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@Liotrent seeing as how Azurei is not typical of most fantasy elves, I see no reason to be overly stereotypical. I mean, someone’s Gotta buy their silver.

I like the idea of a sort of tense relationship though, like everything is good.....for now. Depending on how they treat each other, that might change. Kaija is a fickle beast. Heheh.

Well Dwarves are thick skinned when it comes to words, they're stubborn but pragmatic, they have to be if they want to trade. I can't wait to interact with your people.
Posting for re-evaluation

@Liotrent Then you'll get to know Ridahne very well then. I'm thinking people across the mountains contact her (or someone who then passes it on to her, whichever) via message hawk/pidgeon/raven? That way she knows when to go out there and how to prepare. As long as Dunfender is not strongly allied with Fellmore, perhaps they and Azurei could have a sort of working relationship. Either as actual allies or as neutral but mutually beneficial entities.

Actually, considering dwarves are typically the crafty type (I assume yours are, yes?) They might have a decent relationship considering Azurei is known for its silver, and maybe some semi-precious stone like carnelian, or coastal finds like abalone or mother of pearl.

If that's the case I have a feeling we'll get along nicely! The Dwarves are willing to craft and build anything of your liking as long as they are compensated well! Food supplies or other precious materials are all good points of trade.

In terms of our country's actual relationship, it depends on how you treat and interact with the merchants and how they broadcast their culture. My dwarves are obsessed with crafting, so much so that some of the things they make are so well decorated that you could swear it was catching light; it's also why their buildings last much longer because they are so well engineered.

In terms of Fantasy it's a stereotype that dwarves and elves don't get along, but again, different fantasy setting (Also the reason why I don't have dragon slayers - because they haven't actually encountered dragons yet).
Also like, Azurei needs some allies (or enemies bwahahaha.) anyone wanna collaborate?

Also geographically:

Azurei is a desert land, bordered by the sea on one side and mountains to the other. There is a wide pass where the mountains sort of “end”. It is rarely, if ever, guarded because it feeds right into the heart of the Dust Sea and unless you’re prepared and know what you’re doing, just waltzing in there is a bad idea. But if anyone wants to come visit, Ridahne is up for hire haha.

Dunfender is always willing, but my merchants will need guides through the desert.

<Snipped quote by Liotrent>

I'm sure there could be some kind of kinship. Maybe they're like siblings; they're fierce rivals, and bicker and argue about which God is right and how proper dwarves are supposed to be, but instantly close ranks when an outside threat appears. How does that sound?

Perfect! That would work no problem.
@Liotrent I was thinking something similar, that perhaps all dwarves were nomadic at some point in history and that these two tribes of dwarves split long ago for some reason. The Karaki dwarves used to be polytheistic. Maybe the Dunfender dwarves were always monotheistic, and that's what drove them apart all those long years ago?

The prophet Mhaza might have been influenced by the Dunfenders, copying but "refining" their faith.

If that's the case, do they share the same sort of saying "a dwarf is a dwarf" stance on things? Like do we hate each other or are we indifferent or are we somewhat on friendly terms? I'm asking cause for my dwarves they'd help a fellow dwarf no matter their decent.
@golem Would you like to do a sort of shared history thing where since we're both dwarves? It's kind of weird to say we just suddenly appeared on the scene.

The idea that I have in mind is that we were once one culture, because I can see at least in terms of religion that we are quite similar, perhaps we diverged and changed over thousands of years to become the dwarves we are now keeping some things the same but somewhat slightly different. If you want to go with that idea, I would like to discuss how it happened in more detail.

(I keep saying dwarves because I've read tolkiens work... Is it really pronounced dwarf?)
@Blackfridayrule Well it differs from person to person, some people like writing through their character's perspective; for example:

King Benedict sat upon his throne with the ornate table covered in documents and reports, one such paper detailed a recent sighting of foreign troops in a region that was under dispute between his kingdom - Arcoa - and the Federation of Lyria; He immediately took concern and called his military advisers to discuss the matter. Etc.

