Avatar of MagusDream


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2 yrs ago
Current Well... after years of being away, I'm... sort of back. Kinda wonder where should I start, though.


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Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Living Room

After playing together for a while, Lucent, Masaru and Kiragi went back to the living room. Kaito was already waiting there, alongside some of the kids.

Kaito: Hey, you three came for the storytime! Sit down, I'm going to begin.

Masaru: Wow, the kids are all eager.

Lucent: (Probably because Kaito has some of the best stories for them... though most, if not all of them include himself as the protagonist...)

Kaito began telling the kids a story about the time when he was fighting pirates. The kids were paying the utmost of attention, while Masaru was kinda surprised about how they loved a story like that. Lucent was actually a little bored, since adventures weren't his favorite genre.

Kaito: And with my mighty sword, I disarmed the captain and pointed my blade at his face! I said, "You shall no longer torment our seas! We're free for travelling and we'll no longer let you rob us!!"
Kids: Whoooooa!!

Masaru: (They're paying so much attention! They're more disciplined than some guys in class!)

Lucent: (Uh... what sort of story is that...?)

Kaito: All citizens got really happy! Thanks to me, everyone managed to live happily ever after without needing to fear the attacks of the evil pirates!
Kids: Yeah!! All evildoers begone or face the strength of Kaito Momota...

Kaito: The Luminary of the Stars!!

Lucent: (... I don't know if I laugh or if I feel embarassed...)

The kids all ran away, in order to play a little more before dinner. Kaito got up, stretched and went to talk with Lucent and Masaru.

Kaito: Whoo, another cool story before dinner to make them happy.

Masaru: That was a little extreme, Kaito, but I found it cool.

Lucent: I'm not a fan of adventures, so...

Masaru: Really? What genre do you like?

Lucent: Horror.

Masaru: H-H-Horror?!

Lucent: Yep. I know some cool horror stories. I'll tell you one some other time. Maybe during lunch...

Kaito: A-Ah, w-when you decide that, can you warn me? I might need t-to check if I won't be busy.

Lucent: As if I'm letting you run away from it. You owe me for that puppy face on the morning.

Kaito: C-C'mon, that was j-just a joke!

Lucent: You're not running away, Mr. Luminary of the Stars. I'm going to tell you a story that will give you the best of nightmares. And you know I can do that.

Kaito: M-Masaru, help me here!

Masaru: I... don't have anything against it, actually. I actually want to hear a horror story.

Lucent: I'm already getting some good ideas...

Kaito: (I-I'm done for...)

Lucent began to think about stories to tell them in the next time. Kaito looked at his grin and got more nervous.
Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Backyard

Masaru did as Kaito asked and went after Lucent and Kiragi. While following them, he saw the duo playing in the backyard.

Kiragi: Hahaha!! You won't catch me this time!!

Lucent: Oh, I will!!

Lucent ran and catched Kiragi, raising him in the air. The boy laughed and smiled from ear to ear as Lucent joined him with his smile and laughter.

Kiragi: That was fun!! Let's play with a ball next! I'll go fetch it!

Lucent: OK. I'll be waiting here.

Kiragi: Don't leave or I'll be really mad.

Kiragi ran inside to fetch a ball for them to play. While he went inside, Masaru approached Lucent.

Lucent: Oh, Mister Masaru. I didn't know you were watching.

Masaru: It's fine. I didn't want to bother you two.

Masaru: I'm glad you're smiling around me now. Seeing you scared when we met worried me...

Lucent: I... I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention.

Masaru: It couldn't be helped. I was a stranger and I immediately scared you. I wasn't being respectful...

Lucent: P-Please stop, Mister Masaru. I'm already feeling guilt from what I did earlier...

Masaru: But you don't have to!

Lucent: I did something wrong, trying to coerce people into killing me. Rayla was right when she screamed at me back then. Still... I'm scared. Scared that my power will take control of me and do what I don't want to happen.

Masaru: Lucent...

At instinct, Masaru hugged Lucent tightly.

Masaru: We're all here for you. No matter what, don't think you're alone. Kaito, Reeta, me... and the others... we will support you, no matter the cost. So please, live.

Lucent: ... I will... try. For you all, I will...

Lucent hugged back for a little but soon Masaru broke the hug.

