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2 yrs ago
Current The longer you spend awake the less time you spend asleep.
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4 yrs ago
Every hour spent not eating is an hour spent getting hungrier.
5 yrs ago
Cats are like dogs. Except dogs are better.
5 yrs ago
Oh boy! Oh BOY! It's almost time for MHW: Iceborne.
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5 yrs ago
Fresh and juicy


I'm just some filthy Australian.

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This looks pretty cool. Though are we going to have to worry about managing hordes of demon minions?
I don't shower and brush my teeth every day.

Arson Grunted as she smashed into the tank, felt like it was made of sterner stuff than normal which only served to reinforce that these tanks were tinker tech. Despite her attack, the tank was continuing on its path forward. Arson hopped off the side of the tank and started running alongside it thinking of what her next move should be, ramming into it over and over while fun might take a little too long to stop the tank from moving. Disabling the man gun was also a priority, perhaps she could do both at the same time... Actually, that might work...

Arson sped up so she could overtake the tank, she leapt onto the mostly flat front of the tank landing right next to the massive cannon barrel. She put a hand on the barrel and glanced down at the small hatch that sat to the right of the barrel, Arson gave the hatch a few powerful kicks, denting and warping the hatch hopefully making it unusable. The last thing she needed was a tinker flamethrower or tinker machinegun popping out and getting in the way. Arson then placed her second hand near the base of the cannons and started to pull, the thing wasn't going to come off easy that was for sure. "Come on you piece of shit. Arson growled as her grip tightened and continued to pull at the barrel.

The barrel was bloody hot, Arson felt her skin melting to her clothes. Fuck she'd have to get new ones now... As Arson started to bend the cannon, a hatch on the top of the tank opened up and an angry Nazi popped out and started shooting unloading on her with an assault rifle. Arson took a few bullets before she was able to aim her arm at the Nazi and let out a stream of fire from her wrist augment. If the top wasn't ruined before it was definitely ruined now.

The Nazi screamed and fell from the back out of the tank hatch, tumbling to the ground screaming as he writhed on the ground, futilely trying to extinguish the fire. Arson quickly put both hands back onto the barrel pulled with all her might. The barrel continued to bend and groan before finally, the base of the cannon gave way and popped off the tank sending Arson and the barrel off the side of the tank.

Arson slowly got to her feet, taking a moment to look at her horrifically burnt hands and forearms. She shook her head and rubbed the mix of burnt flesh and leather off her arms as one would rub on sunscreen. This exposed the muscle that lay under the thick layer of melted skin. Arson clenched her fists as she watched her wounds begin to heal, the skin quickly growing back over her muscle. Arson then picked up the massive metal cannon barrel and started burning her skin again but who cares? and sprinted off after the tank.

When she caught up she pointed the crooked cannon towards the link between one of the main gears and the smaller tank wheels. Lining it up Arson then rammed the tank barrel into the link and hoped that would stop the tank in its tracks. Pun intended.


Edith's expression changed from annoyed to confused in an instant. Though before she could say anything she noticed a shadow flash over her, looking up Edith spotted a familiar face. Transcendent. He was headed straight for her, and if he was here that meant backup was undoubtedly on the way. Quickly jumping back out of Transcendent's path Edith turned on her power and she quickly started to heat up, causing steam to cascade off her body.

Transcendent didn't let up leaping straight towards Edith again, as much as Edith wanted to just send a wave of fire at Transcendent the mysterious woman was behind him. So Edith opted to evade Transcendent again and roll to the side, Edith wanted to run but knew that as long as Transcendent was on her back she would never be able to escape. She would have to take him down first if she wanted to have any chance of escaping. But then came the problem of hurting bystanders, she'd have to give them some time to get away to avoid collateral. So, for now, it's a game of avoid the breaker. At the very least playing keep away would let Edith increase her temperature a little.
I will get to work on that.
Sam watched Naja's axe kick connect, wincing a little. He thought about how lucky he was that these people were on his team, rather than being his opponents. Unfortunately, the ball of Chi Sam had deflected ended up crashing into Naja, sending her flying backwards into the store. Sam was irritated that he'd caused one of his teammates to get hurt, he would have to make this up to Naja somehow...