Some prefer to do it by posting their affairs no matter who or what it affects; for example:

The Kingdom is currently in its golden age, the King has surpassed his predecessors and the country benefits from his success. The Kingdom is at peace, there are few wars, and the agricultural reforms have bore fruit. The citizens rejoice and many want to hold a party in his name nearing his crowning anniversary. Etc.

Although it is preferable to mix both styles, to give a "whole" picture. Like the first few paragraphs could be about the country as a whole through each region and the next paragraphs about the characters and their perspectives and so on.

And in terms of interacting with other players usually this is either done by establishing allies or competing in war and wealth. Basically politics. Politics can be driven by your nation and their description and culture or through interactions with certain things in the world.

I hope that helps. :b <- This is an emoticon BTW.

Welp, it wouldn't be a fantasy world without Dwarves/Dwarfs (Which ever spelling works). I might join as gold loving, master craftsmen, Dwarves that speak in the stereotypical scottish accent cause why not? Besides, someone has to think business among us and have a nasty reputation of being stingy.

a collab between @Necroknight and I

The warm sun that showered the coasts of Japan earlier in the morning slowly disapeared over dark foreboding clouds that signalled the coming of rain. The air was moist and cold while the sea churned a little more with the mild wind.

The coasts of Tokyo lay seemingly quiet, dead bodies of Naga and Imperials litter the sandy beaches with more dead Naga than there were dead Japanese and the beaches and docks covered in craters and charred ground where fires used to burn. Amongst the dead, the Imperials waited quietly, laying booby traps, and nests of machine guns and mortar pits with the now empty buildings serving as temporary watch towers and bunkers for the Japanese. One such building was overlooking the horizon when a sail caught the eye of a sentinel.

The boat was small, clearly not military, though it seems from his dusty, old, world war two era binoculars he saw that it was, in fact, loaded with military personnel. He yelled a whisper, down one of the hallways of what used to be a resort with many bedrooms, the rest of the men down the hall passed the message amongst eachother until it reached the dedicated radio placed near the rear of the building for a quick exit. The message was as follows:

"Possible friendlies approaching in a small civilian sail boat, hold your fire!"

They watched its slow approach as they witnessed the first drops of rain that covered the dull terrain and heard the loud crack of thunder echoing in the distance.

The sail-boat soon stopped near one of the empty docks - as men slowly got off the vessel. One of the gathered men, looked more important than the others. Namely, as any of the Imperials could see - that he wore the typical uniform of a European-style officer. Combined with a decorated jacket and a General' hat.

The man in question, slowly directed his men to shoulder rifles and scout out their approach - men whom wore also something that one might found on an European, than anybody from the mainland. It likely meant two things - namely one, either the remains of the Russian' navy had made land here. Or more likely, although equally surprising - soldiers from Ezo had come here.

Either option seemed a good one, especially if they had somebody with them that looked high on the chain of command - plus the military equipment could be useful as well.

A voice yelled out echoing across the dock, "Don't move! The place is booby trapped, we'll have our sapper guide you through!" as quickly as it was said, a three man team consisting of a rifle man, a submachine gunner, and what looked to be another rifleman with a large pouch strapped to his belt off to the side came running out. They wore Imperial uniforms, Plain Khaki, their helmets covered in leaves and twigs, and their faces painted to blend in to the shadows.

They ran in patterns criss-crossing the dock as many of the traps rellied on tripwire. They also stayed low to the ground going cover to cover ensuring that if the enemy were to show up they'd at least be in decent cover to retaliate. When they finally reached the boat they saluted and introduced themselves promptly as Private Ishikawa Nui as the designated marksman, Corporal Takei Shinji as the point man and designated machine gunner, and Private Tamayo Akira as the squad sapper. They explained that they had to be quick but careful, expressing the need to get back towards on of their strong points.

The 'General' in question saluted them back. Namely addressing himself as Secretary-General Resak - or namely THE leader of the People' Republic of Ezo, right here in the capital of the Imperials. Either he had gotten lost in some storm or had come here on purpose - either way, it meant a likely positive thing.

