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2 yrs ago
Current The longer you spend awake the less time you spend asleep.
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4 yrs ago
Every hour spent not eating is an hour spent getting hungrier.
5 yrs ago
Cats are like dogs. Except dogs are better.
5 yrs ago
Oh boy! Oh BOY! It's almost time for MHW: Iceborne.
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5 yrs ago
Fresh and juicy


I'm just some filthy Australian.

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Maggy was walking along headed for a bathroom when a voice seemed to address her. She sighed as she looked at whoever it was, looked like some street rat,only interesting thing about him was the glowing eyes. He complemented her mask, mistake one, the he pointed out her dirty dress, mistake two. Maggy let out a angered growl "Don't call me doll. I understand that you spend an awfully large amount of time with inflatables, but real women have brains. Something you clearly lack if you think pointing out someone's soiled dress is a good way to start a conversation. Now if you're done being an idiot, please leave."

Maggy hissed as she noticed some people looking at her, it didn't help that her left eye was lighting up. She had to get out to a bathroom, not only was she getting far too angry and needed to change her dress, but she also felt like she was going to be sick. Before getting a response she turned and walked away, she couldn't waste anymore time on him. This was the last time she slept down in the Undercity.

Maggy made her way through the super store. The biggest problem was the amount of people, the amount of pushing and shoving at some points left Maggy on the breaking point. The only thing keeping her from injuring someone was the fact she'd get thrown into jail instantly. She managed to get herself into a fancy clothes shop without murdering anybody so that was a plus.

She walked into the shop, finally out of the crowds she was able to breathe for a moment. "Are you alright there? Could I help you with anything?" A soft voice came from behind Maggy, it was a female staff member come to help her. It was fairly obvious that they wanted Maggy through their shop as quickly as possible, it wasn't exactly good for business having a woman in soiled garments walking around. Maggy let out a deep breath before adressing the shorter woman "Do you have any backless dresses on the cheaper side? I'm a little skint at the moment, and as you can see my current clothes are not in the best condition. Some punks thought it would be funny pouring some... I don't even know what this is honestly, but you get the picture."

Maggy tried her best to not sound threatening, she wanted to be out of this store just as much as the staff wanted her out. The woman didn't wast any time as she escorted Maggy to the dress section, and my what a selection they had. The sight of all the dresses made Maggy forget her frustration for a moment, she did love dresses. "See anything you like?" the woman asked, trying to follow what Maggy was looking at. "Yes I believe I have, this one is beautiful." Maggy would say as she pulled a deep purple backless dress from the rack. "Excellent choice, that is indeed a beautiful dress. Would you like to try it on?"

Maggy rubbed her chin as she checked to see if the dress was her size, "No, I think I'm alright. I'll just take this and get out of your hair, I want to change out of this rancid dress as soon as possible." Maggy's words seemed to please the worker, Maggy knew exactly why but she was keeping it to herself to avoid any unneeded awkwardness.

Maggy had failed to check the price of the dress and managed to blow three hundred and fifty dollars on the dress. The dress was worth it for Maggy, but she couldn't help but get annoyed at herself for spending most of her money on one item. Well at least she could head off to a bathroom and change out of her dirtied dress, then maybe she'd go for some lunch.

Maggy yawned as she leaned up, another sleep on a machine in the Undercity, she flicked on her disguise and stood up. This wasn't the first time she'd done it, but this time she picked a bad machine to sleep on. There had been some kind of leak and now her clothes were ruined, maybe she'd have to go to this grand opening after all. Maybe the huge amount of people would make it easier to go un-noticed, hopefully.

So Maggy waited for her clothes to dry using the heat from a boiler exhaust to speed up the process. It wasn't comfortable but it got the job done. The journey to the new shopping center was just as uncomfortable, the large stains on her dress making her a target for many strange looks. Maggy tried to simply ignore them, but the sheer amount of them was starting to piss her off. The bus ride felt like an eternity, and Maggy was getting to the point where she was going to attack someone. Luckily the bus arrived out the front of the new super store just in time, Maggy had to drape hair over her eye to hide it's faint glow.

She looked up at the massive store and reached into her pocket to feel for how much cash she had on her, felt like she had around four hundred on her. Should be enough for a few backless dresses and maybe some shoes, a new skirt might have to wait. Maggy grumbled to herself as she walked towards the huge building.
In Hellpact 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Ross was looking up at Eve when he noticed the flash of someone's camera, he looked back to find the culprit only to shake his head, Jesus. Some people. Ross sighed quietly and tuned back in. This is when Lady Eve wiped out a demon, Ross hid his surprise as well as a guilty dog. Coarse I've managed to get myself tied up with warlocks. Fuck I new it'd happen some day, but did it have to be today? Ross looked at the floor taking a moment to compose himself, at least he knew one of these people had made a pact, he wondered how many of the others had. He tried to convince himself this was a good thing, maybe this first encounter was a blessing, it sure beat having a warlock trying to kill him.