A twinge of pain pulled Sams focus back onto his dislocated arm. He was about to continue trying to shift it back into place (Which he actually doesn't know how to do) when he realized he could get help with this. Looking over his shoulder he spotted Light, who was already looking at him. She must have tried to talk to him, though Sam had been far too focused on the pain in his arm. Sam let out a pained grunt and gestured to his shoulder. Hopefully, the void creature had some idea on how to relocate an arm... "C-caaan... He-help?" Sam gently let go of his arm letting it go limp.

Nothing. No damage what so ever. fucking tinker tech Ana let out a sigh and looked at Manifold. "Yeah, yeah I know. Fucken thing barely got scratched by Marta. Looks like I'll be punching tanks after all." That said Ana put her gun into the back of the truck and gave Manifold a nod before sprinting off towards the tanks.

Each step carried Ana far further than they had any right to, though instead of making heading straight at them Ana ran off to the side so that the tanks would have to adjust their aim. These tanks were obviously the work of a tinker and while Ana was pretty confident in her durability she'd had enough run-ins with tinker weapons to know that it's not a great idea to just let this stuff hit you, especially when its a bloody tank. Though as Ana quickly closed the distance with the tanks she remembered the rumbling that was shaking the car, that was still a thing she would have to worry about later.

Ana's first priority was disabling the main turrets on the tanks, she hoped she was strong enough to bend the barrels. There was only one way to find out, and the tanks were in leaping distance now. Here goes nothing Ana thought as she jumped at whichever tank was closest, she shot towards the side of the tank like a rocket.


Edith hesitantly took the burgers from the stand owner and watched as the man hurried off. This was stupid she should have just ignored the woman and kept going on her way... Edith unwrapped her own burger and listened to the woman, though Edith was unable to suppress a flinch when the woman asked if Edith wanted to talk about what "What you're running from."

Edith lowered her burger and sighed a little. "My family is the problem..." Edith felt her temper taking hold a little. it seemed that everyone wanted to chime in and help her deal with her troubles. The weirdo saying how to blend in better, and now this nosey chick trying to tell Edith to trust her family. These people had no fucking idea what Edith was dealing with, and if they did they'd probably be trying to lock Edith up and not give her advice.

It amazing how a little bit of ignorance changes peoples perception of you. "I would honestly prefer if you minded your own business. It would be better for both of us if you did." There was a slight hint of aggression in Edith's voice, it was clear she wasn't going open up.

Ana remained scoped, not flinching from the tanks shots, she was too focused on deciding where to shoot. In the end she opted to punch a hole a little to the left of the main cannon. "Cover your ears girls!"

Ana squinted making sure her aim was precise before mumbling to herself. "Pew." The power behind Ana's shot shook the top of the car, and the sound would have probably blown out her ears if she didn't have her helmet on. Ana stayed looking through her scope just so she could see what kind of damage her shot would do. Sure her gun was strong, but tanks are well. Tanks. And from the looks of the firepower on these things, Ana didn't think these were your run of the mill tanks.

Edith flinched a little when she heard someone walking towards her, quickly looking up Edith saw that the someone was a concerned looking young woman. Aside from showing concern, the woman didn't look extraordinary, although the wording of the woman's question did make Edith a little suspicious. Ok Edith, deep breaths... Edith tried to relax her posture but the possibility of this woman was actually a member of the fallen ensure that Edith remained a little stiff. Edith needed to continue moving, standing around like a headless chook was just going to get her caught. Though Edith needed to deal with this person first. "N-no, there was a crash. A h-helicopter! I'm just getting as far from that a-as possible, I want no part in things like that. That's the Guards business."

