to bear in any conversation. With sheer presence alone, she has dominated numerous political maneuvering. Her eyes are a deep green and copious silver strands are beginning to show in her black hair.

But the first thing anyone ever notices upon meeting Yun Song is her metal arm. During the Transformation process that changed the authoritarian monarchical Earth nation into a union of autonomous states under a parliament, several towns revolted. There were too many skirmishes to call it a mere revolt, but none of the revolting states found a common leader to unite under, considering King Wu himself gave his blessings for the Transformation. But they went on for so long that even King Wu's successor has to still deal with them. Yun Song proved her worth first in these never-ending battles, and also lost her left arm to a Lava bender. She later used her metal bending to construct an arm for herself, one that was far more versatile than what nature had given her. She spent years training to bend with her metal arm. The arm can extend to longer than its normal length, and has a couple of nasty surprises.


Yun Song was the only daughter of a wealthy merchant couple in Zaofu. She was quite the spoiled brat growing up, and her parents would only rush to please her, no matter the outrageous nature of her childish demands. While not exactly the lap of luxury, she had had a comfortable upbringing. As soon as it was discovered that she could metal bend, she enrolled in the Beifong Academy and was a middling student.

But all that changed when her father lost the shares to his company on a stupid Probending bet. Rather than renege on a bet and save his family, her father chose to save his honour. Right up to the point when he took his own life. The board was not cruel. Mother and daughter were given a modest stipend and a house to stay in. But Yun's demands were no longer being fulfilled. She grew adamant. She wanted more from life than a simple peasant's existence. Her thirst for finer things shaped her into a competitive and fierce young woman. She wanted a life untouched by the random vagaries of existence - one where her comfort was guaranteed.

She pushed herself to excel. She knew Bending would get her to the life she desired. She worked at it like a woman possessed. She became the youngest cadet in the Earth Union's prestigious Commando unit. During the Transformation, when the Union was beginning to consolidate rebel states, she lost her arm and gained a reputation. She was decorated as a War hero and was given a choice. A generous early retirement package owing to her injury, or a desk job in the fledgling Committee for Union Security. But Yun had not had enough. She needed more. She was 30, single, and did not like the prospect of settling down in a farm somewhere.

One-armed and ambitious, Yun chose the desk job. In retrospective, it turned out to be the right move. The Committee was woefully understaffed, and anyone with half a brain could get promoted. Within a couple of years, she found herself advising the Prime Minister on security matters. She single-handedly (literally) formed the Secret Service, a group of elite Lava and Metal benders who are responsible for the Prime Minister's security. Along the way, she also built herself a metal arm, with parts intricate enough to put a Futuron satomobile to shame.

She is now, officially, the Chief of Security - a position created for her, as the bureaucrats were finding it difficult to assign her a salary. Unofficially, she is called the Enforcer. No one dare call her that to her face, of course. But everyone knows she is the Prime Minister's muscle.

As the official protector of the man who led the Earth Union, which currently happened to be the detestable Lee Beifong, it was her job to make sure nothing happened to threaten that man. Recent reports, however, were beginning to trouble her. Korra's death put all plans out of whack. The White Lotus seemed to have gone underground, with no word as to whether they have any clue about the next Avatar's location. Considering Korra was a Water bender first, it made sense that the next Avatar would have already born somewhere in the vast Earth Union. And considering the White Lotus were there when Korra died, it was quite possible they knew exactly where. She had to find them, and figure out a way to use this to the Union's benefit. Surely, having the Avatar grow up under the watchful and protective eye of the Earth Union wouldn't be a bad thing!

It was because of this little side mission of hers that she found herself in Republic City, chasing down a very important lead. She had friends in high places here, making it easier for her to run this down rather than some underling. Staying at the fashionable Four Elements hotel, she now awaits her meeting with the Chief of Police of Republic City.
@vancexentan, I see your point. And since you have a very clear idea of Gao's psyche, I think you will do this badass character justice. ^_^

@Hushed Whispers, sorry to hear that. I certainly hope I didn't chase you away with my nit picks. Take care. :)

So, Jun-He @Buzzkill, Eska @Skai, Shao @Ithradine, Gao @vancexentan - welcome to the RP ^_^ Yay! Can't wait to start.