Masaru: Ah, sorry! I forgot that you're still a little-

Lucent: It's okay. I don't know why but I don't fear you at all.

Masaru: R-Really?

Lucent: Yeah. It's kinda like talking with Reeta and Kaito. I can't explain it, but I don't feel frightened at all.

Masaru: Lucent... you don't know how glad I am to hear that.

Lucent: I-It's no big deal.

Soon, Kiragi returned with a big rubber ball.

Kiragi: Big Bro Lucent, I found the ball!

Lucent: Oh... OK! Let's play then! Mister Masaru, you want to play too?

Masaru: I do, but with one condition.

Lucent: Huh?

Masaru: Stop with the honorifics, alright? I'm your friend. Just call me Masaru from now on, OK?

Lucent: Alright then. Kiragi, toss the ball!

Kiragi: OK, get ready to catch it!!

Kiragi tosses the rubber ball and Lucent runs after it, with both Masaru and Kiragi running after him.

Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Maki Harukawa's Room

BGM: Interrogation Room (Persona 5)

Inside her room, Maki began to talk with Auror about the message received.

Maki: So it was a direct order from your father...
Auror: Yeah. He wants the situation to get foggy again before I rush out into a hunt.

Maki: But how am I going to get the money now?
Auror: He said he'll do the donations personally, just so your identity won't be at risk as well.

Maki: That's... a little of a relief. But what are we supposed to do? We swore to defeat all of those vermin, didn't we?
Auror: I understand what you mean. I can't believe it either. I'm heavily thinking about going on a hunt without him knowing tomorrow...

Maki: Cancel it. Tomorrow's going to rain.
Auror: Really...? Shit, this is so frustrating...

Outside of the orders given by Magnus to Auror, Maki was curious about the Circle once again and decided to ask him about it.

Maki: Auror, what do you think about the Circle?
Auror: I can't wait to have my knife up on each leader's throat. Those scumbags are responsible for the trash lurking around town.

Maki: I can't stand them either. Just the name is entirely capable of being repulsive.
Auror: I heard from the underground that we have a new face that recently joined the Shinaha. Runs by the name of Ling Gui.

Maki: Anyone who joins the Circle is a scum, assassin or not.
Auror: Also, got an info from the maids that those guys attacked a mansion at the Summer Area. One of them was passing by, near the site, and saw the whole thing beginning before running away.

Maki: What? Aren't the Shinaha controlling the Spring Zone?
Auror: Yep. However, their connection with the Circle leader of the Summer Area is actually friendly enough to let those bastards run amok.

Maki: Those assholes... destroying our peace as they see fit...
Auror: When this "break" is over, I'm going to do some talk at the Guild and see what they have to offer about the Shinaha. Depending on what we can do, breaking those fools up will be a nice start to crumble the Circle apart.

Maki: Don't forget to call me in. Stabbing them to death will be my good action for now.
Auror: Chill, I'm going to inform you whenever. Anyway, I'll talk to you later. Gotta help Vivi with her homework...

Maki turned off the call and went back to the entrance. She wanted to see someone before the night could come.
Alright, it's in the tab.

Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Front Yard

As Tatianna and Reeta went their ways, Kaito and Masaru were also going inside. However, some other kids waved to Kaito while holding a ball.

Kaito: Hey, Masaru. Can you do me a favor?

Masaru: What is it?

Kaito: I guess the children want me to play around with them as well. Can you go after Lucent and Kiragi for me?

Masaru: Oh, alright.

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Soon, as Reimu was cleaning the shrine grounds, Marina and Xaizor arrived.

Reimu: Welcome back, you two.

Marina: Good afternoon, Miss Reimu.

Xaizor: Well, now that we're here, I might go train in the back. If you guys need me, I'll be slashing around in the back.

Xaizor went behind the shrine. Marina and Reimu were a little dumbfounded, but only for a moment.

Marina: He is really wanting a fight...

Reimu: Your brother is really a fighting fanatic, isn't he?

Marina: Yes, he is. You know, back at home, he...

Done it. If changes are necessary, I shall do them so.
I'll come up with a CS today.
Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Front Yard

As they reached the orphanage, the kids were playing outside. As they stopped to say hi, Kiragi looked directly at his Big Bro.

Kiragi: Big Bro Lucent!