If the Imperials could get him into contact, with their own people. For the moment, Resak gave a whistle to his men - and barked a few orders, in his own language. Before his own, two dozen men quickly - got off the sail-boat, bringing the equipment and supplies with them.

"Lead the way," he replied, in Japanese - soon following the Imperials back to their stronghold. He himself carried an SKS, with a folded bayonet - better safe than sorry.

Going through the Imperial stronghold the arsenal of the Imperials could be described as cobbled together, with old 1940s technology and knock-offs of soviet tech alongside expensive modern equipment that was either handed to veteran soldiers or to high ranking officials. The defense was quite rustic, tripwire bombs, machine gun nests, spiderholes, things that made it hell for anything that came into Japanese territory, it was very reminiscent of the defenses set up during the 1940's and all the way into the 70's during the heated hostilities against the Soviets. Despite the equipment, everything seemed organized, and soldiers were where they were suppose to be whether it be hiding in a ditch, patrolling, or just building up defenses.

They finally got to the command builiding - a former business office - where the current commanding officer was. They were recieving and giving orders through a relay of radio networks and wired comms. The stronghold was busy, but it operated under low noise. Though the Naga are relatively easy to deal with, the real fighting is happening in the south where Japan's most ill tempered, but most effective officer makes his strike at the enemy.

Corporal Shinji and his small three man squad said their farewells and good lucks and returned to their post in due haste. The commander stepped out of the command building to greet the leader of the People' Republic of Ezo itself and his men, he spoke in their language as a form of respect. "Sir, Good afternoon! What brings you to Tokyo? Are things light in the North?" he inquired as he gestured for them to come into the building and out of the rain.

"No," replied Secretary-General Rasek, in Japanese - indicating he also knew their own language in reply. It had been the previous Secretary-General of the Worker' Party - that had agreed to re-open relationships with the mainland after the Russians completely pulled out of the Japanese Islands. Thus, he was now only the second to date - while he lacked his predecessors knowledge, he was still a young and educated man. One of the first things he learned, when talking in politics - it was always good to understand your own side, but also the side of your receiver.

"Or rather, not on the Northern tip of the mainland," he said - indicating that Ezo or Hokkaido itself was rather clean - and that the Ainu had landed onto the mainland itself. It meant, the usually divided North now likely had at least some form of support. Plus it also meant, that the Ainu were more willing to take an interest in Japanese politics - at least, moe pro-active than in the previous years.

The previous leader had been a good and understanding man - but also, a rather stubborn man. He kept talks going with unification for about seventeen years without much progress - although, while complete unification was several decades away, there still had been some agreements in economic and military matters. Although, perhaps with a new leader - things might be open for change. The North for example might finally agree on something - if any Daimyos still survived.

"No direct radio. These...freaks, severed the only sea-line. So we had to come by person," he explained. "Some of our soldiers, are making for a landing in Aomori. Then push south, until these filth are completely cleaned off the mainland..."

The commanding officer nodded once and resumed speaking in Japanese, "I see... I shall have to inform command of this new information. We were planning on making a Northern offensive, however other concerns led us to focus on the South as the influx of these Green skinned monsters and their beasts seem to be more concentrated there." he said, he gestured to one of his men and passed the message to one of the few radios that works like a link in a chain - they pass the message from one station to another in order to effectively keep near instant communication with the network being at least somewhat more reliable than wire in certain situations.

The radio crackled to life as a response came almost immediately, straight from high command, "Major Nakamura, keep the Secretary-General safe, see to it that he gets what he needs. If the Secretary-General came to Tokyo instead of a simple messenger, then he is here for a reason."

He then promptly turned to face Resak, "Is there anything I can do for you sir?" he spoke with a manner of respect and discipline while keeping his posture straight and neat despite the pouring rain.

"Indeed. I was hoping to get into contact, with the highest in the Imperial Command," replied Resak, pulling off his hat and setting it down onto the table. "We have received broken messages from China and Korea..."

"It seems, that some factions have already been fractured and fighting each other as well as these Invaders," he explained, soon steeling his eyes and looking at the CO of this Outpost.

