Avatar of MeteorD
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    1. MeteorD 7 yrs ago


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I don't do alot, but I am the best

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Judging from Apocrypha materials, it might have been originally planned for her to revive herself

Furthermore, one aspect of the plot that was decided near the beginning was that “Frankenstein will use her Noble Phantasm and revive”
@Shadow Daedalus
Here's a simple one if you want
lol, I was actually thinking I had to measure up to yours since I considered them better. This is my first experience with forum RP like I said so
Fell asleep before finishing the post yesterday RIP
That came out alot longer than I thought
Urquhart Castle

【 Interacting with Sonja @vFear; Lancer of Red @Cu Chulainn; Saber of Black & Albert @Turboshitter
【 Magical Energy: 1200/1200 】

The great Berserker sped across the battlefield, his eyes solely set on the Saber before him, the Saber that would threaten even this great a number of Servants. Watching the man however, was a far crueler fate to submit the Golden Boy to than an actual fight. He had to watch wordlessly as the man took the life of a child begging for her life. He had to watch as the man seemed to bear the expression of a 'kind', yet 'merciless' man when committing an act that could never be forgiven.


A bloodcurling roar was released from the beast, not even remotely attempting to catch him off-guard. Getting the attention of Saber when it was 'unideal' for lowering his defenses was entirely based on his own desires. He wanted the man to feel the weight of one who opposed him, one who wouldn't accept his acts or allegiance. With his axe clutched firmly in his hands, his eyes burned with hatred towards the man. This, this was a Berserker.

It was at this point, that the man invoked the Crusade against him. Resembling an unending wave of terror, it washed over the battlefield with the influence that 'they could not win'. The great power invoked by the Servant would inflict all that seeked to oppose him. It didn't work. No, not only did it not work, it didn't even slow him down at all. However legendary the man may be, an animal like Kintaro cared not for anything that didn't involve brute force, and as such, he would simply overpower the wave without a second thought. Moving faster than expected at the end, he took forth with an instantaneous spurt, swinging the great Golden Axe from above his right shoulder, slamming it down towards the man. He was prepared. His sword was raised, and held to parry the blow. The first impact of the battle had occured, and it could be heard all around them. The sheer strength of Sakata Kintoki would make even the earth itself cave in fear, and so it did. Beneath Saber's feet, the ground had gone concave, as if forced down by the shockwave alone. For half an instant, the battlefield stopped, stunned by the sound and impact before continuing in a dreamlike haze of the occurence.

The Heroic Spirit wasn't weak however, and managed to successfully deflect the blow down to the ground and moving out of the way himself. A pillar filled with nothing but dirt exploded into the air, partially covering the vision between the two close combatants. He dragged the axe up from the ground, and swung it to the side. An obvious miss, the man simply moved back to avoid it. However, contrary to the attitude held against him, the man was acting on both through thought and instinct. Even in circumstances like this, he had fully avoided being inflicted by madness, carrying himself with the golden radiance of a man who sought not to kill, but to save. Fighting against Saber in circumstances like this wasn't ideal for either of them, the chaotic situation surrounding their Summoning being far too volatile. If he was to die, then his Master, and the young ones she wished to save, would likely lose their life. He was the one thing that would keep all of the other Servants from turning on her, so he had to live. Gritting his teeth in frustration, the enraged expression had still yet to fade.

From out of seemingly nowhere, a rain of multicolored spells rained down upon him, all with the clear intent of taking his life. Weak. A sudden manuever like that, regardless of his complete lack of resistance towards magic, would still be completely ignored. The level of the spells wasn't nearly sufficient to reliably wound him, and more just served as a minor annoyance. It tore on his clothes, but as much as he loved the gold that adorned him, his priority would never shift. As long as he was Sakata Kintoki, he would have his eyes on the singular noble objective. Little to no marks were left from each and every one of the spells, instilling a primal fear into the casters who had rained down upon him and being completely ignored. He was out of their league, perhaps he truly was a...

"Been called a monster plenty o' times in my life, but to have such things told to me by another chosen by the Grail as a Hero..."

- One more step. It didn't take more than that to close the distance between them, his axe broke into the blade once more. He was keeping an eye on him certainly, did it even matter? The high-roller of the battlefield didn't seem to think so, as he carried on his next attack as if the first one had never happened, carrying the same unearthly vigor and terror. He stared down into the eyes of Saber, the widened eyes being just barely visible beneath the sunglasses. -

"Maybe it ain't all that wise after all if it's willin' to summon actual Monster."

A Hero. It was easy to interpret what he had said as referring to himself as a monster, but his eyes conveyed another part to the message. In this battle, Saber was the one who was serving a wrongful purpose. An unshaken resolve, held only by those who 'knew' that their actions were just. All Heroes in all tales knew the expression held on Berserker's face. While it never looked the same on any two people, the emotions it carried were always the same. Each and everyone one who had accomplished a great selfless deed that gave them a seat upon the Throne of Heroes had felt it at one point in their life. 'I am the hero, and you are the villan.' He wanted it to be cemented into the mind of wrongdoers, there was no tale in which he was the bad guy. He had felt guilt for his actions only once, and rather than bringing uncertainty, it made him even more relentless in his pursuit to always 'do good'.

