Avatar of LokiLeo789


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6 yrs ago
Let me taste you.
6 yrs ago
The Hierarchy Shall Crumble.
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6 yrs ago
"No one man should have all that power."
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6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
"Well as far as brains go, I've got the lion's share. But when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool." - Who?


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A tiny thing it was, a particle of space dust so minute it would’ve escaped notice even if it sat in one’s hand. It hurtled unknown and unnoticed through the vastness of the inbetween, one particle amongst many; a thousand, tens of thousands, as many as the sands of a thousand beaches. Yet, as it was with many great things, this tiny particle of dust, unknown and unnoticed, was a beginning.

A flare of light marking where the particle of dust intersected the plane of the ecliptic, a shockwave was sent rippling through all things comprehensible from the flare, reaching across time and space to touch all corners of reality, known and unknown. And from where it sat brooding in its contemplation of the vast, multi-colored matrix that was the fabric of all understanding from a vantage point outside of reality, a dark intelligence stirred as the ripple washed over it.

Here, in this pocket of existence, the intelligence had waited for what seemed to be an eternity. Waited for this exact moment; an exact moment replayed in countless eternities, announced by the ripple of pleasure across the continuum of understanding. And as it felt the ripple touch it, it paused in its consideration to savor the dark joy that filled it with a rush. Finally it could start it's work.

With a thought the intelligence pressed even further into the reality, into an abyss that was only light. It sped until it felt the cacophony of existence shift, become substance within itself, and the thinnest plane gave shape before it’s eye.

The intelligence bared is body, the crawling mass sloughing off the fires of raw energy with a tumult of movement unending. It gazed upon its new existence with a placid apathy, regarding the entities ever smashing into reality and dirting it without start. Its eye often cast itself upon the originator, the Architect, the summoner of the bastard. Almost like tsunami did his power radiate, awash with purpose and boundless intent. So did it wash over the Abhorrent. And so did it fall away, leaving it as quickly as it came. Yet its vestiges wet its body, unbeknownst to the bastard god, a second purpose took shape under the primary directive.

A flicker a movement. Seemingly eons had passed between rebirth and enlightenment and the entity failed to notice the accumulation of individuality. A frail being, like a reed tossed by a hurricane took flight upon the onset of divine activity. On instinct an appendage reached and grasped for the little thing, the tiny divine’s movement were erratic yet flesh grasped and outstretched arm.

”Fortunate.” it gargled quietly.
Bipolar Bastard.

Felt like finishing all the bastards I created in my free time, since no one is here and might not care and yet I still wanna show off, imma drop em here. Ignore I guess. More will come.


Going for magic may be strange if I go for Incantation (mostly given that Incantations are what triggers a magical effect) so perhaps we could split the magic portfolio?

I could narrow the magic if that would help. But breaking up the portfolio like that might not boad well with others.
All things edgy.

(If no one has claimed, Magic then maybe, otherwise maybe Fear, Deception etc. for now until I’ve put more consideration.)
The Demon Lord, Demon King, Black God, The Dark Lord, The Crimson King, The Eternal Shadow, The Edgiest One of The All, The Edge Above All, The Main Character, Big Dangerous, Edgy Boy, Mean Boy, Rawr xD

Final character, apologizes for the multiple CS posts, they will be removed accordingly.

TBA (Under Heavy Construction)
  • Expansion on Sphere.
  • Abilites for greater understanding of Portfolio, somewhat bare. (Portfolio expansion probable)


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