Ross sat there thinking over the possibility oh him just leaving, he was sure that getting involved in this would probably be bad, but hearing that people were in danger and he could help. That kept Ross glued to his chair, sure he didn't want to get involved with demons and shit, but he at least knew what he was dealing with. Then Eve spoke about the payment, and oh boy was that some juicy cash, Ross got to help people while also getting paid for it? Was a better version of the deal he had back home, help people get chased by cops for it. "So you're telling me I get paid to help people? Count me in." Ross knew he wasn't going to like where this deal was going to take him, but at least he knew it'd be different to what he was stuck with back home.

A few others had also agreed to help, the pipsqueak and the overbearing goth. He severely hoped some of the others took the deal as well, he didn't see himself getting along with these two. He then realised he'd forgot to give his name, did he give them the real one? Yeah why the fuck not, not like he's trying to hide anything. "The name's Ross by the way, pleasure to meet you all." Eck, it sucked being nice, Ross wasn't sure how long he'd be able to keep it up. Hopefully long enough to find someone he could drink with.

Name: Maggy

Alias: None

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon human hybrid.


Personality: Maggy is an odd one. Most people would call her crazy or insane, this isn't far from the truth in all honesty. She maintains a level head for the majority of the time, but cannot always keep up this persona. She is very quick to change emotion, one moment being sad and then she's skipping on rainbows the next. Fortunately people get visual indicators on her emotional status.

When angered she changes vastly, often not bothering to keep a level head and just attacking whatever the problem is. This is when her sadism starts to show, things like comments on how your screams will be the highlight of her week, or going into detail on how she's going to defile you eye cavity. She is fairly quick to anger, it's made fairly clear by her red eye glowing. If she's like this for long enough her entire personality will change, and it's not a pretty sight. She'll become an absolute asshole, getting angry at pretty much everything. She'll stay in this enraged state for a good while before returning to normal.

Another emotion that shows on her visibly is happiness, she is highly excitable at most times. When she gets excited her violet eye will glow, she tends to hide her violet eye because of how frequently it glows. Her violet eye also glows when she's aroused, an additional reason she prefers to keep this particular eye hidden. When she gets super excited or turned on the undersides of her wings will start to glow a bright violet, mimicking her eyes. When she gets to this point she's acts more like a jovial child, or someone who's just been hit with some of the strongest aphrodisiacs know to science.

Her personality basically vanishes when she goes into her dragon form. She is a creature of pure aggression and hate at that point. Most of the time the only way to revert her back to her hybrid form is to knock her out, that or remove everything that could be perceived as a threat and let the beast calm down. Or the dragon form could act like a affectionate puppy, it's a luck thing really.

Power: Maggy has a wide verity of powers, many of which she doesn't know how to properly use.

Hybrid form powers

Dragons strength: Maggy is much stronger than your average human, her regular arms being able to lift roughly 7 tonnes, but her extra set of wing arms are far more powerful being able to lift three times as much. She struggles to limit herself when doing physical activities often damaging things on accident.

Dragons hide: Maggy is a tough nut to crack, able to ignore most conventional melee attacks, things like knifes and hammers would break before managing to inflict any damage to Maggy's skin. Firearms will still penetrate her skin, but will probably not inflict very damaging wounds unless targeted at weak points like the eyes.

Magical disguise: Maggy is able to disguise herself or others with very believable disguises. But when she looses focus theses disguises fade away.

Magical blasts: Maggy can conjure up crude blasts of purple energy, they are relatively weak not dealing that much damage. They mainly just push over opponents or apply light burns. They travel fairly slowly for a projectile attack, and those who have good reflexes could avoid them fairly easily.

Wings and claws: Maggy's wing arms are armed with ferocious claws that can tear through metal, this coupled with her strength makes them very dangerous. And they may be wing arms, but she can't actually fly properly with them, instead she can glide short distances or slow herself down if she's falling allowing her to jump from great heights with little fear of injury.

Transformation: Maggy can transform into a powerful dragon form, but this is almost never worth it. The transformation itself hurts an incredible amount, she has to feel her bones breaking and reforming, her muscles tearing and healing. This process isn't fast either, it's not like ripping off a band-aid. It takes a good 20 seconds of agonising pain to fully change form, this torture often leaves her less than sane, going into a frenzied rage attacking anything that moves.