Edith shifted slightly looking over her shoulder back in the direction of the crash. She looked for a few seconds before turning back to the young woman. "I'll not hold you up any longer." Edith said before awkwardly trying to walk around the young woman and head off down the street.

The woman smiled warmly, stepping sideways to stay in front of Edith. "Now, dear, you look like you need a good meal at the least. I won't invite you home, so don't think that's on the table, but there's a nice little food stand just around the corner that I'd be happy to buy you something from."

Edith gnashed her teeth, what was with all these nosy people today? "I-..." Edith went to speak before taking a moment to think. She had no reason to trust this stranger, but if Edith played it smart she could possibly use this woman as a cover. The fallen would be looking for Edith on her own right?... But again, there was still no reason to trust this stranger. "I'm really not worth your time."

"Nonsense. I have nothing but time anymore since...Well, since the world ended," the woman said a little sadly.

Persistent... "I assure you, this will just be a waste of your time."

"I disagree. No one gets to decide what wastes my time but me."

This wasn't working, this woman just wouldn't back down. "Fine. If you insist." The sooner that Edith appeased this woman's irritating need to supply food, the sooner Edith could get back on the move. And at the very least Edith would be able to test if this two-person cover thing would help her blend in a little more. Or find out that this woman was a fallen spy...

Edith walked a couple of meters into the alley before looking over her shoulder, the stranger hadn't followed her that was good. Edith's shoulders sagged a little as she let out a sigh of relief. At this point Edith had no idea who she could trust, agents of the Fallen could be anywhere. Like cockroaches... Glancing around the alley Edith guessed she could probably rest here, she wasn't super close to the Guard HQ but that was probably for the best. Alleys around the Guard HQ probably had cameras in them.

Edith leaned on one of the alley walls and closed her eyes savouring the moment of quiet. The moment didn't last, of course, the loud sound of a helicopter approaching quickly crushed any sense of calm Edith felt. Helicopters were never good news. There was almost always something wrong somewhere if a helicopter nearby, be it some clogged traffic or a bank robbery helicopters were always there to be a set of eyes in the sky. The sound slowly levelled out and settled, it seemed that whatever was going down was only a block or two away. That was... Much closer than Edith would have liked, though if she stayed put she would probably be safe.

Then suddenly the sound of rotor blades breaking caused Edith to run out of the Alley and look in the direction of the sound. She couldn't see it from where she was but whatever was going on the helicopter didn't sound like it was going to be airborne much longer. Edith quickly decided to run the opposite direction to the sounds of the crash. Edith heard someone talking over a megaphone, but the wind rushing past her made it impossible to tell what they were saying.

Edith full sprinted at least two more blocks away from the event. The distance made her feel a little safer, but full sprinting down the sidewalk would have obviously put some eyes on her. Not to mention she was now another two blocks away from the Guard HQ. Shit, this wasn't good. There was too much going on and there was no alleyway to scurry into. This situation was only getting worse in Edith's head, at this rate she was going to have a panic attack.

Edith paused for a moment before turning back to look at the Enki. Of course, they had to notice, out of all the people there it was the one that looked like a cape who had noticed Edith. ” Thank you for the advice. But I suggest you mind your own business if you value your safety.” Edith’s words came off as more of a warning than a direct threat, her tone being more wary then aggressive.

“Mmm…” the robed cape seemed to consider Edith’s words as they stopped. “Fair enough, I suppose,” they replied as they turned around, their face adorning a smile despite the warning. “Truth be told, you have piqued my curiosity, but I’ve other matters to attend to at the moment, so I’ll just have to hope we cross paths at another time.” With that, the stranger turned around, their white robes whipping around with the movement. “Best of luck!”

Edith locked eyes with Enki for a moment, they didn’t seem like an immediate threat. But Enik’s interest made Edith nervous not only for herself but for Enki as well. Breaking eye contact, Edith looked around for the nearest alleyway; it was one only a couple of meters ahead. She then gave Enki one last glance before slipping into the alleyway without a word. She hoped she’d not cross paths with this strange person again.
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