"Over here, quickly! Berserker, begin a fighting retreat! We're all leaving!"

The voice echoed in his mind. He wasn't paying much attention to the rest of the battlefield, but the words of his Master was loud in his ears. Before letting Saber deflect his blow once more, he sneered at him. His motion hadn't as much been 'recognized', as he decided to do the only thing that would always work. Rather than seeking to get his axe to connect with the body of the Servant, he pushed. Even the word itself felt miniscule compared to the action. Saber's sword moved elegantly to escape the connection between their two weapons, but Berserker would just use the time remaining to fling Saber backwards with sheer force. Not too close, not too far, Saber would land ever so slightly off-balance. No, that was an overstatement. If an 'instant' wasn't fast enough for Servants, Saber would correct his landing in a way that wasn't percieved at all. However, it was expected. An arrogant assumption, but it was the only kind that this meathead knew. If he couldn't hit the opponent, then he would simply find new ways to wail on him until his opponent had no choice but to get hit. Kintoki didn't as much 'follow after' as he simply moved in that direction at the same time, bracing himself for another attack. There was no way he would be able to deflect the blow entirely, but there was no way he would get hit. So, his weapon would just have to start 'getting hit' instead. What was the purpose behind it? Was he disobeying his Master?

Trust. Any direct attempt at retreating would leave him more vunerable, so he simply depended on Lancer and Rider to find a way to make Saber retreat. He wasn't good at making plans, but he was good at trusting people, almost to a fault. If they weren't able to accomplish it or simply planned on leaving him for dead, then he would surely be just that. But at the very least, this time he was rewarded for it. Just as the heavy blow to Saber's weapon was about to be dished out, he immediately disappeared. Berserker had expected him to leave, but even his expectations had taken been leaped over. That was faster than he could ever have hoped for. For a quick moment, he looked around before spotting the sight taking place before the Master of Saber. Impaled. What a merciless Master, the Servant had been used as a plain meatshield for the great spear Lancer had thrown. And now, he was seeing the punishment for it. Assassin was behind him, holding a deathgrip on the Master of Saber. Was... Was the battle won? Was it safe to tell his Master that they were no longer in danger? The situation was so odd, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Force. Overwhelming force descended upon the battlefield. His lungs used the remaining air from the seconds of relief to immediately shout out.


Intimidate, startle, alert. It didn't matter what effect his words were going to have, as long as it was 'something'. He was too far from the scene to stop anything that was going to happen, so all he could hope is that those who had just fought alongside him would gain something, anything from him calling out to them before the inevitable disastrous outcome that was going to occur. No man would hold such confidence with a sharpened edge to his neck and his Servant dead if he wasn't certain that the danger was 'non-existant'.

Saber had 'moved', no 'appeared'. Lancer was hit by a blow sending him flying into a building, and a young girl came out of the woodworks to begin conversing with the Master of Saber. She was safe. She didn't know who it was, if it was an ally or enemy, but that question would soon be answered regardless. His attention didn't need to be on her to protect her, and neither did the other Servants on 'his side'. Quickly and desperately, he scouted his eyes across the battlefield amidst the chaos, and saw that one boy, the one who seemed to be the leader of their current group, and the Master of Assassin.

"Sorry Master, I'll be right there, but I first have to take care of something! Don't stop running, head as far away from here as possible, I'll meet up with ya in a bit!"

It wasn't much, but Berserker wanted her not to worry, and indirectly confirmed that his own sanity was intact even during circumstances like this. Assassin had been knocked away by the young girl that just entered the battlefield, so Berserker found only one immediate priority objective. He began running across the highlands. This time, for the sole purpose of gaining speed, as while the ground beneath him certainly had trouble keeping his weight, it wasn't tearing up in the same manner as before. His axe dematerialized, as he moved in towards the Master of Assassin. The boy seemed to be talking to the Master of Saber, though calling it 'talking' after his final action would probably be rude. It wasn't as much a display of 'strength' as it was trickery, and when lacking strength, that was all one could really resort to. The scene gave put a momentary grin on his face, as he swooped in grab the Master of Assassin mid-run. His muscled arms weren't 'comfortable' but the strength in them was reassuring. He wouldn't let any other child die on this battlefield.

"Assassin's Master right? Is there anyone you've left behind that we can still save?! We don't have much time!"

He curved his path and ran with the speed of a galloping horse, holding the child in a powerful grip while shielding his figure from any incoming spells that would be fired their way, a big smile on his face. The situation didn't call for it, but when around those in terror, the only thing he could do is smile to give them even the slightest security in him.
Will post mine later today, have to prepare for my own session first lol
Also, got Kintoki on NA today. What a best.

<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>

Modifiers doubled stats?

Yes. They made it a point to mention in Stay Night in relation to God Hand.
Cu said he's posting today so I'm waiting for that before I make mine
I don't mind it, it is an A++ or something Skill after all so.
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