Weakness/limitations: When it comes to mobility and evasion, Maggy has plenty of room to improve. She's ill experienced in combat let alone using her powers. Also her great strength comes with a downside, she's permanently ill from her mutations, she can be found frequently coughing up black gunk. This gunk is highly toxic and should be avoided.

Dragon form powers

True dragons strength/hide: In dragon form Maggy is immensely strong being able to move train cars or bulldozers, all this strength being focused in her humongous wing arms. She is also vastly more durable in dragon form then previously. Able to tank multiple explosives with little problem, the explosions will hurt for sure but she's able to push through them and continue fighting. Bullets now have even less effect on her barely getting through her hardened scales.

Volatile magical blasts: The dragon form has for more deadly energy attacks, taking the form of purple fire or crackling purple explosions. These attacks are best avoided dude to their great impact force and scolding heat. Fortunately the explosive blasts are very short range only extending out maybe 5-6 meters in front of Maggy.

Wings: In dragon form Maggy is able to properly use her wings and is capable of flight.

Weakness/limitations: In dragon form Maggy is huge. This makes her an easy target for attacks, this size also prevents her from being stealthy in any capacity. She retains her chronic illness from her hybrid state but also looses sight on her right side, only having a left eye.

Likes: Meat, Candy, Blood, Milk, Quiet, Food, people.

Dislikes: People, Quiet, Racism, weaklings.

Skills: Maggy really has no outstanding skills outside of her powers, this is mostly due to her complete lack of memories. She only has basic knowledge, like how to cook and speak.

Other: Maggy has basically no memories of who she was before being a dragon hybrid. Whatever changed her made sure she didn't know what it was.

Koharu was pleased to hear Charles' change in heart. She just had to work on herself now, and get herself ready for the exercise. She may have to move Adam or Noru at some point, but she would just have to be gentle. She remained in her ball as she looked up at the newcomer, he seemed nice offering advice. But Kooharu wasn't feeling talkative at the moment, she was unsure of how to feel. Should she be worried about the excessive? Happy she managed to convinced Charles to try? Disgusted at how she absorbed some of Charles? She was only now starting to overload. Unfortunately her opinion was wanted, she managed to squeeze out a response. "I-I-I don't know, m-maybe?" She replied in a voice befitting of her size.

Recovery Lad

Recovery lad looked at Sora and Kiyoshi with a knowing smile. "Ah the exercise, aren't they fun?" He would say as he walked closer to the two putting out his hand and gently brushed the hair off of Kiyoshi's forehead. "Now stay still, this will only hurt for a moment." Then suddenly Recovery Lad would pout his lips getting ready for a big kiss. His lips would connect with Kiyoshi's head and there would be a sharp stab of pain before a strange soothing feeling would overtake it. Recovery Lad would then back off and take a deep breath, "That should have you feeling better in no time. You're lucky you got it so easy, some of the people I've seen come through here have had it much worse."
Count me in fellas.

Koharu sat there quietly until Charles pet her head, she could feel tiny pieces of him being sucked into her. The feeling made he super uncomfortable and she scooted away after he was done with his pat,she made a quiet whimper as she rubbed her hair. Charles words made her feel a little better, he was right! They didn't actually have to fight to win, they could just stall for time if they were villains, or save the hostages if they were heroes. Just because the first set of fights was won by knockout didn't mean their match had to!

Then Charles made brought up the option of pretending to try, but they couldn't do that. They could get into trouble if it was found out they weren't trying. "No no no! We can't lose on purpose! Not knowing we have a way to actually win! O-or at least compete..." Koharu realized she got a little loud and curled up into a ball. A little embarrassment ball. It was as uncomfortable as it was adorable. "L-l-lets just try... Even just a l-little..." Koharu's voice was barely a whisper.

Recovery Lad

In the school infirmary Recovery Lad had suddenly gotten a few patients, fortunately he was prepared. He knew the hero coarse team battles were coming up, an they always brought hurt students. This first way were actually in decent shape compared to others he's had to attend, this was only his second year in the infirmary though. Being a second year student with a quirk like his made him invaluable, and for compensation for his nurse work he'd get rewarded with some boosted grades. The teachers couldn't expect him to be a nurse fro them while also getting all his school work done. He was actually only a year or two older than the 1A students, and was also rather attractive. Well defined body and a face that could melt butter, he even had silky brown hair.
PC students.

Met heroes.

PC Villains.

Met villains.

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