Avatar of Leaves
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1131 (0.33 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Leaves 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current It's been a while since I roleplay'ed. With filing for unemployment, a lot of free time has opened up. I hope I can join despite the rep sheet I have for being inactive for some time.
7 yrs ago
I'm just going to drop this. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Is there someway that I can report the person below me?
7 yrs ago
This roleplay gives out free cookies. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Trapped in TV Land Cliche roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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Double post. (damn it.)

Are you planning to post soon? I am probably going to post tomorrow.
Next narration post coming up. Final exams have been killing me.
@Loki Odinson

Just need to put a few more touches on my character sheet and my post followed by the next narration post. Everything is coming out so far so good.

Health: 800
Mana: 1200
Renn: 711 >> 688
STATs Tree:

Health: 550/700
Mana: 000/100
STATs Tree:

The waitress arrived not a moment later with a tray. On the platter laid the various items that Dubstepp ordered. She first laid out the glass of water and the pitcher of ale on the wooden table. Once after, she placed the pot pies in front of the hungry rabbit and his trainer. Totoro was already drooling as Dubstepp thanked the woman. Smoke emanated along with a nice, inviting aroma. Dubstepp might have also been as enthusiastic to dive in.

Using a nearby fork, he picked a piece of the flaky crust. Before eating it, he blew on it to lower its temperature. Looking over to Totoro, Dubstepp's face wrinkled. His rabbit monster slammed his face into the table, he began to make several noises while eating. "Dude. You're tamed, how are you eating like that? And it's hot as hell." Dubstepp commented.

"What's the big guy's name?"

Dubstepp turned his attention over to the end of the table. A female player approached the table and caught Dubstepp by surprise.
The event felt weird at first, but comforting. Most of the time, players kept to themselves or just remained with the people they met on launch day or their real-life friends. Dubstepp hesitated a bit before answering, a slight stutter formed as he spoke.
"This is umm, Totoro."

Dubstepp laid out his hand out and pointed at the giant rabbit sitting in front of him. His eyes then met his rabbit monster again. Totoro picked up the pot pie and starting taking enormous bites. "You really need to chew your food. You're going to choke and I really don't know how to perform CPR," Dubstepp warned. Looking back at the woman, Dubstepp might have understood why she came to the table.

This was the first time that Totoro walked around with the musician. No doubt he received eyes while walking down the street. Totoro was a big, bunny monster. Girls would find him cute due to his long ears and fluffy appearance while guys would find him cool because of his sheer size and strength. Dubstepp saw the woman's hair color. "Another redhead?" Dubstepp thought to himself.

Drinking a sip of his ale, he initiated a conversation with the friendly individual. "Despite it being a rare trait, I actually have seen a lot of red-haired people in this game. What are the chances?" Dubstepp painted a smile on his face.

Interacting with:

@Loki Odinson

No. I'm going to finish my character soon. I think Leia is not a very reliable roleplayer so I'm not going to wait on her any longer. Just simply because she hasn't returned to the site for a while and only has a few posts under her belt.

It will probably just be the two of us for a while before this roleplay receives any more attention.

Hey, Leia. Are you going to post soon?
In C R A W L 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>> Votes for Defending the Bridge
In C R A W L 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

Er, tanned? Hispanic.
A Funko Pop!
In C R A W L 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Leaves You need to choose a hair colour, an item, and a skill.

<Snipped quote>
Bandages regain HP, Whiskey regains sanity, and Dynamite does damage. The Bear Claw is your personal item - Mae will likely tell you what it can do once the picture is finalised, if the past says anything.

<Snipped quote>
This is your personal skill, which everyone gets. For me, I get two dice rolls with a bonus of one movement, because I chose Cavalry Scout. Scarescrow chose Hardened Resolve, which boosted Scare's sanity up to 12 instead of the standard 10.

Apologies. I misread it.

>> Dick Grant scratches his brown hair. He remembers that when he in a fight that he relies on a Knockout Punch. Even then, he'll use bandages if the fight becomes too risky.
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