And yes, you can all go ahead and post your characters in the Characters tab. I will shortly post my main character as well. I think that should be good enough to get the ball rolling.
@Ithradine, @Skai - both your characters are perfect. Well done.

@Ithradine, I hope you know that one doesn't simply leave the Fire nation army and walk away. Expect some severe repercussions. ;)

@Skai, just one thing: Equalist cells haven't yet become so widespread that benders need to hide their bending. No problems in being over cautious, but Eska doesn't seem like an overcautious person.

@vancexentan - A very interesting character, but I have a couple of concerns. Firstly, I am finding it a bit incredible that a young boy is able to teach himself advanced offensive air bending techniques with just the help of scrolls and a non-bending grandfather. I mean, I can see how his grandfather's teaching may have helped him focus his mind, but from that to becoming a functioning air bender is a bit of a stretch. In the shows, for instance, we very rarely see any character master bending without a master. Even Aang struggled with water bending before he met the Northern Water tribe master. The only notable exception is Zaheer. But he was a much older man, with years of study and experience, and with particular emphasis on Guru Lahima's teachings, not to mention his Red Lotus background. So, if you can look into that part of his backstory, it would be helpful. Maybe he grudgingly became a member of the Air nation, studied for a few years, then either broke the rules somehow or had an argument with the leaders about how to run the place and then took to wandering the world? I am not sure how you would like to go about it, but I think it needs another look.

Another thing is the starting location. When RP begins, all characters start at Republic City. So you must tell me how and why Gao Xiang finds himself in Republic City.

I hope you find my feedback reasonable. ^_^

@Hushed Whispers - Cute character! But, again, a big concern. Why does Peme choose to study weapons and fighting? I mean, the current set up of the Avatarverse in this RP is not much different from our real world. Why would the child of a fairly well-off family living in the United Earth States (a fairly stable democracy) need to learn to protect herself? The world today in the RP is a far cry from the wilder times of Avatar Aang. Travel has been made easier and safer with zeppelins and other types of aircraft. No major war has occurred in the last century. The last big 'battle' was Kuvira's invasion of Republic City, and even the older people only remember it like a legend. So what I am getting at is that your character motivation needs to be stronger. Maybe Peme loves fighting, or may be she grew up in one of those border towns that are still a bit lawless. Whatever you choose, it must reflect in her character. If you can fix that, I think Peme will become awesome. ^_^

@Hushed Whispers even if you put a picture, I would still need a written physical description. If you absolutely must, please put the picture in spoiler tags if you can.

Sounds good, @Skai. Go for it!

@vancexentan, the White Lotus will be a major part of the plot. Currently, the White Lotus has become a highly elite force with only one mission - to find and protect the Avatar. If you want to be part of the White Lotus from the beginning of the RP, you will have to majorly rethink your character. For instance, the White Lotus would not allow a nihilistic individual like your air bender unless he was one of the leaders of the Air nation. If the Air nation's current role as global police is something your character has a problem with, then why would he choose to be a part of a more specialized example of the same role? Those questions must be answered if you choose to start as a White Lotus member. Also, PM me if you do choose to start as a White Lotus member.

With regards to how many people we are going to have, I am not sure. Currently, four of you have announced interest. That's actually a good number to start with. But two or three more will certainly help.

@Buzzkill, Jun-He sounds like a great little rascal. I like the idea of a simple-minded but well-connected urchin sort of a character. Just one thing though - his eyes. Is that because of some strange thing that happened in his backstory? I don't remember anyone in the Avatarverse with eyes like that. Not a deal breaker, but just feels too... force fitted? Other than that, it's perfect!

EDIT: Sorry, @vancexentan. I assumed you wanted to start as White Lotus. I would say starting off as individuals is a safe idea. It will also be interesting if two or more of you decide to be related in some way before the start of the RP.
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