"We need a united offensive. Otherwise - we'd never be able to clean Japan completely of these freaks," he explained. "We're divided as it is - anything more and likely the future of this land, might be only of tales and ruins..."

"This is why I came. We need to unify our cause, to make sure neither side tries to undermine the other - for any number of reasons," he explained, war was a time of great change but also deep division. If they started out, impacting each other' offensives in small ways - it could easily unravel into a war on three sides. That was something Rasek didn't want - and he was sure the neither did the Imperials.

"A united offensive to drive these filth of the homeland," he added - in a more lower tone. His father had been a Soviet Officer - while his mother had both Ainu and Japanese roots in her. She had been the kinder soul of the family - namely wishing for peace, since in her opinion they were all part of the homeland - one Japan, one people.

The Major considered his words, but then decided it wasn't his place to give any input on the matter. However, he did feel that finally there might be a chance to restore unity to Japan. He turned forty-five degrees on his heel and clicked his boots together then whistled for one of the supply trucks to come over.

He then turned to face the Secretary-General again, "Sir, you will have to talk to the council, the military board, and the steward in person to avoid hiccups through the Network. They are currently in the Chubu region in the Niigata prefecture..." As he was explaining, he gathered a few men to bolster the escort that the Secretary-General came with. "They are in the middle of Joetsu city using an old castle known as Kasugayama as a headquarters until we can be sure that Tokyo is secure."

The Security detail was also asigned a few armored personel carriers coppied from the Russian BMP's. The extra squad that the Major gathered filed into the truck, the APC's opened their doors for the Secretary-General and his men. Overall the convoy would consist of two APC's known as Type-60S and one supply truck.

Major Nakamura then turned to face the Resak and bowed respectfully, "I'm sorry we couldn't get you anything more comfortable Secretary-General, but this is all we have to spare." Nakamura apologized for the lack of luxury they could offer, but what they lacked in luxury could at least offer some form of protection.

"It will do. We are bred in hardship anyway," he replied, as Major Nakamura would get other reports on his radio-man. Who soon arrived to his side in a rush and informed of several dozen sail-boats arriving at their coast.

"I didn't come without bringing some gifts," he added, with a smile - before getting onboard the APC with his own staff of five.

Namely it was a supply run to Tokyo - namely food and ammunition. Mostly the usual 7.62mm - but also some decent guns to use them. Namely the surplus of military-grade SKS, that had been left on Ezo - when the Soviet Union collapsed. Plus the previous Secretary-General hadn't seen any reason to return such weapons post-haste.

Thus the usual Imperials might have a semi-automatic rifles to use instead of the usual bolt or lever-action. Or rather, utilized in this weather. One good thing about Soviet equipment was they worked anywhere in the world, no matter the weather condition.

Plus several bags of ratless rice and fresh fish always helped in boosting the morale if any army.

The good Major would then go on to tell his radio-man to inform logistics of the new influx of supplies. Nakamura then turned to return the smile and bowed again, this time to say thank you perfusely. "The Japanese here would finally have decent food after a year of living off scraps and rations."

"You need to get to Niigata quickly sir, before the southern offensive kicks off, once we are committed to the offensive most of our resources will go to that push."

The Imperials already strong resolve and morale was about to be bolstered by fresh food, new weapons, and more ammunition. The knock-off versions of the SKS and the AK worked rather decently but there were never enough of them, as a result most Japanese infantry used 1940's weapons and the knock-offs and stolen modern weapons went to squad leaders and officers.

"We will not let these gifts go to waste!" he exclaimed proudly, he wished the Secretary-General luck on his journey as they went their separate ways.

Resak, saluted in reply, as the APC' door closed and they were soon quickly off on their trip towards the Chubu region. One thing, that might be most useful was likely the RPG-7s, they had several crates of them. Although, they were easy to use and no doubt - would be useful, if any Siege Beast decided to make its appearance.

For the time being, the offensive was on to clear Japan of the creatures - the offensive for unification, was only several weeks away.
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