Avatar of Letmehaveone2


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Hi, Welcome to my profile.

Type of genres I like to rp are mostly anything involving Supernatural beings with some fantasy. Maybe a bit of action every now and then, if you have something funny to post, go right ahead, make me laugh (it's not hard).

I still love crossovers, I just don't do them as much as I used to. (I will join one if it's free roam for the most part and I am allowed OCs)

I do animal rps sometimes (mostly wolves or lions)

Check out all my characters here.

Things I like to do outside of RPG: Play games, watch YouTube or Take a nap. My type of games are MMORPGs(like Everquest or Wizard101), Sims(2, 3 and 4), pretty much stuff like that as long as said game allows for character creation with a variety of options. (I'm a creative person)

My favorite genre of music is mostly rock and anything I can dance and sing along to.

I love all animals but my most favorites are dogs and elephants.

Here's my discord: Tifa's Group

I am an old time rper. I was on the old guild and did a lot of GMing. It's just been awhile since I've been on here.

That's it for now :)

Most Recent Posts

I was just wondering that for Price's sake XD

I don't mind, but he will.
Price finally came up with a song and he was about to play it before seeing a man from behind being dragged towards him and his friend. If this guy was human, he'd had to hope he wouldn't get too close. As he got a closer look without actually getting up, his suspicion was confirmed.

Juno followed Price's gaze and also the same man being dragged towards them.

Tyler stopped what he was doing as he heard customer come in and walked over. "Yes, how can I help you?" He said with a warm smile.

Does human wizard mean Alekis still counts as a human?
Did the dogs pick up Juno's scent or Price's?
@Ninkitty @Scarifar
Both Accepted.
Alright, everyone, IC has started, but people can still join if they want.

Arin was watching the waves as usual while waiting on his girlfriend. Sometimes he would take an opportunity to meet someone new as well if that were to happen.

House - Park
Price made sure to bring his guitar this time. He went to his usual spot in the park and sat down on the bench. Holding his guitar, he began to think of what song to play.

Tyler was busy restocking the shelves as the shop would open soon and he needed to make sure everything was in order before any customers arrived.

Alexander was walking along the sidewalk. He had finally figured out what he was or at least had an idea, but he didn't like the possibilty of the shark killing people or was it eating them? He couldn't tell. Ever since he found this out, he would run off any time he felt his shark side get hungry. As for now, he just kept walking.

Alleyway in the City - Bookstore
Ky sighed as nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary yet. The only crimes he saw were the common ones he knew the police could handle. He was hoping for something more interesting. For now, he decided to visit the bookstore and made his way towards it.

Juno arrived at the park as he knew his friend would be there. He soon found him on a bench playing his guitar as usual. He walked up and sat next to him. Hey, Price. He said to him in telepathy.
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