Kiragi ran and jumped on Lucent, hugging him. He got startled and surprised.

Lucent: K-Kiragi...?!

Kiragi: Yay, you came, you came! Welcome home!

Lucent: T-Thanks...

Kiragi: Hey, hey, can we play now? I wanna play tag!

Lucent: I... guess we can.

Kiragi: OK, it's you then! Try to catch me, Big Bro Lucent!! *runs away*

Lucent: H-Hey, Kiragi! Geez... OK, I'm coming!

Lucent ran after Kiragi, who went inside.

Kaito: Hehe, and there they go. Kiragi's such a good boy and a good help.

Masaru: Yeah, I think so too.

BGM: Inferiority (Rosenkreuzstilette)

From another way, Maki also arrived alone. Since this wasn't the hour she generally came back, Kaito was curious and decided to ask.

Kaito: Oh, Maki! You're early home today! What happened?

Maki: Nothing that matters you, Kaito.

Kaito: Alright then. Hey, did you just see how Lucent and Kiragi are playing happily together?

Maki: Lucent? Is he playing with the kids now?

Kaito: It's all part of the plan to make him more sociable to people. You see-

Maki: Enough, I don't care about it.

Masaru: Maki, you don't have to be so cold like that.

Maki: I am what I am. Feel free to hate me if you want.

Masaru: W-What? No, I won't do that.

Maki: Whatever...

As she was going inside, she noticed Tatianna was with them. Because Maki was absent yesterday, she didn't knew about the return.

Maki: ... So you're back.

Kaito: Maki, what's with the scorn for Tiane?

Alongside Lucent, Maki is one of the most unfriendly residents in the orphanage. She had a way to talk with Lady Amara, a way to talk with the children and a way to talk with the other residents. Among the people there, two stood out on her list. The first one was Lucent, because of how weak-willed he was to live. And the other one was Tatianna, because of how her connections with thugs, her eventual targets, were close.

Maki: I hope you finally made your mind up. It's irritating how you decide to play around and disregard Lady Amara's feelings just to come back like if nothing ever happened.

Masaru: H-Hey, don't pick a fight right now-

Maki: Get the warning between the lines. Neighbor's tip.

Maki went inside, going directly to her room.

Kaito: She's another tough cookie.

Masaru: I have to admit, Maki gives me the chills. It's hard to even look at her.

Kaito: You think so? Anyway, what's this warning she mentioned, Tiane?
Location: Spring Zone Streets

BGM: Lazy Afternoons (Kingdom Hearts II)

Lucent, Kaito, Reeta and Masaru walked down the road, going towards the orphanage. The sunset began to end.

Kaito: But man, who'd imagine Marina was actually that powerful! I know they're both from other worlds, but that's still impressive.

Lucent: I was surprised as well. I wondered how her magic would work, but the display was more than different.

Kaito: Right?! I mean, she first blew away the guards like leaves, made Melanie dance on her palm and then she raises a blinding light like that!

Masaru: It shows how we can't defy the people of Lacrima. If Marina had that power while being so reserved, imagine Xaizor who seems to be so reckless in a fight.

Lucent: I... actually imagined about it. It gave me the shivers, actually.

Masaru: Me too. I don't think I want to cross that guy's sword.

Kaito: Hey, I was wondering one thing. Remember how Marina said she studies power or something like that?

Masaru: I do. She said that her studies were involving many different types of powers.

Kaito: This whole incident with this terrorist group going after girls... do you think that, if by chance, she can help us with what she knows?

Lucent: You mean, discovering why girls were being kidnapped? But why should we go after that?

Kaito: Well, duh, so we can stop them! It also helps those girls in order to control their power, don't you think?

Lucent: Yeah, I guess. But still...

As they talked about Kaori, Masaru reminded himself of another girl who fell victim to the kidnapping.

Masaru: That reminds me... there was another girl that was victim of the same kidnapping as Andorina's friend.

Kaito: Who?

Masaru: A first year. Her name is Sayaka Maizono. She has been absent for a while now. The only one who keeps contact with her is Veronica.

Lucent: I hope both her and Kaori are OK. I think Andorina and Veronica are both taking this a little hard.

Kaito: Without a doubt they are. The pain kinda reaches here...

Lucent: I wish that something like this won't happen again with anyone...

Masaru: I share the wish.
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