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<Snipped quote by mdk>
I hope you are not serious. It doesn't take a lot of thought to see how that's not the same thing.

One key difference is that only one of them has anything to show for their efforts.
<Snipped quote>He's been bankrupt 3 times, and he bankrupted a Casino, which is quite a feat to say the least.

Let's not go waaay out there and pretend Trump smashed this thing. The "Leftists are all ebil monsters and everyone knows it and thats why everyone everywhere loves Trump" narrative is a surefire way to land your own philosophy in the same type of unreality as that of the small cadre of SJW type space cadets you assume to be everybody left of center. The bitterness after the election was going to happen one way or another.

"Bitterness" is being pretty lenient with the language. From where I'm sitting it looks like unbridled hatred, with some cry-bullying and hoaxing and just a dash of attempted mass-assassination. This was not "always going to happen," and we shouldn't be writing it off or explaining it away. I mean we've BEEN doing that, for a while, but..... idunno. I'm sick of pretending this is how shit is supposed to be. Once you start looking for reasons why the hatred keeps spreading -- well, you start to form some opinions about the leftists in the media.
<Snipped quote by mdk>

I'm glad you think so!

Are thetin levels part of my biochemistry?
you really don't have a choice ;)

Aw that's cute. The self-professed mind slave is condescending to me. How droll.
<Snipped quote by mdk>
Evolution and genetic determination are very important except for when you look at how it affects different human groups because that's raycis and wrong :^))))))

It's not doublethink if your biochemistry made you do it.
Phrenology is just being kept down by the man! There is a conspiracy to silence proponents of phrenology!

weren't you talking like five posts ago about how literally one's entire life and free will are determined by their genetics?
Nope. He didn't use as much money during the campaign because CNN covered that for him by just repeating all his speeches and campaign promises over and over and over again. But he needed to be rich to have the access that he had, to spend so much time building his political brand and campaigning without real hurt to himself, and of course to have ever been enough of a public figure to make waves in the first place. If next campaign season you or I managed to pull off the same thing, well, that would be proof you don't need money. At this point though, the wealthiest candidate won.

I'm betting that you're not arguing CNN was an arm of the Trump campaign. Think of every second of CNN's Trump coverage as a poorly-invested thousand dollar bill from the Clintons.
<Snipped quote by mdk>
China probably knows that nothing tastes better than Trump Steak.

I'll take mine Pepe Rare.
<Snipped quote by mdk>

That has been going on for quite some time. Shit, Xi Jinping hasn't even met with Kimmy III, and the latter has been office since, shit, five or six years ago wasn't it? That's a situation delivered to him on a silver platter. Hence why I used the Cuban missile crisis as an example, something that actually requires political delicacy.

Well TBF I haven't seen a whole lot of delicacy from Trump in any situation ever. But the shit he's doing certainly seems to be working -- China's turning back DPRK coal and taking ours (and our beef); Qatar is in the ringer for terror support, Assad's chemical weapons (which Obama "handled" delicately) are crippled, etc etc.

You're right that if something big happens and Trump fucks it up, that would be bad -- but you could say the same for any incumbent ever, there's been no indication (other than angry tweeting and pretty much every aspect of his persona) that Trump's in any danger of having that happen. His record is kinda spotless and full of winning atm.
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