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Current Discord crashed lads. Can't get back in.
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I've opened art commissions up, anyone who wants relatively cheap art PM me here or on Discord: LeeRoy#8459
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"If you kill a man, you scorn his wife. If you kill his wife, you scorn her child. If you kill her child, you scorn his village. If you kill his village, you scorn the kingdom. If you kill the kingdom you scorn an empire. If you kill an empire, then who is left?"

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Oh baby here it comes. Hold onto your butts.
Don't bring up the Virtuoso thing, that whole fight was an embarrassing thing.
Once I win this tournament, I'm gonna come after each and every one of you with Alexander. I'll show you the power of REAL WRESTLING!
I have made the edits.

Once Upon a Missing Person’s Report

Chapter 1

Lost Haven Police Department:

That evening, within LHPD Central, Arthur Nolan discovered a few interesting cases that were sort of untouched. Looking at them, one might even assume they’re being avoided. A couple blips on the Shroud syndicate, a few murders and several missing persons. One stood above the rest in Arthur’s interest as he printed them out and put them into a folder in his bag. The one that made the most sense to be avoided.

It was a missing person’s report made by the CDC, which is of particular interest. The girl was evidently afflicted with some kind of disease, or virus. Said to be not contagious, but a lot of crazy stuff happens these days. A non-contagion could simply evolve or magically transmit and there’d be nothing that a normal fella could do about it. The woman was named Racheli, a peculiar

Arthur nodded to himself as he read through the page, he did a little skim before putting it into the same folder and packing up. He pulled his coat up over his shoulders and topped himself with his cap.

Headed towards the door he nodded to the woman and checked his gun at the door, replacing it in the holster. “Have a nice evenin’, I’ll prob’ly come back soon.” He made some degree of effort to make his exit particularly impressive. Throwing back the extra fabric on his coat as he pushed through the door. Why? Well, it should be a well known fact that Arthur’s a bit of a dork and no matter what situation he’s in he’s always wanted to look cool.

Outside the building he pulled out his pocket map and looked through the locations that he’d marked down as pertinent. The CDC wouldn’t have been marked down if it weren’t an emergency service, Arthur’d even written down the location of the LH Volunteer Fire Department. He’d noticed his proximity pretty quickly, he’s close enough for a good sprint through the alleyways. Arthur frowned when he realized they might not be open at this hour, it was nearly eight at night. Though he was sure he’d be able to get in somehow if they weren’t open.

“It’d be quicker to take a bus, but I can’t spare the expense right now.” He grumbled and scratched at his chin, noticing that he’d a bit of stubble with a bit of surprise. “Great, I have to shave now too. Which I also don’t have time for.” He figured that if he couldn’t afford it, he’d just need to fudge a few rules. There wasn’t exactly a law against it, he was sure of that. Except there totally was a law, and Arthur was full of shit.

The eastbound bus to City Hall was passing the station and would be making its way with only five stops between. It’d be clumsy, but if Arthur could get on top of the bus without alerting anyone he’d be golden. Through the traffic he’d be able to get a bit of sound coverage, so jumping on top soundlessly would be easy enough.

Arthur folded the map back up and slid it into his coat pocket, fastening the button and holding his hat in place on his head. The light turned green and the bus started rolling, the traffic began to move and the chance was now.

He broke into a sprint and dashed through the moving cars, the honks of horns and screeching of tires covered his leap to the top of the bus. He thumped bodily on top of the flat metal surface of the vehicle and laid himself flat on top of it. The breathing was kept steady but he instinctively fell into a pant. Despite not being exhausted, he was still mentally old and running would have winded him.

“Why do I do this?” He asked the ether as the bus continued towards the City Hall, he’d be to the CDC within the hour.
@Albatross City
I swear on my life, this is the second funniest character sheet I've ever read.
Aight, I'm home in 5 hours, I'll fight you with the Hero Wraith. I can't post his sheet from my phone.
Oi. Get on discord if you want some.
@Metal Tortoise
It's because I'm worried about the fairness for other players, you whiny goon. Not for myself.
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